Wednesday, March 04, 2009

LaFleur - Season 5, Episode 8

In tonight's episode, Sawyer and other island survivors perpetuate a lie to protect themselves from mistakes of the past.

Secrets? Lies? Mistakes? Must be Wednesday!

And this week, a little something for the ladies - Sawyer in a snappy DHARMA jumpsuit with the logo conveniently hidden. Sawyer Workman maybe?


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Tess315 said...


Black Swan said...


Black Swan said...

yay! you and me, sayid'sgirl!!

Melissa_Lossa said...

Ben gives the worst pep talk.

Black Swan said...

I know what it says on Sawyer's jumpsuit... it's cool! all I'll say other than it will remind you of something he said a long time ago.. lol!

Capcom said...

Awww, neat science cat pic Memphish, thanks for the link!

OK, I've watched this ep about 6 times now and every time Ben attacks Locke I totally crack up thinking about Niagra Falls!! That's LoCo classic fershur. X-D

Tess315 said...

Being upredictable I think is why some are in the 70's and some aren't.

Black Swan said...

Me too, capcom! Who thought of that Niagara Falls thing? it's perfect!

Black Swan said...

Four-toed statue?!?!?

Melissa_Lossa said...

Oh my god - is that the statue?!

Capcom said...

Was it Village?

I have to say, I called it all wrong about Ben, I expected him to have run off by himself after the plane crashed.

Black Swan said...

Wow, Sawyer jumped in to get Locke with NO hesitation.. cool!

Capcom said...

Hey, there's the funny dude from mad Men!

Capcom said...

What the cheez Horace?!

Black Swan said...

Yay!! The new sheriff's in town!!

Melissa_Lossa said...

Yea! Horace is on my fantasy team!

Sawyer is Head of Security? I love it!

Tess315 said...

Is that all I'm going to get to see of my 4 toed statue?

TakesaVillage said...

Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.

Capcom said...

LOL Blacky!

Black Swan said...

LOL, Horace blowing up trees out by the pylons, drunk!

Melissa_Lossa said...

Black Swan, you've just been dying to say that, haven't you? *wink*

StillWatching said...

The new sheriff! Gotta love it.

Black Swan said...

Yep, melissa! I've known for a long time.. lol! And that makes Jin his deputy!

Tess315 said...

So they've been in the 70's for 3 years.

Black Swan said...

Miles = deputy? (funny)

Kishia said...

Gotta love Sawyer in glasses

Capcom said...

I LOVE how those DI guys are afraid of Sawyer!!! X-D

Black Swan said...

24! Michelle is Horace's wife!

Melissa_Lossa said...

What happened to Samantha Morton, I wonder?

Kishia said...

Wonder what story will get them into the Dharma club.

Capcom said...

Call me crazy, but it's really weird getting used to TPTB announcing with text where we are in time this season, instead of just making us figure it out on our own flying blind!

Black Swan said...

Sayid'sgirl, yep.. they've been in the 70's for three years, and the O6 were in the 'real world' for 3 years... it matches up!

lost2010 said...

I like the Sawyer and Juliet show so far. Shoot first, ask questions later.

Tess315 said...

So the comic con video is making more since now.

lost2010 said...

And now we know how Dan got a chance to warn Charlotte.

Black Swan said...

LOL, the Sawyer and Juliet show! She's a really good shot! More 'others' training?

Black Swan said...

the truce? we have to bury them!

Black Swan said...

Sawyer's a professional, he used to lie for a living.. so he takes over!

Capcom said...

Way to go Juliet!!

Black Swan said...

ah, earplugs!

acewebguy said...

Man, Dharma's got a logo for every job!

Black Swan said...

back then babies can be born! interesting!

Melissa_Lossa said...


Was anyone else afraid we were going to see a Sawyer/Juliet kiss in there?

lost2010 said...

I think it's safe to say they didn't hook up. Surely, that was a hug your girlfriend moment if they had.

Black Swan said...

I guess Juliet's cover has been blown by helping with the baby being born

Capcom said...

I hope that do Melissa, and then Sawyer can tell Kate to kiss my grits when he finds her.

Tess315 said...

But why did he say all their babies were born on the mainland?
Sounds like they shipped them off for birth.

Black Swan said...

I agree lost2010... it's all a cover!

Tess315 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
TakesaVillage said...

Finally,Juliet has a winner.
Great line by Sawyer."It's already fried".

Capcom said...

Oh no, I'm gonna cry! :-(

Black Swan said...


Tess315 said...

little Charlotte. :)

Ellen said...

Wow, Charlotte was so cute!! All that pretty red hair, no mistake about who she is at any age...

Tess315 said...

Yep Richard.
I wonder what kind of truce they have where they have to bury anyone the kill?

And if they have a truce why are they so scared of them?

Black Swan said...

Yeah, that was a nice touch with little Charlotte

TakesaVillage said...

I think he meant big Island.

Ellen said...

Daniel just seems so despondent. I wonder if he'll perk up and snap out of his funk now that he's seen Charlotte as a little girl...

Black Swan said...

They are scared of Smokey! and maybe smokey is why they want to make sure they are buried?

lost2010 said...

