Monday, October 30, 2006

The Lost Community Podcast - Episode 4

In this episode hosts David A Dein and Steve Guglich discuss "Every Man For Himself", Episode 4 of Season 3 of the ABC Television program Lost. This podcast episode gets rough and one of the hosts comes out battered and bruised. Listen intently and join in on the fun by sending your e-mail and mp3 comments to or leave them a message by phoning (206) 600-0952. They've made it so easy to participate, you really have no excuse now!!!

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Cam794 said...

ello ALL! HAPPY LOST DAY!!!!!!!!!! i cant wait for 2nite!

Dennis said...


You need to add some Korean Sushi recipes, in honor of Jin.

tlcm said...

dennis: good idea! that was a carpocio (not sure about the smelling), right?

CattyGirl said...

Admin, I understand that they have ruled out one character as being the one who will die, but one out of all our lostaways isn't giving us much of a spoiler. Just my opinion... Whatever is decided is fine with me.

CattyGirl said...

How about Sun's Garden Salad? ;)

Dennis said...

For everyone with bad spelling (myself included!)...

The newest version of FireFox 2.0, has built-in spell check. It automatically underlines misspelled words as you are typing your comments. You can right-click the misspelled words, and it will correct them for you.

If you don't already use Firefox (instead of Internet Explorer), you should check it out. It is more secure than IE, has less pop-ups, and more features.

You can download it here:

The Penuels said...

I actually only listen to about 70% of the Official Podcasts so I'm not a good authority on how often spoilers leak out. Maybe my example is the only valid one ever, but I bet there are a few others. I was just trying to be sensitive to the people who are highly sensitive to any and all types of spoilers...if the podcast contains spoilers, we just need to have some sort of clarification on what content should and should not be discussed.

Thanks for the dialogue, it helps.

The Penuels said...

very cool!

Dennis said...

How about Roasted Boar? or Colonel Locke's Fried Polar Bear?

Black Swan said...

1. Do you consider content of US and Canadian "Promos" to be spoilers?


2. Do you consider content of the AOL and other Sneak Peek scenes (often available on YouTube) to be spoilers?

Not sure - never go to AOL, but YouTube should be OK if it's not containing something from future episodes that hasn't already been shown on tv either thru past episodes or previews.

3. Do you consider content of publications (i.e. Kristin at eonline, Ask Ausiello at TV Guide, "Doc" Jensen at, etc) that mention not-yet-aired actors/directors/plotlines/flashback plans/etc to be spoilers?

yes, I consider SOME content of these publications to be spoilers. Much of Doc Jensen's, for ex, are pure speculation on his part.

4. Do you consider content of The Official Lost Podcast that mentions not-yet-aired actors/directors/plotlines/flashbacks/etc to be spoilers?

Not sure, since I don't often listen to these

5. Do you consider personal speculations on what might happen (based solely on past episodes) to be spoilers?

No. I also do not consider speculations about the previews to be spoilers.

6. Do you consider content of The Lost Experience and inferences built off that content to be spoilers?


Dennis, I'm enjoying your pumpkins flickr page!

Passafist and goog,
Another great podcast! I feel honored to have been quoted:)

Cam794 said...

hey i need help how do i post a picture for my profile if i edited it in paint. becuz there is no browse thing were it says photos

Cam794 said...


maven said...

We all seem to be coming to a consensus re spoilers. Glad to see we are all heading in the same direction! Thanks again to David for soliciting our opinions!

Re Lost recipes: Island Dreams Soup ala Juliet!

Christine said...

ok, so I am going to post a question. I don't know if it is a spoiler, so I will do the spoiler stuff. could someone please comment about it for me? thanks

The question I have is about the man with the eye patch seen in the preview. I keep hearing him compared to the man in the mural/hatch painting with his eye crossed out. If that is so, then why is he wearing his patch over his right eye, and the man in the mural has his left eye crossed out. Could they be different people? Thanks.

************END SPOILER************

Tess315 said...

Oh no you don't have to apologize. Like I said once I realised it was speculation on the promo and not from a spoiler site or something I was cool with it no big deal.

The Penuels said...

Not sure what you're asking. You should be able to edit your blogger profile and add a new picture in the same way you added the picture you have now. Can you clarify your question?

April and Eli said...

Admin and everyone else,

I wouldn't put it past the writers/producers to do a flashback of a dead person if their character still had meaning in an episode. Hasn't happened yet but you never know.

