Wednesday, April 04, 2007


I know this promotional picture is probably in direct violation of our spoiler policies but I thought the big, dead swine was definitely frontpage material. Hopefully it won't ruin the fun of tonight's Kate-centric "Rumble in the Jungle".


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Amused2bHere said...

and you're right: Where the heck is Karl?

memphish said...

It's funny that the bad cook, Juliet, always tries to bond through food. First Jack's food, now Kate and food.

Why do the Others feel they need to bug out so soon? I still don't get their surveillance system. They should know that no one from the beach is looking for them or for their "friends."

Carissa said...

You are soooo right, Capcom! I was thinking last night, just send one of them back to bring the island folk to Othersville. Why do they have to go back? I wouldn't. I'd take over and if they came back its finders keepers.

I also agree that those coming back will "forget" to tell them about Othersville. In several ways I feel like I'm watching a Soap Opera. That is, they never tell each other anything and above all, they never ask the others any good questions! The only one who actually thinks, "Maybe when we have an other we should try to figure out what's going on," is Sayid. Jack has a relationship with Juliet, but he's never sat her down and said, "Explain it all?" And Kate isn't just a little curious to have an Other attached to her arm and ask a few questions. Come on!

What it all comes down to I'm afraid is the writers don't want to give away much so they have to make the Losties look like idiots who don't know when to ask questions. If it were me, or any of us I'd bet, we'd be bouncing questions all over the Others if we had them in our grasps.

I hope Sayid will get some answers next week, but I fear a writer in the wings shutting him down! :-(

Tim said...

Capcom - don't worry, I say "copy that" all the time because I'm used to working with a radio at my hip.

I love that Hurley continues to quietly keep our band of survivors together, providing inspiration, laughter and quiet leadership. I admit that he's not my favorite character, but they do a good job with him.

And what if the show is getting all Christian? Maybe the others got "raptured" and the "Left Behind" title is a reference to that Kirk Cameron movie...

Maybe Kirk Cameron will guest star soon.

Carissa said...

Just another thought...

Why didn't they look in every building to see if they could find anything they could use or any more info on what's going on?

That's a little counterintuitive.

memphish said...

Carissa, Jack said they were going to do go through the buildings and get supplies, but they didn't show us that.

I was rewatching the first Smokey thing and I think it was very similar to the first encounter with Eko in The 23rd Psalm. We saw flashes in Smokey then didn't we? That time we saw the encounter from Eko or a 3rd person's perspective. This time from Smokey's and at night, so the flashes looked bigger and brighter. The way Smokey swoops away after the flashes is a lot like the shots in 23rd Psalm as well.

memphish said...

So Kate wasn't repentant about Wayne, but she is sorry she misunderstood what Jack wanted and therefore screwed things up for him. Will this be her redemption vs. Eko's unwilling to "confess?"

Amused2bHere said...

good points, Carissa and Tim. Go Sayid! I hope he spends some "quality time" with Juliet on the way to the beach.
Rapture! Jack did mention that a whole lot of people just "vanished into thin air"! lol

and Memphish, if my theory about Smokey being let in on purpose, hence the disabled sonic fence, then that's why they bugged out so quickly: to get to safety because they were leaving the door open. Maybe they can track Smokey somehow? Just not control it...

good point about the flashes. It flashed at Eko too. I wonder if Julie recognized anything, or if it was too bright.

Tim said...

Smokey flashed at Eko? I don't remember that. Was that when he met it face-to-"face", or when it became angry fist?

Also, I don't believe the others know or have control or are conspiring in any way about smokey. I genuinely believe they don't know what it is.

Although someone did mention that Juliette had been "inside" the security perimeter the entire time she's been on the island, which we know isn't true, since we saw her in the Pearl.

So if smokey had wanted to see her, it could have done so before now.

Tim said...

Sorry for the double post – I love what you're saying about leaving the door open on purpose.

Ange said...

Morning kids, and happy birthday to the birthday kids this week. I loved that episode, although for the first 5 min. I just couldn’t wrap my mind around what was even happening! I will watch again after work for sure. So thoughts:

codysmom said…When did Juliet learn self-defense (when she flipped Kate right at the beginning)? And Juliet said her shoulder's been popped out 4 times (during self-defense practice, maybe)?
I thought that maybe she had some self defense training and was injured, OR someone has been roughing her up. Island Juliet=bad ass and she seemed to be a quick learner in the manipulation game…hmmm.

jgz350 said…Wow, smokey was in rare form tonight. We also found out that their is a kink in smokey's armor. He doesn't like the sonic fence. Now smokey comes with his own light show?
I still think there is more than one “Smokey” one is a beat-em-up guard, and the other is for data collection. The sound of the data ticker, plus the flashes makes me think pictures and recording. Then there is the screamy attack Smokey that stomps around and breaks things (I like that one the best…hehe).

diggitydirge said…
1. Smokey: Pretty cool. As many people speculated the fence is there to keep smokey and toher bad things out, vs people. Another secuirty system.

Something Juliet said made me think that the Others did not make the fence to keep Smokey out, but rather it was a happy coincidence that it did. She said something like, “we found that it doesn’t like our fence.” Transcript yet? Anyway, just made me think it was made for something else.

Oh yeah and Maven, that gas prices made me gasp out loud!
Grrrr blogger, fifth time is the charm maybe...

Dennis said...

Good Morning Everyone!

Time to catch up...

ib4uc said...

OMG... look at the number of comments. It's going to take all morning but I'm sure it'll be well worth it.

memphish said...

Carissa, I misspoke earlier. Sayid actually swept the houses (I picture him doing it like he did the Yurt Village) before Jack and Kate come out of Jack's house. He says there's no people and no weapons.

Before the Others rapture themselves on foot, there is a blond in a ponytail that looks a lot like Juliet. I don't think it's her though. The hair's a little shorter and less curly, and her shirt is tucked into her jeans. Juliet never seems to tuck. She's a tunic kind of gal.

And here's a kudos to the hair continuity people. Post-rain, Juliet's hair is much curlier than before. Now that's realism.

Amused2bHere said...

Her hair better stay curly without the benefit of hairdryers!

(I still say they should have showered the mud off before leaving!)

Tess315 said...

I thought that since Juliet seems to be rebelious that her shoulder may have been popped out due to punishment or something along those lines.

Amused2bHere said...


c ya'll later!

memphish said...

If Locke is on the list why didn't they grab him in the jungle in Season 1. He was out there by himself a lot. Why the drastically different MO between Tailies and Fusies? Because of Ethan's incompetent list making?

We should think about making a list of questions Sayid should ask Juliet with the cautionary warning not to be upset when he doesn't ask them.

1. How do we get out of here or contact someone who can get us out of here?

memphish said...

Doc Jensen is finally up.

bigdog said...

i dont know folks. i was getting the impression that Ben had no more use for Juliet and was hoping that kate the killer would kill her. which is why locke said he fought for her. add that to the fact that juliet was marked.

i know i am in the minority on this.

memphish said...

Prediction that will redeem Kate. Jack and Juliet will learn that Ben was going to have the sub blown up once they left, thus Kate's precipitate action actually saved both their lives.

Carissa said...


Syaid question #2: Who ARE you guys???

memphish said...

Question #3 (to be asked before leaving Othersville) - What's the fastest, safest way to our beach or to put it another way, is there a tunnel?

Tim said...

Am I the only one who wouldn't mind if Locke got offed?

He is in need of some serious redemption.