I think Richard knows the truce is broken. Oh heck, Sawyer and Juliet caused the purge.

Melissa_Lossa said...

Sayid's Girl - maybe they just shipped them off to the mainland because they didn't have access to all of the doctors or equipment they might need on the island?

It seems like if there was a problem with pregnant woman, Dr. Intern would be a little more panicky.

Tess315 said...

That what I thought at first TAV but why would they need to use the sub to the other island?

Ellen said...

Sayid'sgirl - didn't the statue look like anubis from behind? (except for the color, of course)

Black Swan said...

the truce has been broken! Richard is missing two men .. you're right, lost2010!

Melissa_Lossa said...

Your buddy with the eyeliner!

Black Swan said...

This is great!! I love Sawyer!!

Black Swan said...

Richard and Sawyer, my two heroes in the same scene!! I'm loving this! LOL!

acewebguy said...

I think she wanted the bodies buried to prevent them from resurrecting.

But why hasn't anyone asked her what those two men were doing to her? It seems to me like they broke the truce first unless leaving the fenc area makes DI open game.

acewebguy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
lost2010 said...

Yeah baby! Take that Kate!

Ellen said...

Capcom said...

Yeah, Sawiette! Or, Julyer! :-o

Melissa_Lossa said...

Yikes! Sawyer and Juliet!

TakesaVillage said...

A match made in heaven.
I think they look great together.

lost2010 said...

I'm gonna watch that again!

Black Swan said...


Melissa_Lossa said...

To me, it sounded like they buried the bodies so that Richard's people would not know what happened to them.

Which seems like kind of a dumb plan.

Black Swan said...

Yeah, definitely have to watch that again!

Black Swan said...

I think you're right, melissa... they wanted to hide the bodies from Richard

lost2010 said...

Well, Amy's sweet but she doesn't seem overly bright.

Tess315 said...

Wait til Jin brings back Kate.

Black Swan said...

omg, we have to wait 2 weeks!!

lost2010 said...

Dang. He's not as over her as he thought is he?

lost2010 said...

Now THAT was Lost!

Tess315 said...

Wow I almost posted something about the preview.

acewebguy said...

2 weeks from tonight!!!!

I thought we were going straight through til May???

Capcom said...

Aw man, Kate's got that "I know I'm a b*tch but you still love me right?" look on her face. :-p

lost2010 said...

And he's got that, "Oh yeah, that's what she looked like" look.

Juliet better not give him up without a fight.

Melissa_Lossa said...

THAT was awesome.

TakesaVillage said...

Those two weeks will fly by like Sawyer's nick names did tonight.

Black Swan said...

I don't think you forget about someone after 3 years if you really love someone, so we'll find out .. gotta wait, though... they'll drag this out!

Melissa_Lossa said...

I think it says a lot that Sawyer didn't tell Juliet what was going on before he left.

Tess315 said...

Nope you don't forget.

Melissa_Lossa said...

Poor Charlotte didn't even get the chance to play her own dead body in an episode, like most of our deceased Losties.

lost2010 said...

Yeah, it would have looked more optimistic for Juliet if he had told her.

Still, I won't count Juliet out just yet.

memphish said...

I really enjoyed the episode, except the end where it appears Sawyer remembers all about loving Kate. I really really want him to dump her ass and just stay with Juliet. Juliet has so much more going for her than Kate. Why are these men to dumb to see it? And that's even counting her sneaky, Other-ness.

The only real question I have is what's up with the new wife for Horace? Is Amy going to die and Horace goes to Portland to get a new car and a new wife? It's not like we're going to forget Olivia. I hope Darlton clarifies.

The 4-toed statue was hilarious, as was the "eyeliner" line, plus several other LaFleur nicknames.

Not an earth shattering episode, but definitely a satisfying one.

Melissa_Lossa said...

So, did Richard really just want that guy's body, or was there more to the "justice" than that? And what were they going to do with the body?

Ellen said...

Sayid'sgirl - didn't the statue look like anubis from behind? (except for the color, of course)

Melissa_Lossa said...

Oh, and I loved that Sawyer's cover story was that they were looking for the Black Rock!

If Horace has never heard of it, I wonder if it's on the island yet.

lost2010 said...

My guess is that Richard took that guys body back as though he killed him in retribution for the Others' deaths. Instead of Sawyer's for instance.

Melissa_Lossa said...

Ellen, I thought it looked a bit like Anubis, too.

lost2010 said...

I was impressed that Sawyer knew that much about the Black Rock - but then I remembered that's where he killed Locke's father so I guess it would have made an impression.

Capcom said...

LOL Lost2010. :-)

Oh yeah, I DID forget about Oliva Memphish!

Didn't Horace have that sticky old dynamite from the Black Rock? It looked kinda lumpy.

Yeah, the body exchange sounds suspicious. Maybe it's a part of the proxy thing?

memphish said...

Why take the body is a good question especially give what we've seen happen to dead bodies. Have we seen Paul's necklace before? Also have we seen a 30 year old man who could be Horace and Amy's son?

I think that's pretty much all I've got. Night all.

lost2010 said...