One reason I like LOST so much is because you never know what will happen. After all, there's polar bears for goodness sakes!

Cam794 said...

yea i edited my piture in my thing were u can paint things like my picture is of a polar bear an i drew an 8 on it with my paint program. but the piture thing doesnt have a browse button on it so how can i do it?

Dennis said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Dennis said...

Cam794 said... hey i need help how do i post a picture for my profile if i edited it in paint. becuz there is no browse thing were it says photos ... yea i edited my piture in my thing were u can paint things like my picture is of a polar bear an i drew an 8 on it with my paint program. but the piture thing doesnt have a browse button on it so how can i do it?

Make sure you save your picture as a JPG, PNG or GIF, not a BMP.

The picture you use for your profile has to be "on the web". You can't upload it directly to Blogger. If you need a place to upload it to, try ImageShack.

The Penuels said...

I get it Cam. Dennis is right. If you want, you can email me the picture and I'll upload it and send you the web address to put in on Blogger.

ib4uc said...

dennis, I uploaded my picture directly from My Pictures -- not from the web. I changed mine recently and the 'help' in blogger was confusing (well, for me it was). Don't ask me how, but I got it changed.

April and Eli said...

Cam, don't feel bad. I can't get a hyperlink to work, and I'm married to a programmer!

Cam794 said...

w00t! yay! so wat do u think of my new pic???!!!

Cam794 said...

also i was just listenin to da OFFICIAL LOST PODCAST and they said that Jae's death was definitly suicide so that therory is out to rest

Dennis said...


LOL. I like that the little bear is a 4 and the big bear is an 8.

I'd hate to have the job of spray painting polar bears...

Thrasher76 said...

Happy Lost day!!! I am sure there will be a new post soon!!! wink wink!!

tlcm said...

one last item for the Lost Island menu:

Snowman Marshmellows!!! (w/ and w/o carrot nose)


good night all. I'll be lurking tomorrow.

Cam794 said...

lol dennis
het thrasher u should use Mr.Eyepatch for the picture on the main page :)

Thrasher76 said...

If I was making it I would! I do know that David is in the middle of it right now though.

and how about Peas & Carrots?

Mr. Eko's Kung Pow Chicken, eaten with mini jesus sticks

Just jumping on the band wagon at the last minute!

Black Swan said...

I like your bears, cam794!

Can't wait for tonight's ep!!

Cam794 said...

thx codysmom neither can i who do u think is gonna die Thrasher?

The Penuels said...

Kinda awkward where you placed the "8" on that polar bear. I don't know if I want my eyes drawn to that area on a mammal that doesn't wear pants.

Aradia said...

Hello all. i to late to answer the Survey? :) Well...I'm going to anyway. ;)

1. No to all of them. US, Canada, first gen or second gen. These are all things you are going to run into easily and frequently no matter what you do. Besides, a tidbit of what's about to happen helps in the speculation of what is past.
2. All of these things are like promos. Even the individual scenes that 'leak' out. They are edited, and manipulated, or just misleading, and all so that the staff of the show can have a laugh as they think "Wonder what the bloggers are going to make of this."
3. Yes. The people listed below have connections. They know people that actual work on the show (color me jealous) and they have a direct line to what is going to happen. True that sometimes what they tell people isn’t true (they like to have just as much fun messing with the fans as the production team does), but their jobs are somewhat associated with what they leak. (They lie too much and they are no longer effective in their jobs.) So they are generally more on with their spoilers.
4. No. Damen and Carlton like to mess with people. And even if they do leak a spoiler there is no guarantee that you'll realize it. (Like who Kate is going to pick which they apparently spoiled in their last podcast...I missed it.)
5. No. Unless you know someone on the cast or crew that has told you specifically that Charlie is going to die tonight or that Claire is the soon to be outed gay character, personal speculation is not a spoiler. Otherwise, what would be the point of hanging out here?
6. No. We have, as yet, little to no correlation between TLE and Lost. We know that it should fit in, and in the future we may (although I believe Damen and Carlton said we wouldn't) find out how the two pieces of the puzzle fit together. Till then TLE is back ground information, and has very little to do with current speculation. sum up, and in my best Madeline Khan singing voice....

Aradia said...

Wow...what is my problem. Every time I post around here I leave a book behind. Sorry

Cam794 said...

