LOST Season Five Official Trailer #1 - video powered by MetacafeBy popular demand, here is the brand new trailer for Lost Season 5!Spoilerphobes beware - the images in this trailer WILL be discussed in the comments. If you don't want to know anything, please avoid the comments section. Enjoy!
First! :)Okay, this is probably a HUGE abuse of my new admin powers, but here you go. Discuss away.Dennis, I will not be offended at all if you take this down!
Second! Thank you, ML! I don't see this as an abuse of your awesome powers! We were all asking for this to happen. Thank you!
Flex those muscles, Melissa!The possibility that the reality around the Losties has come back around in time is growing stronger. See: DHARMAZMAT-suited fellow drawing up on Faraday; a Beechcraft crashing all over again (maybe); and reshaven-Jack's oddly-phrased comment to Ben about everyone else dying.
I agree, Kyle - Juliet also seems to be uncovering a hatch door identical to the original Swan hatch.Could that be Kelvin again in the hazmat suit?
It seems that everything "old" is "new" again! TPTB seem to be definitely pointing us towards the Left Behinders going back in time on the island: Juliet discovering the hatch, Faraday running into either Desmond/Kelvin/Radinsky in the Hazmat suit, the Beechcraft seeming to have just crashed. The thing that trouble me is that all of these things from the past happened at different times. Of course, trailers are notorious for misleading and always taken out of context, but it seems like those left behind are discovering all these things at the same time.
Ooh, what if it's Radzinsky? Good thinking, maven!I think these things could all happen - if the island just goes back to a time when Radzinsky is alive, the Beechcraft is still on the cliff and the Swan hatch is still buried, then things could unfold in new ways.If they've gone back even earlier, could the Losties themselves cause "the incident"?
Could the Losties really be the Hostiles?
OT: I do not see a trash icon on my posts. Is it just me or do you see one on your posts?
I don't see the trash can, either, maven. I thought maybe I did something wrong, but I just checked over at LostArgs, and I don't have a trash can on my post over there, either. Maybe it's a blogger issue? I was having trouble with blogger earlier.
Here's something - if they go back to a point where the Beechcraft is still on the cliff, and knock it off, does Boone still die in 2004?
First off, this promo is so AWESOME! X-DSecondly, nice to have you back Kyle!!!!I am so excited by the images in this promo. I didn't hink that I could get so worked up again. It would be so weird if the island actually went back in time, OR, Ben somehow manages to take the Losties back...literally. Maybe the only way to get back to the island, is to go back in time to the island. Wowzers!
Also, has everyone seen the DVD extra that Lisa posted on the ARG blog? It's pretty neat. Could we talk about that controversy here too? It's not really a spoiler, more sort of like something that should have been in the ARG, and it covers a lot of the WTH arguments that we brought up when discussing the episodes about the lies last season, e.g., how could anyone posssibly believe that Kate was pregnant. :-)
Thanks melissa for this post.I think you're right maven no matter what it looks like I'm sure the promo is a montage of scenes from the season or at least the first few episode.I'm wondering how far back they've gone too. It seems like they're in the time of the "orignial" DI so is it before, during or after the incident. I was wondering if the Losties may have caused the incident due to the donkey wheel time traveling. Not that the Losties themselves did something to cause the incident but the time travel caused it. As far as the Losties being the hostiles it could be not sure, but I think the DI (if it is the DI) thinks they are the hostiles. Or it could be the time travel caused the reconstituted DI to be formed the picture of Jack with Dharma Initiative and the new logo must mean something.Ok now for Faraday.I agree the guy in the hazmat suit could be Kelvin,Radzinsky or Desomond. In the episode The Constant when Desomond and Faraday are in his lab Desmond tells Faraday he met him on an island. To me it seemed like this was familiar to him. I don't remember the exact words I haven't checked but it was something like -- on an island why was I on an island or I was on an island? So I've thought since then that Faraday met Desmond on the island before and this may be when. He does know alot about the island and the DI's protocols. But the fact that this guy pointing a gun a Faraday is in a hazmat suit makes me wonder if it is Desmond since Kelvin would never let Desmond go out. But I guess that could be explained by course correction. One more thing it's not about the promo but it can tie in. At Comic Con TPTB said they didn't want to use the term flashback or flashforward this season when someone asked about Danielle's flashback. So I was thinking if the Losties have gone back in time maybe we will get Danielle's story in real time.Ok that's the end of my really long post. Thanks for being patient. I told you I wanted to talk, talk, talk. lol
Oh, hello!!! I'm so happy to have found you here!!The Season 5 promo rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I try to keep in mind that some things in there may be trying to throw us off, but yeah, the Island back in time for sure!!! I'm working on how far back in time... keep thinking of that scene in season 1 where Sawyer says to Kate he's been waiting 4 years for that kiss, Aaron looks about 4 in the promo... gotta look for a vid of that sawyer/kate thing... and for other 4 year references (anybody know of one?)
codysmomWow I don't remember Sawyer saying that. Pretty cool. Hope you can find which episode it was from.