My favorite line was the one about "You gonna leave me here with the mad scientist and the guy that talks to dead people. . .and Jin's a great guy but not much of a conversationalist. . ." or something like that.

Tess315 said...

In an offical podcast Damon/Carton said Olivia was a friend.

Yes it did.

Capcom said...

Yes, that was good. Josh was in his element tonight, boy-howdy!

lost2010 said...

Bet they named him Ethan.

Black Swan said...


Capcom said...


lost2010 said...

Nice screencap!

Capcom said...

Awesome Blacky!!

memphish said...

When was that Sayid's Girl? I didn't listen to last week's podcast because I didn't want to be pre-hashed. And as I'm typing this, I am sort of remembering that, but then again, I think she was credited as Olivia Goodspeed too. Lostpedia only has her as Goodspeed married to Horace. Dream Ghost Horace only refers to the missus. No help there.

Capcom said...

I guess now we have to look up the full meaning of the Egyptian ahnks. Or, we could just remember that that was a big thing for hippies to wear back then. :o)

lost2010 said...

Gotta run! This is the happiest I've been with Lost since before the Constant. Yay!!! This is the Lost I like. . .with the time moving normally and the heartstrings tugging all over the place. Ahhhh!

Night guys!

Black Swan said...

your welcome... lol, anybody recognize it?

lost2010 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Black Swan said...

good-night lost2010, I agree with you!

Melissa_Lossa said...

According to wiki, the ankh is the symbol for eternal life.

Capcom said...

G'nite Lost2010, me too.

Black Swan said...


Melissa_Lossa said...

All right, I'm off to bed. Good night!

memphish said...

Oh yeah, and it goes without saying that we saw a successful pregnancy on Island in 1977. Of course, with the sub, she may have conceived off Island. We just don't know yet.

Anyone tried to work the timeline in terms of Charlotte? I'd put her at age 3 in 1974. That would make her born in 1971, not 1979 as in her fake off Island bio. And I can't figure out when exactly Ben arrived.

I guess we can assume Widmore is there at this time, which again raises the issue of Penny, not to mention Daniel.

Capcom said...

I'm going to rewatch and turn in too. Can't wait to see more of your screencaps Blacky, I added your name to the credits on my blog already, because they're so great I already copied a couple for use! :o)

Great to watch tonight with you all, looking forward to the next few days of analysis!

Tess315 said...

I'm not sure which one it wasn't last week.
I'll check it out and let you know.

I can't remember the exact words but it wsa something like Horace and his friend Olivia helped Roger and his wife when Ben was born.

memphish said...

Thanks Sayid's Girl. Yeah, I looked at Lostpedia hoping they'd mention it. They're pretty good at that, but didn't find it on Olivia's page. I'll try looking for transcripts next.

lost2010 said...

Hathor is an egyptian fertility goddess depicted on wikipedia holding an ankh. . .perhaps that's her. . . .

(All my knowledge of Egyptian gods and goddesses comes from stargate)

lost2010 said...

And I'd better really go this time, or I'll be up all night trying to play "Name That Statue"

Black Swan said...

When Locke turns the FDW early in this episode, not only do we NOT see Christian, but it's

more than the usual flash

Black Swan said...

Thanks for giving my caps credit, capcom! I'll work on a few more... any requests?

Twinkle said...

What do you see in the flash? It's hard to make out.

Lost2010, me too! Go, Stargate!

So did they make Hathor mad and that's why later all the ladies die in their 3rd month?

Tess315 said...

Melissa you're correct on Ankh.
Capcom I guess that makes me a hippie cause I had a ring with the symbol of Ankh on it. I was big into Egyptian culture when I was a teenager.

The necklace looked like it was carved out of wood. Which made me think of Annie and her carved dolls.

Twinkle said...

I watched the beginning of the pop-ups. Then took a break. I'll have to catch up tomorrow. Can't wait!

memphish said...

Well there's nothing in the transcript for the podcast following Man Behind The Curtain. Let me know if you find anything Sayid's Girl. Now good night for real :-p

Capcom said...

It's all good Blacky!

LOL Twinkle, and I was thinking that she got mad because they blew up her statue, so "No babies for you!"

LOL Sayidsgirl, I had an ankh necklace which didn't go over big in my Lutheran family! :o)

Black Swan said...

Good-night to those going to bed!

The flash is just to show what Sawyer, Juliet, Miles, and Daniel experienced when Locke turned the FDW was worse than the other flashes; Miles said, 'that one was different, it was more like an earthquake' and they all hold their heads and it affected them a lot

Black Swan said...

So we're sure who the statue is?

Beverly said...

memphish, can you refresh my memory on who was born on the island in 1977? I'm drawing a blank.

The thought occurred to me that no-one has mentioned Rose and Bernard. When Sawyer tells Juliet that he bought them two weeks he mentions Locke returning. He doesn't mention finding Rose and Bernard at all. I know finding the rest of their "crew members" was the story they told Horace, but among themselves, they only talk about Locke coming back, nothing about Rose and Bernard. Is anyone else missing? I can't remember.

Beverly said...