HAHAHA yea i kno but were else on his face? haha

p.s. it would b cool if u put Mr.Eyepatch on the main page for the episode :)

Thrasher76 said...

LOL!!! I think there is a Comicus among us!!!

I am not sure Cam, possibly a non-important person like last week....

blueheron13 said...


Technically, Damon and Carlton didn't say who Kate would pick. I would say more, but I'll wait to see the results of the spoiler survey first.

Cam794 said...

na cuz on spoilerfix it says a MAIN island survivor so hmmm....... i wonder..........

Cam794 said...

also on spoilerfix if any1 is intersted on who kate is gonna pick is says on spoilerfix i knew it....

Chris Procter said...

xHi Guys,

Just a quick catch up before bed....

Just a thought can we really believe anything that Damon and Carlton say about anything that has not aired.

They menioned filming a flashback for a character I won't mention here but were they telling the truth?

He he - tension reinserted!

Dennis great call on Firefox, I have it I just keep forgetting to use it over Explorer 7.... whatever happened to Netscape Navigator and Mosaic....

Aradia said...

Blueheron - Oh thank god! I thought I was slipping.

thinbluemime said...

I guess we can just be glad that cam used an "eight" and not a "nine" on that bear.

Anyway, few hours before that show starts :)

If Fenris is lurking, he may find this interesting. I took last podcast by Cuse and Lindelof and searched for backwards sublimonal messages ( I never quite leave ARG mode) and found some interesting sounds.

Sounds clips and discussion here:

Dennis said...


You should go back and read through today's posts. David has requested that people not post spoilers here.

There is also a spoiler questionnaire that you can answer...

Go up and see Administrator's posts at:

10/31/2006 10:38:09 PM
11/01/2006 09:19:36 AM

Capcom said...

Admin, no worries, no apologies, and take care of the things that are important in life :-)

Thanks for creating the survey. Everyone's answers are great. My feelings are:


I think that for the most part our usual or longtime posters are very sensitive about spoilers and the discussion of them. But we sometimes get new posters who aren't used to how this blog is set up, and once someone gives a lead to a spoiler site for those who want to go there, then some posters think it's open season on flat-out discussing the spoilers on the blog.

It's only a TV show, and I wouldn't stop reading/lurking/posting here unless spoiler conditions got ridiculous, which I don't see happening, but I am sad that some posters have not returned in a while, I miss them. But that's their choice I guess.

The other thing is that since the episodes, minus 20 minutes or more of commercial ads, usually only add up to about 40 minutes ** or often less ** of actual showtime, once spoilers have been revealed there is not much left of the show to watch that is new. Not bloggers' fault, but ABC's and TPTB! :-(

TLCM, hang in there till the bitter end. The end does come and then it's all over. And good for you for being able to even think of food during chemo, I couldn't even do that. BTW, please post your recipe for pumpkin cheesecake here, if that's not to off-topic! :-)

Dennis, I thought that your original spoiler posts was very good and should have remained posted for guidelines as well.

Dennis said...

thinbluemime said...

I guess we can just be glad that cam used an "eight" and not a "nine" on that bear.

...or the "infinity" symbol OO

Cam794 said...

dennis that wasnt a spoiler i just said that you could find out not really posting it

Dennis said...
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Dennis said...

Cam794, I didn't say you posted a spoiler. :) I was just saying you (and everyone else) should read the Admins' posts from today.

For your convenience, here are the survey questions if you'd like to answer them:

1. Do you consider content of US and Canadian "Promos" to be spoilers?

2. Do you consider content of the AOL and other Sneak Peek scenes (often available on YouTube) to be spoilers?

3. Do you consider content of publications (i.e. Kristin at eonline, Ask Ausiello at TV Guide, "Doc" Jensen at, etc) that mention not-yet-aired actors/directors/plotlines/flashback plans/etc to be spoilers?

4. Do you consider content of The Official Lost Podcast that mentions not-yet-aired actors/directors/plotlines/flashbacks/etc to be spoilers?

5. Do you consider personal speculations on what might happen (based solely on past episodes) to be spoilers?

6. Do you consider content of The Lost Experience and inferences built off that content to be spoilers?

blueheron13 said...

Hey, there was a new post and then it disappeared!

Capcom said...

Cam, your first post was a spoiler, as you stated what you read on Spilerfix.

You posted: "na cuz on spoilerfix it says......[spoiler info]............."

blueheron13 said...

New post everyone!

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