Unknown said...

memphish - Are comments always this buggy? I posted one, it appeared, then disappeared. I posted a second one, and I still can't see it.

Ange said...

Tim said...
Am I the only one who wouldn't mind if Locke got offed?


bigdog said... was getting the impression that Ben had no more use for Juliet and was hoping that kate the killer would kill her.

I am so on the fence about Juliet right now. I really think she is a plant, but then there is the whole, that's just too obvious. I like the idea that Ben had no more use for her, not only that, if I were Ben, I would be pretty pissed about the whole, trying-to-kill-me-during-surgery thing. I do however think that there is a grand plan for Juliet and Jack, and shee needs to be where he is.

Tess315 said...

I never have been a real big Locke fan. I don't hate him. I just don't have anything for him.
My first impression of him was that he was really creepy and I didn't trust him.
Everything has always been about himself from the walkabout to leaving with the others. He's very selfish and manipulative. He manipulated poor Boone to his death. He actually reminds me of Ben just not as good at it.
He and Ben both think that their way is the only way and that they are always right. Locke wants to be the mighty hunter, leader but he's not. He's not as confident as he tries to prtray and he will selfishly do anything to achive that. Although when it's all said and done he will probably end up being the hereo of the show.

memphish said...

Tim and Sayid's Girl, I agree about Locke. Right now he's definitely being the creepy orange smiley face guy. Do you think he's already confronted his dad when he comes to see Kate or that A Coop is bugging out too?

Unknown said...

memphish - Does the bandage on Locke's hand have anything to do with the answer to that question? I don't remember him having it when he saw Cooper. I don't remember, though, if it was around his hand or his wrist. Wrist would be explained by the handcuffs in the basement.

Tess315 said...

That's a hard one. I don't know if he's confronted him yet or not. But I am wondering what happened to his hand. I do think that A Coop bugged out with them though.
He's there to serve some kind of purpose.

Black Swan said...

good morning!

great discussions going on...

I think Cooper is definitely with Ben & Locke and they're playing Locke AGAIN (and he's falling for it AGAIN)

memphish said...

Yes we do need an explanation for Locke's hand/wrist and his face is pretty beat in too. Was there a deleted Jack beats the crap out of Locke scene?

maven said...

Morning all!

Great discussion so far! Agree that Locke has always been creepy. Definitely kind of a loner and goes his own way. We never really knew his agenda, but now we do. He actually told Kate he doesn't want to leave the island.

It's pretty obvious that Juliette is a plant. She again said that Ben plays mind games. It's been a setup from the start...befriending Jack, getting "marked" to seem like the Others have disowned her. Hopefully, Sayid will see through the ruse.

I also think that the Others knew about Smokey, but don't understand him. Maybe they think Locke can help them unlock (guess that's a pun) that mystery.

The big question is: Why did the Others feel they had to leave and where did they go?

And why were Jack and Sayid out so much longer than Kate and Juliette? They all got the cannister at the same time.

DiggityDirge said...

Locke is so being played. The man is the eternal con. Ben will ultimately use Locke against the losties. The theme of Season 3 continues to be Ben using the losties against each other. First for his selfish purposes, but now I am not sure what the grand plan is. Another reference to Ben being a master manipulator. Juliett, "Ben likes mind games." Locke is once again misjudging coincidence for fate.

Just got done reading the Doc Jensen article. Interesting corallation between smokey and the manifestation of human pride. We'll have to see how that one develops. I think that in Ecko's case I agree with Doc, but smokey appears at many times when pride is not present.

Tim said...

Experimental -

I like how you changed your avatar since people kept calling you "dude."


Black Swan said...

Earlier it was mentioned about the fence not being turned on...

I think Juliet was never gassed and she and Kate were "planted" out in the jungle. They went out through the sonic fence, hence the fence is turned off. Juliet was pretending to be "out" and pretending to not know about smokey. She was not counting on Kate wanting to go back to Otherville and that screwed up her plan.

What is it about the Others that they seem so surprised the lengths our Losties will go to help eachother?

good call, diggity

I'm going to read Doc Jensen now..

Dennis said...

Initial Thoughts...

• Jack and Sawyer power struggle for leadership?

• Juliet knows kung-fu - that must be some kind of "Hostile" training. Ben kicked Sawyers ass too.

• Do we now know why Kate was in Australia? To find Sawyer for Cassidy? (My wifes idea)

• It seems like Locke wanted to say something when Kate asked about Danielle. It seemed like John knows something.

• The tow truck had a 515 area code phone number on it - which is Des Moines, Iowa.

• We get a better look at the pinball machine in the rec room. It is a Cyclone - a circus themed pinball machine from 1988. One noteable feature is the front has a rollercoaster, and Ron and Nancy Reagan are sitting in the front. Say No To Drugs!

DiggityDirge said...

Maven said.....The big question is: Why did the Others feel they had to leave and where did they go?

I'm not sure if this question was rhetorical or not. To me it is pretty straight forward. I would say the answer is to continue to shroud themselves in mystery. They were very concerned about Kate and Sawyer coming back to Alcatraz, so they left. Now the Losties have found othersville, and the others cannot lead their normal life there, so they move on.

This could be where the multiple island theory begins evolve (more than Alcatraz and Lost island), or just or introduction to additional facilities on the island. We still havenot seen where they are housing the kids or Cindy, so thier must be some other facilites we are not familiar with yet.

For me, this epi's big question is are we right about Danielle being an other? Could this be the time for Rosseau to show us why TPTB have kept her in the script so long? Will she follow the others and report back to the Losties the new location, or reveal herself as what many of us have long thought she is? Very weird that even when Kate asks about her, Locke ignores Kate.

DiggityDirge said...

Maven said.....The big question is: Why did the Others feel they had to leave and where did they go?

I'm not sure if this question was rhetorical or not. To me it is pretty straight forward. I would say the answer is to continue to shroud themselves in mystery. They were very concerned about Kate and Sawyer coming back to Alcatraz, so they left. Now the Losties have found othersville, and the others cannot lead their normal life there, so they move on.

This could be where the multiple island theory begins evolve (more than Alcatraz and Lost island), or just or introduction to additional facilities on the island. We still havenot seen where they are housing the kids or Cindy, so thier must be some other facilites we are not familiar with yet.

For me, this epi's big question is are we right about Danielle being an other? Could this be the time for Rosseau to show us why TPTB have kept her in the script so long? Will she follow the others and report back to the Losties the new location, or reveal herself as what many of us have long thought she is? Very weird that even when Kate asks about her, Locke ignores Kate.

Ange said...

diggitydirge said...Juliett, "Ben likes mind games."

Yeah! I totally forgot about that part until I read that. Def. mentioned for a reason I think.


codysmom said...Juliet was pretending to be "out" and pretending to not know about smokey.

I dunno, Juliet had a dislocated shoulder, she was being drenched by a storm, was kinda beat up by Kate, and running from a puff of black smoke. It seemed like maybe a lot going on to also keep up a convincing act about not knowing about Smokey. She seemed genuine in her fear, etc. I think mainly, that they clearly know of Smokey, but still fear it as they have no control over it.

Tim said...

About Juliet:

1. We know Juliet was responsible for handcuffing herself and Kate together. This means she was not gassed, or, if she was, woke up much earlier than Kate.

2. Juliet couldn't move Kate to the middle of the jungle by herself. Either the "others" moved them both out there unwittingly (which seems unlikely since Juliet had handcuffs), or Juliet had help moving Kate out to the middle of the jungle. This seems like a question Kate should be asking herself.