Oh, Duh. Horace and Amy's baby was born in 1977 (assuming 1974 was when the LBs flashed into the 70's)

Black Swan said...

So, Jerry and Phil work for security and don't want their boss, LaFleur, to know they're screwing around when they see drunk Horace...
is this the pearl?

Black Swan said...

btw, Horace blowing up trees with black rock dynamite is a pretty good indication that he's lying when he says he doesn't know about the 'Black Rock'.. lol!

Beverly said...

I was thinking that it was the pearl with all those monitors. How far away from town is the Pearl? They got there pretty quickly.

Kat said...

What a good ep. Im loving this LOST goodnight LoCos!

Black Swan said...

Here's a better pic... lol! If you lived/grew up in the 70's , you've gotta be asking about those brownies..

I'm not sure if this is the pearl, but I was wondering if there was any other 'monitor' station other than that or the hydra..

Young Wallace said...

Good point LostIt about Rose, Bernard et al. I'd forgotten about them, thinking everyone else had been hit with a fire arrow on the beach, but you're right, they were supposed to rendezvous at the river, and that's when Sawyer and them ran into young Widmore. Presumably, they're still out there, and they skipped through time but were just wandering the island.

Also, I didn't really believe that Sawyer forgot Kate's face. Someone said it here, but if you're in love like he describes to Horace, then he wouldn't have forgotten.

Black Swan said...

Young Wallace, that's right.. you don't forget someone you love after 3 years. And yeah, not a clue about Rose and Bernard..

Here's the
button that Jerry pushes when he sees Horace at the pylons

Black Swan said...

overload! They must really be scared of the 'Hostiles'!

Black Swan said...

Here's a great one... Horace puts the dynamite
in his mouth before he lights it with his Zippo

Tess315 said...

I know you've gone to bed so if you don't see this tomorrow I'll re-post it.

I found the podcast that says Horace and Olivia were friends.
It's the Feb. 5th one.

Fan qestion: Who is Ben Linus and how did he get into the position he is in?

" Ben Linus,here's what we know about him. He was born in the woods in Portland Oregon. This guy Horace Goodspeed happened to be hiking through the woods with his friend Olivia.... and it goes on from there say his dad joined the DI and he met Richard etc. They were kind of laughing about it and started up the banjo music half way through the explanation.

I don't think it's entirely correct because I don't think Horace and Olivia were hiking. But I think if she was his wife they would have said wife and not friend.

Tess315 said...

BTW They had a fan question about Rose and Bernard in the same podcast.
They said they were alive but that's all they said.

Black Swan said...

I'm getting the sense here that there are definitely two layers of DI.. there's the idiots who think they're running the show (and God forbid they had anyone too smart to figure out what's really going on) and then there are the scientists who really know what's going on. This brings me back to the lousy DWY ARG where I concluded that they put us in an immersion experience to show us how stupid it is to want to be in the DI and also how you really don't get told anything important.. only the very select few got t-shirts, for example. And the real intelligent ones with the creativity and brains to figure out the cheats and get on the leaderboard got NOTHING. I did a whole blog on it on my myspace called, "Dharma wants people who don't even try".

Black Swan said...

Sorry about the rant and the almost off-topic post.. lol! I guess I'm still bitter (and I still hate Hans)

Ellen said...

Lost2010 - I think you might be right about the statue being Hathor...I'm going to post something about that tomorrow on my Blog. Very good catch...especially considering that Stargate (I'm a big fan too!) did not depict her in the same way as the ancient Egyptians!

Beverly said...

Black Swan, that was the first thing I thought of when they said she baked brownies. LOL

Beverly said...

Yes, hathor would make sense!

Black Swan said...

LOL, Lostit! I'll check your blog tomorrow, Ellen.

Here's a cap of Sawyer's jumpsuit

I just loved it when Jerry and Phil are on the porch scared to wake him up at 3AM and when Sawyer says 'son of a bitch' when he finds out Horace is out there blowing up trees.. lol!

Tess315 said...

Only Kings, Queens and Gods were allowed to carry this symbol. The Ankh is the Egyptian sign of life and indicates that the King or God holding it has the power to give life or take it away from lesser mortals. The Ankh as a symbol of the life giving elements of air and water was often used by a God or Goddess who holds the Ankh before the King's nose, giving him the "breath of life" or as streams of water in the form of Ankhs running over the King during ritual purification.

It looks to me that the statue has an Ankh in it's left hand. (Right hand from the back view)
If it does it seems to be holding it strangely. By the hoop and down by it's side.

Black Swan said...

Good research, Sayid'sgirl!

I'm re-watching and Sawyer tells Miles about Horace and why they have to go out at night with their 'zappers' and he says to Miles, "It seems our fearless leader is blowing up trees". So, I guess Horace was the leader of the DI at that time (or at least that's what they think).

Black Swan said...

When Juliet and Sawyer find Daniel, he's all shook up and saying over and over, "I'm not going to do it, I'm not going to tell her"

Do you think he means that this time he's not going to tell Charlotte anything like he did the first time when she was a little girl?

Young Wallace said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Young Wallace said...

@Swan I hadn't thought of that but I think it's a keen observation. However, later in the episode he seems to remind himself that it doesn't matter what they do, whatever happens (or happened, I can't remember which he said) happens/ed.

So while he may not tell her, I think he still believes it won't matter to her fate.

Young Wallace said...

I'm off to bed. I also got a giggle out of Horace granting Sawyer another 2 weeks. Reminded me of The Princess Bride and the bit where Westley explains becoming the Dread Pirate Roberts.

"Nice work today. Sleep well. I'll most likely kill you in the morning." I can picture Horace after 2 weeks: "Good work today. Submarine returns again in 2 weeks. I guess you can stay a little longer to look for your crewmates" until they become full fledged, and even feared, DIs. Made me giggle anyway.

Black Swan said...

Good night, young wallace (great name). I think this shows that Daniel still isn't sure about changing the past/future maybe? idk
And I love the 'Princess Bride'!!!!

I might as well go to bed, too.. my recording didn't work for the second half, so no more screenshots tonight! darn, I think I need a new tv tuner for my laptop!!

Black Swan said...

more on Ankh, The symbol of Life

Black Swan said...

And even more on Ankh, getting really interesting here, especially the last paragraph

Black Swan said...

Well, here's the end of the info and the pic didn't work but this is good stuff, so I'll add it here anyway.

maven said...

WOW, again and again! (Posting this before reading comments):

1. 4-toed Statue (at least the back of it)! How far back is this?

2. Sawyer just jumps right into the well after Locke without thinking.

3. Hootnanny! LOL And they're eating brownies...shades of the 70's! LOL

4. Sawyer Head of Security. And Miles as his Deputy. Sawyer calls Horace "Our Fearless Leader". So Amy can be pregnant on the island?

5. Daniel knows they are there for good when ever they are. He keeps muttering "I'm not going to tell her" referring to a young Charlotte?

6. So Amy and Paul were attacked by "hostiles". And Sawyer is the professional liar. What's so important about burying the dead hostiles?

7. That morning sub departure makes it seem that coming and going from the island is pretty regular and easy. Easy enough to take very pregnant women on the ride.

8. Great camera work "spinning" around the table as Daniel says the record is now spinning (as Miles, Juliet and Jin wait for Sawyer to get back).

9. There were way too many awesome Sawyerisms to list here! The best one was the crack about Richard's eyeliner! LOL

10. So they make a deal: A body for killing 2 of their's. What is so important about have Paul's body?

11. And how does Richard and his people go through the sonic fence? It was built to keep out Smokey.

12. OMG: Sawyer and Juliet. He talks her into 2 more weeks and 3 years later....

13. What a look between Sawyer and Kate!

Okay, back to reading comments....

Carol Dunstan said...

yay, awesome epsiode! Been far too staved of Sawyer lately!

I'm cooking dinner but hope to be back later with some more comments, observations and I'll probably watch it again too.

And hey, I still wear an ankh ring, so there! (IIRC the gods usually are depicted holding it by the loop... and as much as I love Stargate aI've Egyptian stuff for longer but it's a bit hazy now). Oh one final final thing about Hathor... she has a connection to Sekmet (various spellings) which could come into play

maven said...

A lot of hippie references tonight: brownies, Horace's tie-dyed orange shirt under his DI overalls, and the ankh necklace. And all of New Otherton looked spanking brand new and shiny!

Carol Dunstan said...

dinner's not quite done! I meant to say if it is Hathor they haven't depicted her in the normal way, that being with the horns supporting the sun.

Scoutpost said...

Well I had a kiddo have a night terror or something, so I just finished watching...never thought I'd say it, but I like Sawyer and Juliet together!! So help me if Kate and her dysfunctional self messes that up I will be PISSED! She and Jack deserve each other with all their stupid baggage.

Ok now that I have that out of the way, I've got to go to bed. I'll catch up in the am. Nighty night.

maven said...

When Sawyer cracked tonight about Richard's eyeliner, I was thinking that Egyptian's wore black eyeliner called kohl, and then seeing the 4-toed statue (!) which has a very Egyptian feel to it made me think that the indigenous people on the island have Egyptian influence somehow.

Carol Dunstan said...

next thought! The statue is of a male, based on the skirt. it looks to me like they are holding an ankh in each hand, which I don't recall seeing all that often in statues like this (it's often an ankh in one hand and a "was" in the other). The statue is already old as it is weathered. It doesn't look to have human ears but I'm not sure what animal head it may have. I also don't recognise the head-dress, but then consdiering most pictures are from the front...

Anonymous said...

I have to say that Lost is making less and less sense every episode. The writers keep adding these storylines that are backed up by nothing. It seems like none of the characters are really aware or care about how bizarre of a situation they are in. Why does John Locke need to die in order for the Oceanic 6 to come back to the island? Why do they need to come back to the island to save the others? Why do none of the characters ask any questions? I mean, we havn't even really gotten a clear answer on what The Others were dong on the island, and Juliet is one of them. Why dosn't she tell them in detail who exactly The Others are, what they were doing on the island, and all the details that she knows about the island. Why don't the rest of them try to get more answers from her. Who are the Dharma initiative? Its obvious that they are doing research and stuff, but I just find it really strange how Sawyer and people don't just ask them wtf is going on? It seems like none of the characters care about getting answers anymore. This show is pissing me off. Anyways, if you missed tonights episode, check it out online here...