3. This leads to the conclusion for me that Juliet – with help from the others – moved Kate out to the jungle, at which point Juliet handcuffed herself to Kate and knocked herself out/slept/whatever. It smells like a con.

JGZ350 said...

Good Morning Locos-

Experimental, I too thought you were a 'dude'. Nice avatar.

I would ask Jules if there is a forensic hatch. Also, I would ask if there is another 'flame' station, a communication station. I would also ask her to devulge the location(s) of any caches of guns, ammo, medicine, food and definetly some di beers and some MacCutcheon whiskey!

Unknown said...

memphish - Okay, just skimmed through The Man From Tallahassee, and Locke does have a pretty nice shiner developing at the end. He was obviously whacked into unconsciousness after the sub "incident." The question, of course, is whether Jack did it or an Other did it.

The wrist/hand bandage...I dunno. Could be a result of handcuffs + hanging from a pipe. It's a tough one.

Tess315 said...

Maybe the others were planning to leave all along. When they first captured Jack, Sawyer and Kate, Ben told Kate that the next two weeks would be unpleasant. In Expose Hurley said it had been two weeks since he'd seen the others. So they had something planned to happen in two weeks maybe it was to leave Otherville. Why I have no idea.

memphish said...

So did Kate and Cassidy stay in touch? Who told Kate her mom was dying and gave her money in Born to Run? I like how they answered the question of why Kate's mom freaked in that episode.

Here's a possible scenario for Cassidy helping Kate find Tom's plane. Cassidy goes to the bank where Sawyer has deposited the money for Clementine. She sees and recognizes Ed Mars there and watches as he gets a safe deposit box. She pulls a bump to lift the key off of him and sends it to Kate.

DiggityDirge said...

I was just reading the fuselage and someone made an interesting point.

Why was Jack still out cold when Jules and Kate arrived back at othersville? Kate and Juliett had been awake from the gas for several hours. Enough time to watch night turn to day, run from smokey, catch a nap, and get back to othersville. Why was Jack still out cold? The gas should have had similar effects on him. Also, why was Jack's house so trashed. Looked like someone deliberatly went thru and wrecked the joint before leaving.

memphish said...

Yeah Diggity, I asked that last night too. When I rewatched it looked like there might have been 2 canisters in his house. One for now and one for later?

And here's another question. Sayid was cuffed to the swing set outside. What happened to him? He obviously wasn't anywhere near as drugged as Jack because he had time to conduct not only a perimeter sweep, but a house to house canvas in the time it took Kate to get Jack out of his house.

Dennis said...

memphish said...Jack and Juliet will learn that Ben was going to have the sub blown up once they left

Why? They wouldn't have been able to come back anyway because of the sonar. I don't think killing people is part of the "rules".

TheBookPolice said... Since the cannisters were thrown into the cabanas, and the throwers were outdoors, did they really need them? The true reason may not have revealed itself yet.

I think the gas masks were needed. You don't want to take any chance of inhaling something.

Codysmom said...And why were Jack and Sayid out so much longer than Kate and Juliette? They all got the cannister at the same time.

Because they were indoors, so the the gas was more concentrated.

I think Juliet handcuffed herself to Kate so they could bond, but I don't know if I believe her that she was "left behind". If Juliet was gassed and "left behind" how did they get in the jungle? The only explanation I can think of is that Juliet was NOT gassed, and she brought Kate out into the Jungle. This must make her a plant.

memphish said... If Kate and Sayid are smart enough to go over the fence, why isn't Smokey, unless he's part of the con too.

I'm starting to think the fence was turned OFF when Sayid, John, and Kate went over it. I can't explain how Mikhail died - it would hard to fake blood spurting out of your ears.

Maybe when the fence IS turned ON, you can't go over it. And Smokey is probably fence trained by now - like a dog with an invisible fence. After a while, they learn the perimieter and you don't even need to have the fence on (you don't want to over work those hamsters!)

Tim said...

ExperimentalFilm said...

im changing it again . not feminine enough . :P


Memphis... Sayid is just that good.


on a completely separate note, I really wonder what is going on with Michael and Walt. It's been more than two weeks in Lost time since they left on the boat, and unless they were well-supplied, they'd be in some trouble. I'm assuming they had water, food, etc. on the boat -- but for how long?

Assuming that they can't actually get away, where are they? Are they back on the island somewhere?

I feel like we're due for news, or even an appearance from Michael and Walt soon.

memphish said...

Dennis, Ben can't let Jack and Juliet leave because unlike Michael who killed 2 what's to keep them and especially Jack from telling the whole world about where he's been and mount a giant search for the Island. Further Ben bends the rules when his neck is on the line as in the case of Pickett.

Tess315 said...

I think someone touched on that last night.
I thought that it was especially strange that the house was trashed. The fact that Jack still knocked out too was also odd. We don't know if Sayid was still out or not since we didn't see Juliet go get him. Maybe Jack and Juliet are still working Ben to find way off the island.

Black Swan said...

Tim said...
About Juliet:

1. We know Juliet was responsible for handcuffing herself and Kate together. This means she was not gassed, or, if she was, woke up much earlier than Kate.

2. Juliet couldn't move Kate to the middle of the jungle by herself. Either the "others" moved them both out there unwittingly (which seems unlikely since Juliet had handcuffs), or Juliet had help moving Kate out to the middle of the jungle. This seems like a question Kate should be asking herself.

3. This leads to the conclusion for me that Juliet – with help from the others – moved Kate out to the jungle, at which point Juliet handcuffed herself to Kate and knocked herself out/slept/whatever. It smells like a con.

I totally agree with this, tim

As far as where did the Others (and Locke) go? How about this? Ben decided to take Locke's advice and get away from all the conveniences of Otherville to see if his back gets better? Not sure where this would be, though..

Tim said...

Dennis -

I disagree about the fence. It was definitely on when Mikhail died, as it made the same noise it did in last night's episode.

And Smokey definitely didn't really seem "trained" about the fence -- it looked to me like it slammed into the fence and was repelled.

I'm not too worried about the "going over" thing. I'm just accepting that it can't.

Was there any way to see the code Juliet entered on the keypad?

DiggityDirge said...


Yah, how do you gas someone who is hancuffed in open air? I thought the point was to place the gas in a contained space (house, hut, foxhole, etc) so it can overwhelm the victim. I have seen smoke deployed in an open area for cover, but not gas. I don't think it would work, or if it did the effects would be minor.

Also, I have never seen a way to delay the release of gas from a can. I have a friend who works swat and has both kinds of gas. Once the pin is pulled the gas comes out. There is no detanator for them.

Ange said...

Sara Jane- Don't you like lettuce...Just put up a picture of you snacking lettuce, and all will be good!

maven said...

Tim and Codysmom: Totally agree that Juliette was in on the con with Kate from the beginning. With the help from an Other, she had Kate dragged out to the jungle and put the handcuffs on and pretended to be out. Curious why they would leave a knife in her pocket so exposed.

Unknown said...

dennis - So how many cannisters needed to be thrown? How many Others were shown masking up?

DiggityDirge said...

Tim said....Was there any way to see the code Juliet entered on the keypad?

It was good acting I tell you. The only buttons I see her push is 1, 2, 3. She puts both thumbs on the key pad, acts like she uses her right hand, and pushes 1, 2, 3 in sequence with her left. I thought we may see the old 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42, or atleast something significant.

maven said...