...and try to see if my rant makes any sense to you.

Tess315 said...

Wow am I the first to post this morning? Or is my computer being wonky again and not refreshing?

Black Swan said:
When Juliet and Sawyer find Daniel, he's all shook up and saying over and over, "I'm not going to do it, I'm not going to tell her"

Do you think he means that this time he's not going to tell Charlotte anything like he did the first time when she was a little girl?

I was wondering if that’s what he meant too.

Carol said:
And hey, I still wear an ankh ring, so there! (IIRC the gods usually are depicted holding it by the loop...

Thanks carol the pictures I seen last night in my searches they we’re holding it by the loop but the staff. And I ‘m going to sound dumb here but what does IIRC stand for?

Maven said:
When Sawyer cracked tonight about Richard's eyeliner, I was thinking that Egyptian's wore black eyeliner called kohl, and then seeing the 4-toed statue (!) which has a very Egyptian feel to it made me think that the indigenous people on the island have Egyptian influence somehow.

Plus all the hieroglyphs on everything.

Do you think Jin searching in the right grid three years later and finding Jack,Kate and Hurley was coincidence or fate?

Tess315 said...

That should say they were not holding it by the loop...

memphish said...

Really great thought about Richard and Egyptian Kohl. That proves he's Cleopatra, right?

I'm willing to accept that Horace and Olivia were "friends" on a mission back to the real world. I wish we could pin down the timing on Ben and Roger's arrival compared to last night.

Also, great point about the pregnant woman riding the sub. Guess in DI days it wasn't the wild ride it was in Mittelos time. Actually I think Juliet didn't arrive on the sub, but arrived some other way and was placed there.

I'm going to leave the Egyptology up to you guys. I'm not sure it matters that much except to say, look this Island has been inhabited for a really, really long time. I for one will be satisfied if the 4-toed statue is never mentioned again.

Tess315 said...

You seen my post from last night then?

Hey! I love the four toed statue. lol (really)But I love old cultures too.
But I do agree with you that it's just to show how old the island is.

But in the same podcast that I mentioned before. Damon/Carlton said to a question about the hieroglyphs in the frozen donkey wheel chamber... They told what their meaning was and that it was a theme for this year's season.

I won't say what they said the meaning was if you want to know listen to the Feb. 5th podcast.

Tess315 said...

Boy I have alot of buts in that post. :)

memphish said...

Thanks for finding that podcast and your memory Sayid's Girl. That's practically a throwaway. I'm betting though that the Olivia actress was unavailable so they went with Michelle from 24. Since they had been vague enough with Olivia in the past it worked. I'll be interested to see if Lostpedia edits Olivia's page.

Tess315 said...

This is meaningless but I have to say it.
No self respecting mother would put a red haired girl in a red dress in the 70's. It just wasn't done. They thought it would clash back then.

memphish said...

But they were the enlightened Dharma Initiative, Namaste and all that jazz.

Melissa_Lossa said...

My co-worker and I were talking about Horace being the leader, and how he never really seemed like the leader before.

He wears an Arrow jumpsuit, so maybe he's the leader of the Arrow? Which would put him in charge of security and dealing with the hostiles. Then Sawyer, as Head of Security, would fall under him, right?

So maybe Horace isn't the fearless leader of Dharma, but just the fearless leader of security.

lost2010 said...

Re Sawyer and Juliet:
They are beautiful together, though, aren't they? And they actually seem to be good for each other. For 2 weeks, I am going to enjoy thinking that maybe Kate won't screw things up for them. Even if that river I'm swimming in is De Nile.

Re the statue: I think perhaps whoever said it doesn't matter specifically who it is was right.
(Not that I won't continue poring through wikipedia trying to get it right) It's an Egyptian god/goddess statue and combined with the information that Richard's people are indigenous, lets us know that Richard's people were on this island long long before Ben Linus or Jack Shephard showed up. And the well was just a well at that time - - which maybe points to it being technology developed some time after the egyptian god period. Or harnessed some time after that period perhaps.

Re the fertility issues:
I'm thinking more and more that it's Richard's people who have the fertility issues. Claire had her baby just fine on the island. Sun conceived on the island and Ji Yeon was fine. This Amy had her baby on the island with fairly normal complications. Maybe it isn't that every woman that gets pregnant and gives birth on the island dies. Maybe it's just Richard's people? Otherwise, I'm thinking maybe the purge is what caused the problems - some chemical released that appeared to dissipate after the initial killing phase, but left some residue that led to the chronic effect of the fertility issues.

Re playing house:
"How long do you think we can play house?" Apparently Sawyer was capable for playing house for at least 3 years when someone took him up on it. . .although I suppose they didn't start playing house right away.

Re Sponge Bob:
Does anyone else feel like they're watching Sponge Bob when they flash that "Three years later" thing on the screen. Just me then.

Great episode. They actually made me care about Horace and Amy too, which is nice. And pooooor Daniel. . .little Charlotte was a beautiful child. . . the way that scene was shot reminded me of the little girl in the red coat in Schindler's list.

Okay, I've rambled enough. :)

Twinkle said...

I figured if Charlotte died they'd jump without her.

Mr. Sawyer afraid of committment sure is changed. He's not even anxious about being settled down and in a long term relationship. Isn't this a first for him? This is the healthiest relationship we've seen him in. I hope he considers it a committed relationship and stands by it. Of course this is TV so there's not much hope.

Where was Ben during all this? Lostpedai says he was born during hte early 1960's. Young Ben could've been 12-14 when he came to the island based on the age of the actor they had playing him. He should have been a teenager during the time our Losties were in Dharma. Is that why Ben recognizes Juliet later?

Richard Alpert could be Egyptian. Cleopatra's a thought, Memphish! Maybe he's one of the Egyptian gods? Osiris? Maybe he's even got a snake in his belly and his eyes light up!?

I agree, Melissa. I don't think Horace is necessarily the leader of the whole thing, but over Sawyer's division among possibly others.

Twinkle said...

Sorry, that'd be a snake in his brain. Only the Jaffa carried them in the belly, silly me!

Just for fun, I'm voting that the statue is of Richard Alpert all dressed up. Have we ever seen his toes?

lost2010 said...

Twinkle said...

Richard Alpert could be Egyptian. Cleopatra's a thought, Memphish! Maybe he's one of the Egyptian gods? Osiris? Maybe he's even got a snake in his belly and his eyes light up!?

Ah you jest, but that wouldn't bother me at all. LOL I'm still waiting for O'Neill and Carter's wedding. ;)

Twinkle said...

*sigh!* Me too.

memphish said...

I think young Ben and Juliet are definitely there together and that's why Juliet looks like "her" because she is. I've been espousing that one a couple of weeks now. I'm guessing a workman needs to learn VW repair and that's how they come in close contact.

I think the fertility problem probably started with the Purge. Something to do with the chemicals most likely, but I've always been a fan of the notion that it's the Island replicating Ben's mommy issues.

So coincidence or fate that Juliet who young Ben pines over becomes a fertility doctor which the Island needs to be brought back to the Island later? This is where I start to get a brain cramp.

Melissa_Lossa said...

Here's another brain cramp for you, memphish - does Ben then bring Juliet to the island at least in part because he knows that she IS the Juliet (or whatever name she uses in the past) that he pined for?

memphish said...

I do think he picked her because she was her ML. It just is "fateful" that she could be useful too.

Tess315 said...

I think it's cool that Sawyer is still looking for Locke and the othersafter three years.
He hasn't given up.

bigdog said...

good morning,

have to admit, when sawyer jumped in the well for Locke my bro-mance for him went to new heights.

Had mixed feelings on Sawyer and Juliet. but i have a feeling that is whey TPTB gave us the one night stand by Kate & Jack before coming back to the island. But Juliet is definately the kind of women you want if you are going to be living on the island. smart, tough, and an excellent marksman.

Didnt believe a word out of Sawyers mouth about forgetting someone you love after 3 years.

when the richard was coming into the camp, didnt daniel run towards charlotte.. i think thats when he tells her not to come back.. he would be kinda scary.

lost2010 said...

Looking back at Season 3, you wonder if the whole kill Sawyer to show Jack you're serious about killing Kate had a whole other agenda now. . ..

2costa said...

charlotte's age discrepancy might be tied to how she left the island, if she left on weird bearings, she might have lost some time in the real world, like she left in 1983, but popped out in 1989 or something like that

One of the guys in the pearl was radzinsky, which begs the question of who station radzinsky in the swan after the purge.

i wonder what happened to horaces' first wife who taught the volcano class

Horace seems to be the defacto leader of Dharma in this era.
I wonder who Horace's son is, I'm betting Ethan, since he was said to have been born on the island. IF it's Ethan or someone else we have seen, that seems to show julliette has been through this timeline at least once before(what ever happened happened). If it was Ethan it also shows that Ben paved the way for Ethan to switch from dharma to the others. Ben must have known juliette when he was a kid and might be part of his obsession for her. When harper said to julliette, you look just like her, maybe it's because she IS her. The painting in Ben's house may have been of julliette.

I'm thinking that jack, kate, and hurley were "never supposed to leave" may mean that the first time around this played out they didn't leave. Imagine how much differently the whole lefleur lie would have worked out if jack was with them from the start, he would have been the leader instead of saawyer and messed things up, perhaps why Ben "let" the 06 leave. Seems to shed some light on Ben's admiration for sawyer's conman skillz in the pacemaker rabbit episode and why sawyer has been groomed since Australia through cooper to be a decisive killer. Ultimately the island needed Jack so they had to come back, which put them back where they would have been, hence plucked out of the plane into the 70's. I'm thinking that sun never went back the first time around, perhaps jin found a way for her to escape the island before the wheel was turned, in every timeline.
I also think the injections may have a part to play. I think the injections keep the people tethered in time, let's not forget that jullitte was giving sun injections right before the frozen donkey wheel party started.