I think the sonic fence could do something to Smokey's "innards". Maybe that's why he can't go over the fence. He definitely seems to come up real short when he approaches the fence...something to do with the sonic wave thing. And, obviously, Juliette knows that the fence stops Smokey. I guess that's why the fence was erected in the first place. But I believe her when she says they don't understand Smokey. (Who does? LOL)

memphish said...

Tim, Juliet entered 1623. It's on Dark UFO.

I agree with Tim about the fence. I rewatched the Patchy scene and heard the same sound too.

maven said...

Diggity: There's a screencap at DarkUfo showing her punching in 1623.

DiggityDirge said...

memphish said...
Tim, Juliet entered 1623. It's on Dark UFO.

If you watch the scene in slow mo, she never pushes the 6. She has her right hand aove it, fakes pressing it, but never actually does. She does push 1,2,3.

JGZ350 said...

Experimental, I like that avatar even better, nice-

Something I thought about when I woke up this am. Ben's back must be healed since they left behind Jack.

Also, I had a crazier thought, what if the others were running to the event horizon or where going to travel back in time and prevent Locke from blowing up the sub. I know, crazy thoughts, but that's what happens when you dream about Lost. I know the time travel concept is not a favorite one around here, but I think it is a very interesting subject.

memphish said...

That is an interesting idea jgz350. I wish we'd get a few more clues about the time travel issue brought up 7 episodes ago now.

Diggity and Tim, I'm just going by what DarkUFO says. I don't have the patience to frame by frame it.

Unknown said...

If Juliet fakes the '6' in the keycode, that would be in keeping with the mythology red herrings we've gotten this year. LOOK SHE'S ENTERING TWO CONSECUTIVE "NUMBERS" INTO THE KEYP- oh no, wait, it's just 1-2-3. Like the friggin planetary shield in Spaceballs.

TPTB are toying with us like a cat with an injured mouse. In two weeks, they go in for the kill. I'm sure of it. (as sure as any LOST fan can be of anything, of course)

Black Swan said...

I just frame-by-frame watched Juliet push the numbers on the fence. On my Media Center I can hear if the button "clicks" or not when she pushes them and I heard a click on 1, 6, 2, 3. They didn't show us the first part of Juliet entering the numbers, though.

memphish said...

Erich, the Juliet befriending Kate thing just doesn't work for me. Juliet had to know Kate would go looking for Jack and Sayid. (After all I've seen her do it to quote commedian Ron White.)

What would the play be? Come on Kate lets just go back to your beach. Jack and Sayid will show up eventually. You owe me; you let Locke blow up my sub.

If Juliet really wanted to keep Kate from going back to Othersville she would have told Kate that the Others took Jack and Sayid as well as Locke. I can't remember, did Locke say they weren't going either?

I'm off for a bit. Looking forward to picking this up later.

Unknown said...

Man, I'm done with the comments. They're just crap. Ate two of my posts, and refreshing the page takes me back in time a la Desmond to an hour and a half ago.

Unfortunately, I'm done here too! Gotta get ready to go to work (ugh).

May or may not make it back here before next week. If this is it for 6 days, it's been fun actually posting here again. Stupid web filters!

Later kids.

Black Swan said...

But, erich, Juliet IS an Other! I think she'll be going after Charlie for killing Ethan.

I'm pleased I found a new function on my media center remote! I just push the skip button when it's paused. I've been going to the fwd button while paused to get slo-mo, but this is better!

If Juliet pushes "THE numbers" to lock the fence, it just goes along with the fact that the barracks are Dharma's and the Others just took it over after the purge. I still think Smokey could be the "incident" Candle talks about in the orientation films.

We'll miss you, bookpolice!

DiggityDirge said...


That is to assume that Juliett has not been in on Ben's plan from the beginning. I believe Juliett has been in on Ben's plan since day one and help orchestrate the tumor operation.

Juliett definetley appears to be in the others inner circle. She would give orders, direct people, and knows many things about the island. This has to be a concern for Ben, which is why I think she is a plant. Juliett could completely betry the others and tell the losties exactly what is going on and where to find them.

I'm just not sure why they are planting her and what Juliett will achieve. The losties are obviusly going to treat her like an outsider and will hve a difficult time trusting her.

Is she there to check on Aaron since she is a fertility doctor? Is she there to recover the radio. (pretty far fecthed) Is she there to report back to Ben regarding the Losties efforts.

What are the other reasons Juliett could have been planted? I'd be interested to hear other peoples thoughts.

Tim said...


Yeah, but she wouldn't just happen to have handcuffs and a key in the middle of the jungle.

DiggityDirge said...

Erich said...

I don't see it so much as her "befriending" Kate. Imagine this: she wakes up in the jungle...has no idea what's going on but guesses whatever's been done to her has been done by people she thought were her friends. She sees Kate, also unconscious, and decides at that moment that, for whatever reason, she's better off stuck with Kate than on her own. On a very basic level, she may just know she can't survive alone.

Not trying to dispute everything you say, because you are making some great points. For me, this is the manifestation of something I have been commenting about since A Tale of Two Cities. Juliett is part of the trap.

Anyway, tell me how she got the handcuffs? I agree with what Tim said above. There is no way Juliett dragged Kate out to the jungle by herself, and there is no way she woke up next to Kate and magically had a hand cuff and keys conveniently left in her pockets. Juliett also would ot have known that Jack and Sayid were left behind. She would have had to tell Kate that she isn't sure and they would have to go back and check.

"Ben likes to play mind games". I think this is another mind game.

bigdog said...

kate told juliet that the others left because locke told her. the handcuffs can be explained because kate was already handcuffed.

i dont know why i just feel like it is to easy for us to think jules is being planted.

i see her having a little ana lucia treatment by sayid though.

bigdog said...

how did juliet know it was going to rain. is that because it always rains on kate

Tim said...

Regarding Juliet's "insider" status with the others, let's not forget the first episode of the season and the discussion at the book club. She certainly seemed to be on the outs with Ben then.

However, that was before the plane crashed. That seems to have changed things again, though it's not so hard to believe that Juliet and Ben still aren't on the best terms.

Ange said...

tim's not so hard to believe that Juliet and Ben still aren't on the best terms.

Agreed, she wanted him dead. DEAD. I would say that screams, we are not getting along! Unless that whole thing was the continued saga of the scam on Jack.
Anyone think that Sawyer being nice to Aaron may be forshadowing an upcoming from the hubba hubba cam bear-cage action wiht Kate?

DiggityDirge said...

bigdog said...
kate told juliet that the others left because locke told her. the handcuffs can be explained because kate was already handcuffed.

i dont know why i just feel like it is to easy for us to think jules is being planted.

i see her having a little ana lucia treatment by sayid though.

Touche'. Gives me some food for thought.

memphish said...

If Juliet doesn't want to be left behind by the Losties, then her best plan is to get herself back to Jack ASAP as was clearly evident in the last scene and Next Week on Lost, but she tries to discourage Kate from returning for Jack, albeit right after she talks about mind games.

I don't understand the upside for Juliet in playing this "we're in it together" thing complete with BFF bracelets. If it were me, and thankfully I don't think like the Others, I'd have unhooked us and headed post-haste back to Jack who is the only one who's going to be able to save her from Sayid, Sawyer and Kate. Why stayed handcuffed if you've been Left Behind especially after your shoulder has been dislocated.

Juliet has been left behind to keep tabs on the Losties. Whether or not its ultimately for Ben's or her own agenda I think remains to be seen, but I'm pretty sure no one from Ben's group will be surprised to find out Juliet is on Fusie beach.

Also, if Juliet wasn't in on it, how did she know where Sayid would be?

Dennis said...

Why wouldn't she know were Sayid was before the gassing? She probably brought him a sandwich.

TheBookPolice said...So how many cannisters needed to be thrown? How many Others were shown masking up?

I count 7 people masking up.

bigdog said...

why have we still not seen rose and bernard. they would have been at sawyers little party at least in the background.

or are we just suppose to beleive that they are gone like how N&P just appeared

dont know why but that bothers me every episode.

memphish said...

Bigdog, as unsatisfying as this answer is going to be, yes you are supposed to assume Rose and Bernard were there. The reality is it costs too much money and time for those actors to walk around in the background to make us happy. Check out the last OLP for more details.

Kishia said...

I miss 12 hours, and you guys already have everything figured out!
Glad to see the ladies coming out of the woodwork with the crazy theories. After all, we are the best drama theorizers.

I'm going crazy waiting for more hanso in game stuff!!!

memphish said...

Erich, it seems to me there is inadequate at best surveillance of the part of the Island the Losties inhabit. Ben is never one to waste an effort so by convincing Juliet to be his eyes and ears and maybe even finish that list he doesn't waste the Jack con which was cut short by his medical situation.

I think the walkie talkie is definitely going to rear its head sooner rather than later.

bigdog said...

memphish, your right not very satisfying. but at least they are still there. Ironically enough i have never listened to any of the podcast. i just come to this site and other sites that you good people send me too.

Dennis said...

OK, I'm sure no one else is interested in this... but I found the other pinball game: Revenge From Mars.

Revenge From Mars picture
Revenge From Mars Web Page

As I mentioned before, the other pinball game is Cyclone.

Front View
Side View

There is actually a little continuity error in this scene, as the machines have switched places (or Revenge From Mars is missing).

DiggityDirge said...

I'm beginning to lean towards a third island for the new location of the others.

The new location would need to be accessable by boat or vehicle? With Ben still confined to his wheel chair, there is no way they plan to carry him wherever they are going. Since we are yet to see vehicles en mass, I'm leaning towards a island.

memphish said...

A 3rd Island would make Chucklez so happy.

ib4uc said...

Well, after reading all of the comments, I only have one thing to say: I wish Kate would have dislocated Juliet's neck instead of her shoulder. Maybe Sayid will accomplish that next week?

One could only hope...

Dennis said...

LuckyGuyLikeMe said... You know, the more I think about it, I'm not 100% sure what everything in the ratings mean. Dennis, can you clarify for me? If I remember correctly, since LOST got a 7.1/12, that means that 7.1% of households tuned in, and that factored out to about 12 million people? I don't know if that's correct or not now.

The first number is % of ALL households, the second number is the % of households WATCHING TV.

The 7.1/12 difference? The 7.1 translates to 7.9 million households. That means 66 million households were watching TV at 10:00pm, and 12% of them (7.9 million) were watching Lost.

The 4.8 share for adults 18-49 translates into 6.3 million people.

Here is a detailed explanation from TheFutonCritic

Here's a quick guide to understanding these numbers:

"Lost" (households: 7.1/12, #3; adults 18-49: 4.8, #3)

7.1 = "Lost's" household rating, which indicates 7.1% of all households in the U.S. watched this broadcast
12 = "Lost's" household share, which indicates 12% of all households watching TV in the U.S. watched this broadcast
#3 = "Lost's" household ranking for that night (T denotes a tie)
4.8 = "Lost's" adults 18-49 rating, which indicates 4.8% of all adults 18-49 in the U.S. watched this broadcast
#3 = "Lost's" adults 18-49 ranking for that night (T denotes a tie)

Some other stuff to keep in mind:
· Ratings are percentages NOT flat numbers. A 1.0 household rating equals 1% of all households in the U.S. A 1.0 adults 18-49 ratings equals 1% of all adults 18-49 in the U.S.
· There are 111,348,110 television households in the U.S. so 1% of that equals 1,113,481 households. Note that a household may contain more than one person.
· There are an estimated 130.6 million adults between the ages of 18 and 49 in the U.S. so 1% of that equals 1.31 million people.

FYSB said...

Hmmmm....if the Others don't know much about Smokey, then does that mean it's Dharma Initiative weaponry? And if so, was it used to help save the world, or was it to be a defense against the Others?

grrrr....i'm not happy with blogger today!

ib4uc said...

dennis... I was just looking at the pinball stuff on Sledgeweb's site and wondered if that Dennis was the same as our Dennis. Too cool!

Hey fysb. Good to see ya.

re: Smokey -- I just want to know what the heck it is!

memphish said...

Dennis has been messing with the post order again. Makes me think I'm Desmond. Good work Pinball Wizard.

FYSB, I've missed you and Joan.

Dennis said...

Dang. You catch me every time I do that!

I had to revise my ratings numbers after thinking about it for a bit :)

FYSB said...

Hi all! Darn work interfering with my Lost conversations. Good to see everyone again.

Joan missed you too memphish!

Scoutpost said...

Woo Hoo! This is the first opportunity I've had to get on here since yesterday- of course it'll probably take me the rest of the day to catch up! What an exciting episode! BBL

maven said...

Hey, FSYB! Darn that real life interfering! LOL

I guess the Others felt threatened by the Losties and took off for greener pastures. How would they wheel Ben through the jungle? Supposedly they used the tunnels. Do they have another form of water transportation if they're going to another island?

How are they going to communicate with their plant, Juliette. She's probably supposed to keep tabs on the Losties. How is she going to gain their trust? Can Jack really convince everyone Juliette's been dumped by the Others and she's a good person? I don't think so!

Melissa_Lossa said...

Hi everyone!

I've been working so hard today that I've just caught up, and have no time to post. Just wanted to say hello and mark my spot for tomorrow. :)

This episode was much better than I thought it would be. I might consider this my favorite Kate flashback - although that's not saying much!

Fenris said...

Hi all, it's that time again. I actually caught up on most of the posts earlier today but that took a good hour and there have been quite a few since so I'm jumping in.

Okay here goes:

1) I have said before that I suspected the fence was to stop Smokey. But what that suggests is that Dharma knew about Smokey and created the defence system to stop him getting close. The lack of survelence makes sense if the only threat at the time was smokey and they were certain there would be no breach. But here is an interesting question (and it's one I've posed before but last time it was more speculative as I didn't know if the perimiter wall did stop Smokey):

Did Dharma create both the sonic wall *and* Smokey (as the Cerberus defence unit) and if so why create something so dangerous that they need a defence against it?

It could be that Cerberus went a bit nuts and so they erected the defence area later, which also means that it went nuts before the Others took over as they don't seem so aware of what it is.

It could be that the DI themselves became the others due to this virus that Danielle was talking about (increasing speculation that she is Dharma) and that Cerberus is partially organic and was affected by the same virus. But perhaps Cerberus turned first and they erected the sonic barrier before they all went ga ga themselves.

The other possibility is that it was on the island before the DI (meaning it even had "vents" if it is indeed Cerberus).

Of course if it is just a co-incidence about the sonic barrier and Smokey it could just be that Smokey is Ben's "thing from the box", but it must be pointed out that it would make one of the biggest lost Mysteries a rip off of the Forbidden Planet and that would suck.

Okay that got quite long so I'll come back with no.2 and onwards later. :)

memphish said...

Maven said, Can Jack really convince everyone Juliette's been dumped by the Others and she's a good person? I don't think so!