I think the significance of charlotte's body disappearing when she died may be tied to why locke is alive int he present. Death may opt you out of the flashes. I think that the lb'ers have special properties about them that make them subject to the flashes, like no recent injections or high metachlorian(lol) ratios.

Dan saying the record is moving again, but on the wrong song goes to speak to what i said before about Ben originally cranking the heck out of the wheel. Lock only nudged back on track.

Unfortunately for the lb's the frozen donkey wheel is encased in stone atm, as we saw in the first scene of the season. So Dan can't put the wheel back to the right song and put them back into 2007(since 3 years have passed for everyone, but locke got ripped, maybe got 40 days of those 3 years).

I'm thinking widmore is still the leader of the others in 1974 and richard is biding his time ready to let Ben take over. Richard's truce with Dharma seems to be to sit back and let dharma develop all this infrastructure and hatches and the orchid so he could later take it over. In a simuliar way Dan is doing the same thing, he's sitting back letting halliwax develop the orchid and expose the donkey wheel, cause that's their only way back to the present

Scoutpost said...

Sawyer certainly has changed: he was still searching for his friends, he was holding down a decent job, and his romance with Juliet show that. It's like he has gotten over a lot of his baggage...except that old bag Kate. Man I wish he would dump her on her @$$.

sayid's girl said...
No self respecting mother would put a red haired girl in a red dress in the 70's. It just wasn't done. They thought it would clash back then.

LOL- that is sooo true! But then like memphish said, the DI were enlightened, so....namaste and all that jazz.

I think someone answered this, but how exactly was Jin searching for Locke and the O6? I didn't really understand what he said and what he was doing, just got the gist that he was looking. And does he search for them secretly? Or does the DI know he's doing it but they don't mind as long as he's doing his security job?

Also, Richard was looking pretty dapper as usual last night, and of course we've seen him look that way circa the 50' why was he long haired and shaggy when he met Ben in the woods when Ben was young? What is it about the Hostiles and those old tattered clothes?

And, what is it about the Hostiles that make them so....hostile? Why are they going around killing DI people for seemingly no reason? The mythology of the island vs. whatever the DI were really up to must have been really at odds.

memphish said...

Scoutpost, I think part of Sheriff Sawyer's plan executed by Miles and Jin is to sweep the Island every day looking for the O6 and Locke. I think the other Others might know about it, but that it's couched in terms of Island security, so they don't know the real purpose of it.

Twinkle said...

2costa: Interesting theory that one of the guys in the Pearl was Radinsky. What gives you that idea?

Also, got to thinking about Faraday's comment that "it's turning" meaning the donkey wheel isn't frozen but turning. If "everything that happened, happened," then what froze the donkey wheel so that by the time Ben got to it, it was the FDW? The incident? Or Desmond turning the fail safe? Or?

As for the "indigenous population," all we know for sure is that Dharma thinks they are indigenous because they were there before them. We don't know how the group who was there in 1954 was assembled, how many from off island or born on the island. IMO, Richard Alpert seems like the only true "indigenous" person among the others and he could have even come from the Black Rock.

I think Sawyer had Jin doing patrols in further off, maybe near the beach, part of the jungle. You'd think in 3 years they would have come across Rose and Bernard. They're probably cave-deceased Adam and Eve at this point.

Good question, Scoutpost, about Richard not in disguise. I figured they are hostile because Dharma invaded their island without permission. But the reason those two guys shot Amy's husband and were binding her could be very disgustingly simple... Or maybe Richard knew about it all along and was trying to get a fertile woman to solve their fertility problem?

Capcom said...

Hi All! I don't think that's the Pearl, the Pearl was a much more closed in space, and had more monitors I think.

Heheh, yeah, the minute they mentioned brownies, you knew what they were up to! Ugh, I hate those 70s baseball type shirts now. :-p

If it's any consolation Blacky, I didn't even try at DWY and I didn't get nuttin' either. :o)

I agree Sawyer could have been saying that Horace was the leader of security or the lower technicians. He certainly couldn't have been a supervisor of Chang and his peers. Also agree with the thought of the tiers of important in DI. In a nromal lab, the scientists are gods, the techs are just the mules who do the grunt work. :-)

Maven, I'm guessing that it was important to bury the dead hostiles so hide the fact that they were killed. And when they were spinning around the table, it remeinded me of That 70s Show how they sit around the table and talk.

Sayidsgirl, I think IIRC means "if I recall correctly". Too true about the red dress! :-D

LOL Bigdog!!!!!!!!

I have a screencap request for you now Blacky; was that a wrench in the logo for the mechanics on the tank Sawyer ran past to get Juliet? Tx.

About the 3 years and forgetting someone thing, if you found someone else that you were really happy with, you could forget in your conscious mind, but then when you saw the other person again (especially if it didn't have a solid ending that shut the door on the former relationship) things could get very real in your head again suddenly.

OK, sorry if I am repeating something that's been said in the amount of time it took me to read and type here! :-o

Unknown said...

Juliet & Sawyer = Julawyer?

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