I think we may get a Jack/Sawyer leadership challenge over just this point. Sawyer, Kate, Sayid, Charlie, Claire and probably Hurley would almost certainly be in the anti-Juliet camp. Sun is in the anti-Sawyer camp, but would this make her pro-Juliet? It would be interesting to see our Losties engage in a form of their own justice system and contrast it to the one run by Sheriff Isabel with oversight by Supreme Court Ben.

Another question I really want Sayid to ask Juliet: Who is their leader? Patchy told Sayid it wasn't Ben.

Capcom said...

Hi All,

Fenris, what do you mean by 'vents'? Are you talking about how the CV notations in the blast door map are supposed to stand for Cerberus Vents? And what kind of vents would that be? Tx.

I guess that I am officially on the fence and undecided about whether or not Jules is intended as a plant on the beach. I do agree that Ben's mind games have been a part of the story for some time, and via those games, Ben and the Others have on occasion stated the obvious to one or some of the Losties about their intentions, and it zoomed right over the Losties' heads. E.g., what Alex said to Locke, B and J telling Jack about their plan to use him, etc. They told the Losties what they were going to do, and they did it. Surprise! So it may be obvious that Jules would be a spy, but they always seem to telegraph their moves and still succeed. But.....then again, I can also see them banishing Jules and leaving her behind. I don't know which way to go.

BTW, if the Others are afraid of Smokey, that means that Smokey would attack them, which means that they are not 'good enough' for Smokey's judgements!

Over and out. ;-p

Capcom said...

BTW, I've been calling the 'Forbidden Planet' Id Monster play from the start. I'm also hoping it's not merely that, but it's surely very similar so far. Perhaps it's the id monster of "He-Him Who Does Not Forgive".

The Penuels said...

Lag alleviation post coming soon...

By the way, just scanned through all the comments...I can't believe nobody else mentioned my favorite line of the whole episode: Hurley to Sawyer "Sucks to be you dude". I laughed out loud...

The Penuels said...


Codysmom said...

I was thinking maybe they're snorkle masks and they'd be going out to the not-blown-up sub that John submerged:)

4/04/2007 09:05:00 PM

You're onto something. I don't think they were putting on snorkles or scuba gear but I do think they may have traveled via submarine. The assumption is that Locke didn't blow up the submarine. Since, he was wet when the C4 exploded near the dock, he must have submerged it and swam to the surface. Locke let them in on his secret when he decided to "join" them.

If I was Ben, I'd take the gang back to the Hydra Station island. There is very little chance of being disturbed by the Losties over there since they only have one canoe at this point.

Could be tunnels though...better explains the fact that they left no tracks.

DiggityDirge said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
DiggityDirge said...

I still don't think we have any evidence or reason to believe tunnels exist. I think there is as much if not more of a chance that smokey can transform into a sub than the chance tunnels exist. We need more evidence to make that leap.

Supporting Evidence:

1. We have found 4 or 5 hatches, but no tunnels.
2. Ethan and Goodwin were told to run to their respective beaches. No need to run if there are tunnels.
3. No tunnels found in othersville.
4. Ben and Juliett entering the pearl and making comments about Tom leaving the door open.

I also think there is no way that Locke submerged the sub. That would be so lame. He submerges the sub in 20 feet of water and tricks everyone right before their eyes?

Locke was only wet from the chest down. If he submerged the sub, he would have had to exit thru a torpedo tube or diver tube, which would have had him totally soaked. John also would have needed a remote detantor. It would be way to risky to light a fuse, go out through a diver tube, and hopefully you get out and the sub still blows up. Last possibility: he surfaced the sub so the neck was out. People would clearlY see sub still there. Seems way to far fetched to me.

Since we haven't seen any transport vehicles, other than the hippie van, they had to have left via boat. This could be the large boat they refer to in the orientation video, Desmond's sailboat, or the boat we saw the board to get back to the main island from Alcatraz.

I think sometimes we try to find mystery where the answers are pretty obvious. No tracks = by sea or air. Since we are yet to see a plane or chopper, I vote sea.

memphish said...

The Others still have 2 boats that Locke hasn't blown up or sunk as well. The one they used to get from The Hydra to Othersville in the first place, and the Elizabeth which wouldn't have much room for a wheel chair, but she's mighty yar (The Philadelphia Story reference).

Ange said...

I just re-watched the episode, and here are some more things I noticed regarding Smokey: At the fence Juliet says, “We don’t know what it is, but we know that it doesn’t like our fences.”
This makes me think that Smokey was something that was already on the island, at least before the current Others took shape. I am not certain why the Others (our fences) would need sonic fences, but it really seems to me like they were for something else, and just happened to keep Smokey at bay. Also, Smokey actually “bangs” (for lack of a better word) into the sonic wall, and causes vibrations as such. Like it literally can not pass through, unlike people, that can pass through, but go kapow when they do.
That’s it for now.

maven said...

Hey, Ange! When I saw that scene, I got the feeling that Smokey was reacting to some sort of sonic wave. There was kind of sound ripples when it got near. (Sort of like a whistle only dogs and cats can hear.) I agree that Smokey was already there on the island, and I think the fence was installed by DI to keep Smokey out, The "our fences" reference might mean that the Other consider everything on the island theirs now...taken over from Dharma.

BTW: Had any good black pudding lately?

Ange said...

Hi Maven~ I agree the Others do think of everything on the island as theirs (well everything structural, that they know about). I am going to watch that scene again I think, partly because it was cool, and also because I think Smokey kinda flattens out from the sonic waves. Also, per some earlier posts, I will be seriously upset if the whole thing turns out like Forbidden Planet, not that it isn't a good concept, but I just hope it turns out to be something we haven't even thought of.

RE: black pudding, not lately, not, but maybe I will give it a go;)!

Fenris said...

Okay first some comments from Diggitys post:

Re: Locke/Sub/Wetness, While I can't see Locke submerging the sub and then pretending blowing it up it is worth noting that if the sub was Dharma, given Dharma were all scientists there may have been some kind of deep sea diving vehicle onboard and Locke could have saved that. So a kind of mini sub. To be frank I'm not sure there is anything in Locke being wet at all except maybe as a metaphor. lol.

Re: Tunnels. I don't believe the Others have or use tunnels but that doesn't mearn there aren't tunnels. I suspect there was tunnels at some point but that most were blocked up. But it is possible there are still some people/things using the tunnels. For a start there are those Cerberus Vents and I have to suspect there are tunnels between those, but who wants to go down there? Certainly not the Others.

Fenris said...

Okay more comment replies:

Capcom, Glad I'm not the only one that's been thinking the Forbidden Planet thing. But using an idea from one of the most famous Sci-Fi's of all time would be pretty damn poor and I am positive our Lost writters are better then that (and recycling star-trek episodes for that matter). But we are lacking a lot of information on Smokey. Currently we don't know when it first appeared or if it's a single creature/robot or multiple ones.

As for the Vents. Yeah according to those puzzle things, which I am assume are cannon, the CV's on the blast door map are Cerberus Vents. Now the other notation about Cerberus does seem to suggest Cerberus is our smoke monster, or at least what Dharma called it (I had always thought Dharma had created it,especially as they know the locations of the vents).

It seems to fit name-wise. Multi-headed gaurd dog? I think we may be seeing the multi-headed aspect recently where we've been talking about Smokeys different roles. Cerberus had three heads I believe (although sometimes depicted with more). So perhaps we have 1 - Watching/processes (taxi ticker noise etc), 2 - interacting (in shapeshifted form), 3 - Eliminating threads (Roaring noise and obviously killing things).

As for the vents, well I'm assuming the are enterance/exit points for whatever Cerberus is. Perhaps an underground facilitie that is automated (maybe it's where the food drops come from too? -----Oooh maybe Smokey was the plane that dropped the food?). It could be that Locke was almost sucked down into one when Cerberus grabbed him.

Anyway, enough for comments, I will get on to my number. 2 comment in a sec. :)

maven said...

Fenris said: It seems to fit name-wise. Multi-headed gaurd dog? I think we may be seeing the multi-headed aspect recently where we've been talking about Smokeys different roles. Cerberus had three heads I believe...

Over at DarkUFO screencaps there is a still showing Smokey approaching the fence and there are 3 distinct "heads".

Fenris said...

2. Everyone one is so quick to point out how obvious it is Julliet is a plant. This makes me almost 100% certain she is not a plant at all. Of course that doesn't mean she won't betray the beache's should Ben dangle something she wants in front of her. But for the time being I do believe she is genuinely outcast. But with everyone at home calling her a plant it's obvious everyone in the camp will think likewise. Which could be what Ben was planning all along, how much is that going to disrupt stuff at that camp? Plus I reckon he's not worried about her revealing whatever she knows although it depends what she knows about point 3.

3. Where have the others gone? Well I suspect they have gone back to Island no.2 to continue whatever it was they were working on before. Whatever needed the stone shifting that Kate and Sawyer did, was what Cindy and co went to watch and is what set the time limit for Kate's stay on that island (according to her conversation with Ben on the beach), that is what they've gone back for. Perhaps they had uncovered something and the real reason they went back to their village was because they expected the losties to come look for them and didn't want them to go to that island (if they indeed could). Perhaps the brain washed kid they took with them was a plant in that instance.

(more to come)

Fenris said...

Mave said "Over at DarkUFO screencaps there is a still showing Smokey approaching the fence and there are 3 distinct "heads"."

I will go check!

Capcom said...

You're right Admin, that was a great line! :-D Hurley doesn't mince words when he wants to get something done or said.

Tx, Fenris. Three heads? And Maven sees three heads in the caps? Wow, have to go check!

Fenris said...

Okay, not sure about that. I've still only seen the episode once, but I have to say if you need to label the heads to show them it's not that distinct. Also while it made a shape it's a bit of an assumption to say heads, it could have been wings, arms, shoulders, fingers or even *ahem* something else. ;)

But I still think Smokey is Cerberus. Also here is another thought.

Cerberus' brother was - Hydra. He also had one further brother Chimera. Three camps of "Other"?

Capcom said...

Yes, I'm not sure that the undulations of the Smokey composition or material could be called heads, but I'm on with the whole Smokey/Cerberus theory. Sometimes, in this video that DarkUFO posted, it looks as if Smokey is divided into three parts. Like three snakey Smokeys, and then they all go back together as one. So that could still be considered three-headed.

Fenris said...

Okay new theory/expansion on what I was saying about Julliet.

Here goes:

Julliet is not a plant. She is scared and used to doing dark crazy things for her survival. But why would Kate and her be outside the village randomly? Julliet couldn't shift Kate there by herself that we know but how about this:

Jack helped her. The two of them were told in advance they would be left and Jack agreed to take Julliet back to his camp. He then came up with an idea to give her more credibility and hopefully help her bond with another character other then him. So it was his idea.

Here is a further idea - what if their is a plant and his name is Jack.

Capcom said...

Hmmmmmmm, sounds plausible Fenris. I think that Jack would definitely agree to helping Jules in that way...he came to her aid before. And Ben could be playing them also, like he could say, "OK, I tried to let you go ((winkwink to Locke)) but your buddy blew up your transport. So if you both want to leave so badly, I'll allow you two to go back to the beach ((winkwink to Juliet))." That is of course if he is not using Jack as a spy on the beach.

Now that I'm thinking too much, how do we know that even Juliet's trial was real and not just a show for Jack? I hope that we can take that on face value.

Ange said...

Like the Jack idea Fenris. Also, Jack has a history of sticking up for the unaccepted underdogs, IE Anna Lucia, because he had bonded with her at the airport. He has certainly bonded with Juliet, and I wouldn't be surprised if they were in it together.

memphish said...

So was it Jack's plan to have Juliet break it to Kate that he knows about her and Sawyer? I guess he's even enough an Alan Alda guy to allow Juliet to tell Kate "she broke my heart."

One problem with this to me is that first Sayid is the odd man out and Sayid has as much of a grudge against the Others because of Shannon. Juliet's done nothing to try to earn his trust. And Jack knew he was there.

And Jack has exhibited a lot of bad judgment in women -- cheating Sarah who he picked up in the ER, Bai Ling, Ana LuLu.

Another problem is that it's hard to imagine Jack would willingly allow himself to be gassed for 2 days to forge a bond between Juliet and Kate. That's not a Jack Shephard, Surgeon Hero, MO.

Do you think we might see what happened the week Jack and the Others were back in Othersville? That could help explain how Jack perceives Juliet at least.

Fenris said...

Capcom - the is true about the trial, it coudl be fake. But that is an odd thing with Ben and his schemes he does rely a *lot* on luck. I mean I have to assume he didn't plan on any of his people getting killed, but he certainly used it to his advantage.

Ange - Great point about Jack and Anna Lucia.

Another thing occurs to me about Jack, they have been making him look worse and worse in flashbacks (as someone else noted earlier) so
maybe that is partially so when he betrays everyone it will not look so out of character.

memphish said...

Fenris, Great ideas to think about. Ben does rely on "luck" a lot. I think it has to do with the box.

And I agree that there is something that's got to come out about Jack. It does not make sense given what we know about him as of right now as to why he's not on the list.

Fenris said...

Doesn't Jacks tatoo say something like "he walks amongst us but is not one of us". Who's he walking amonst now?

Memphis - Well I don't think Jack was gassed for 2 days. We don't know he was gassed at all or Julliet for that matter. Perhaps they were just told to stay and that was it.

As for Sayid, well, you only fight the battles you can win. I suspect Julliet knows she will only have Sayid trust her after he interogates her as he puts so much weight on being able to tell if people are lying.

Fenris said...

Having said that, I suspect they were gassed. I'm just thinking of possibilities. Lol.

But thanks for the devils advocate on that. It doesn't totally fit. Although in Lost what does?

memphish said...

All right here is why Juliet is a plant. Next week's episode is called One of Us. Who used that phrase last? Ben.

From SIASL: Juliet doesn't care about you, Jack. It doesn't matter what she's done. No matter what you think... she's one of us.

Ben's favorite is when he can tell the truth and the Losties still don't get it.

Capcom said...

"Ben's favorite is when he can tell the truth and the Losties still don't get it."

Exactly Memphish, that's what I think!!! Alex even did it to Locke!

Fenris said...

4. Is it just me that thinks this? To me it seems the FBI's worldwide long term manhunt for Kate is a bit excessive for a single murder (as a crime of passion) and insurance fraud (although that probably rates higher then murder to the FBI).

I mean there were a *LOT* of FBI guys staking out Kates mums house for over two months. Wierd. I am wondering if perhaps Kates dad was a much more important person then he first seemed.

Fenris said...

"Ben's favorite is when he can tell the truth and the Losties still don't get it."

Which is why I'm positive there are infact two giant Hamsters. Smokeys true form perhaps?

Ange said...

You are a hamster Fenris!

Fenris said...

5. "After the War, Hanso became the leading purveyor of high-technology armaments for NATO."

That was from the old THF website. We know for a fact Hanso knew about the island before the DI was there, due to Magnus Hanso. He almost certainly had checked it out and so with it's special properties it makes sense he used to as a site to develope his weapons.

So what if Smokey was one of those. A legacy from those days. Perhaps a lot of things were due to a legacy from those days. Or alternatively he continued the weapons work alongside the DI research.

Capcom said...

You're right, if we believe all of Ben's "kidding" is the truth, there indeed is a giant hamster wheel! :-D And with The Box around, just saying it made it so! j/k :o)

Good points about the FBI Fenris. Although, perhaps it just became a personal thing with the Marshall. You know how those storie lines always go, the chaser never gives up and the chaser and chasee form a symbiotic relationship and sort of can't live without each other. Maybe he also had a thing for her? And if he was high enough up in the force to pull strings, he might have been able to get the men to back up his puny hunt. But you're right, I really never understood why he went all the way to Oz to get her.

Capcom said...

Oh, Smokey as a weapon, I like that idea! A weapon gone amuck???

Fenris said...

"Ben's favorite is when he can tell the truth and the Losties still don't get it." - Actually I think that is the reason why ben uses sarcasm so much. Means he tells lies like the truth and truth like lies as well as truth like truth and lies like lies.

Also, I am a zombie a hamster

Alsoso, re something Maven said earlier. I agree that the others refer to the fences as "ours" just because they consider it theirs not because they made/designed it. Plus, the creature is totally made of black pudding.

Fenris said...

One more: Capcom - I did wonder as well if it was just down to the Marshall, but then what kinda pathetic guy is he? I suppose it could just be he was a buddy/family member of Kates dad. But otherwise, really - what a loser!

Fenris said...

Okay one more, just because the Capcoms last comment made me think this:


Capcom said...

Really, I agree, what a loser. I really got the feeling sometimes that he really liked/loved her, especially when they were talking on the phone. I know that he was taunting her but.....

memphish said...

Kate and the Marshal--it's definitely personal. Maybe the Marshal was bragging to his friends about this silly chick who so amaturely blew up her dad as he taunts Kate back in What Kate Did. Then after she escaped he's become the laughing stock of the Bureau. Now Ed Mars is whatever the name of the guy is who chases The Fugitive.

Capcom said...

Hahaaha! Only on FOXTV!! Soon to be out on video. :o)

I'm out here too. Great comments today everyone!

memphish said...

There's already a new OLP out.

thinbluemime said...

Anyone listen to the latest Official Lost Podcast? (April 05, 2007)

The Thursday, September 24, 2004 dated newspaper Paulo was reading at the Sydney airport was addressed. (Expose')

When listening and interpreting what Cuse and Lindelof are saying, listen closely, especially to the podcast beginning where "truth & lies" and partial "truth & lies" are mentioned.

(My Summary: Thursday, September 24, 2004 was NOT a production error)

Ange said...

I am having a hard time figuring what Federal Offense Kate has committed unless it is being on the lam(IE: Sec. 1073. Flight to avoid prosecution or giving testimony).

Also, I am not eating black pudding if it is the same thing as a stalky smoke monster...unless there is catsup!

memphish said...

TBM, you just beat me. I was just about to post that. My take was that DL and CC punted the issue to Gregg Nations who has been AWOL from The Fuselage for 2 weeks and that it is an error. At the very least September 24, 2004 International Date Line notwithstanding was a Friday.

memphish said...

Ange, please tell me you didn't search the US Penal Code. My guess is that she crossed state lines at some point which brought the FBI in.

Amused2bHere said...

off to listen to the OLP, and hopefully there will be a lag alleviation post by the time I get bak.

You LoCos are so cool!

Ange said...

HAHAHA, well it was a quick Google search...I supposed what Kate did would fall under Homicide as well, although I dunno what would qualify that to be handled at the federal level.

memphish said...

New J. Wood post is up too.

memphish said...

Ange, don't forget we're dealing with a post-9/11 world. I think What Kate Did was around about post-9/11. Everything became a federal case then.

Ange said...

Yeah, good point memphish, also this is what happens when Grey's is a repeat! Going to J Wood now...

thinbluemime said...

memphish, the Lozt Boyz are fudging the facts, LOL

Greg Nations not responding to the fuselage post requesting clarification is admission to me that the date was NOT a prop error.

Lost has entered into full blown sci-fi territory, via time travel, worm hole, black hole, or most probably a parallel multiverse similiar to Steven King's Dark Tower...and I LOVE IT!!

bigdog said...

maybe the marshall was just mad because a woman prisoner escaped from him several times making him look bad.

Fenris said...

"Now Ed Mars is whatever the name of the guy is who chases The Fugitive." - Yes of course, lol, he was named after a character in a Raymond Chandler novel. That character turns out to be the big bad guy incidentally who has someone killed and keeps his wife concealed to cover it up.

Ange said...

Three words bigdog, one armed man...dun dun dun!

memphish said...

You do mean Marvin Candle right Ange? Maybe Marvin really blew up Kate's dad. Night all. I can finally go watch my recording of The Office. Mini-Me got to stay up late because there's no school tomorrow in honor of Maven's birthday. Happy Maven's Birthday Eve everyone, and Good Night Mrs. Calabash wherever you are.

Fenris said...

Sorry, just want to correct the bit on Eddie Mars (the Chandler Character), in the book he actually wasn't the killer (and I wonder if the real killers identity is a hint on that. In the film he was (well the Bogard one anyway).

*Ahem* But anyway, I don't think there is a clue in the name.

Ange said...

LOL memphish, I meant THIS
Sweet Dreams everyone.

thinbluemime said...

Link to Greg Nations, for those that missed it the first go round

Ange said...

OH MY GOODNESS Dennis! Of course she did...sheesh, I am losing it. Thanks:) Right, off to bed!

TakesaVillage said...

A belated Happy Birthday to Maven & JGZ.So Maven,were you passed over? lol.
Also I hope everyone had a wonderful Passover;sorry for lurking.
Chuckles3,welcome back.

Fenris said...

Dennis Said - "Kate robbed a bank in "Whatever the Case May Be", and shot three of her accomplices (when she was trying to fetch the toy plane)"

Okay that would explain upping the importance of the manhunt. But that happened really late on. Infact timelinewise it's one of the last things she did and the only manhunting that happened for her after that was the loan Eddie Mars comming to get her in Oz.

So it's actually more like she did that and then they lowered the manhunt for her. Well aside from putting wanted posters for her apparently around the entire world (unless Eddie had some kind of reason to believe she was in that part of Oz).

But when there was that MASSIVE federal presence waiting for her at her months house for at least two months all she had done was a crime of passion and insurance fraud. Unless the FBI employs a psychic department of course, which is Lost is always possible.

memphish said...

Happy Birthday Maven!

Hope we get a new post early this morning.

Fenris, your references to the Marshal as Eddie made me realize that Locke's narc was named Eddie too.

More on the next thread.

Fenris said...

Wow my no type so good.


Happy Birthday Maven. Hopefully we'll get a lag allieviation post soonish.

JGZ350 said...

Good Morning Locos
A tremendous Good Friday to you
Peace be with you all-

Happy Birthday Maven! Yes, we are both Aires, I guess that's why I usually agree with what you post.

I feel you FYSB, freggin' work getting in the way of my LOST! I need to catch up with the posts, but I will say Jules looks real good as a plant.

The Penuels said...

Happy Good Friday to all!

New Post on the frontpage.

Joseph Finchum said...
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