I can only find this reference to a line like that. Can't open it at work, but it looks like it's fanfic/fan theory.
For more food for thought, check out the Nik At Nite post on the promo:http://nikkistafford.blogspot.com/2008/10/lost-season-5-promo-analyzed.htmlMemphish heads the comments.
Here;s where your Google leads to Kyle: http://nikkistafford.blogspot.com/2008/10/lost-season-5-promo-analyzed.htmlHere's what the first post says: "Apologies if this has been done already, I'm a bit slow on the uptake. This is my version of some topics already discussed here. Sawyer to Kate: 'I've been waiting for that kiss for 4 years' Sawyer and Walt: 'Your acting like a 6 year old. I'm not 6 I'm ten! Claire hasn't felt the baby move in days. Kate to Charlie " how can you NOT know where he is, (jack)? Deja vu with all the characters because they became the subjects of Dharma experiments the first time they crashed on the island. What we are seeing now is the scenario the Losties are experiencing after the staged 2nd plane crash. They crashed and were made subjects of an experiment for 4 years then their memories were erased and they were placed exactly where they were found after the first (real) crash. Time on the island is quite different, the 3 months on the island have really been 4 years, give or take. Deja Vu by the Losties are the original memories mixed up with the CURRENT, causing confusion. When the Losties were rescued 4 years had past. Clair had her baby the first time around, and then the baby was replaced by another baby after the 2nd staged crash. Kate has Aaron now as we've seen in the so called FF, that boy is about 3-4 years old. The lies told by the Losties are covering up the other lies and the real truth which they do not know yet. I don't believe it's a game or a hoax, just an experiment the Losties happened into. Drugs and conditioning made this all work on the Losties as it did in the MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE. Talk about having a 2nd chance and redemption. Let the games begin!"Interesting. The rest of the comments are interesting as well.
I think you pasted the same link you just posted. Try again, I'm intrigued.
Oh poopies, you're right, thanks:http://www.flicksnshows.com/showthread.php?t=103259
About the room that Sun appears to be locked in - does anyone else think that it looks like the room where Kate met her mom during the trial last season?And how disappointed is Aaron going to be in his "vacation"? ;)
There's either a British police officer or an airport terminal staffer stationed outside the door. I'm guessing Widmore's gonna try to mess a sister up.
It does kind of. I think that the room that Kate was in was darker or grayer, but I could be wrong. They are both austere looking.Yes, Aaron's going to be one confused little kiddle. :-o
It would be very cool if some of the things that we have seen, or will see, are a result of the "reconstitution" somehow, and a time loop event following that. That forum discussion that Kyle found kind of goes there.
P.S. before I take off for the movies...I suspect 2costa will flip when he sees the promo and the idea that there is a time loop. Hasn't he been theorizing that for some time? Kind of that Ben is always one step ahead because he's seen it before and therefore knows what to do? :-o
Hey all! This time looping notion is grating on me a bit. Haven't Cuse and Lindeloff said repeatedly -- the future will not change? How can the past on the Island change and the future not change?
memphish - that's my question. If the Losties are "the incident," I can buy that. We already know that an incident occured that set the whole Swan story into motion. However, I'm more unclear on the Beechcraft. If the plane's not there, does Boone still die in some other way?And how does changing the past affect characters' deaths overall? Is it possible to save a character that we've already seen die from dying?
BTW, memphish - HI!!! :) Welcome back!
Sorry to poop out on you guys like that.. but I literally did (poop out.. lol, fell asleep).. Thanks kyle and capcom for those links.. If you go to this youtube (from season 1 ep 5) at about 7:50 or after, it's the statement I was looking for:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHamdfkyJgQand Lostpedia transcript here:in Act 4 s1 ep5:SAWYER: Well, it's about time. KATE: For what? SAWYER: I made this birthday wish 4 years ago. KATE: Where's the water? [Sawyer flips her over so he's on top.] SAWYER: That's better. KATE: Get off of me.
capcom, yeah... 2costa would love it... hehehmemphish said... Hey all! This time looping notion is grating on me a bitWell, you could dive into it a totally different way than the scientific way.. I've been studying the Aborigine Dreamtime ideas as a result of something I saw on the Black Swan vinyards (the real wine site). I have found quite a bit on it and I'm planning to blog about it on myspace, but I probably won't get the chance until next week. Thinking we may have gotten the Black Swan thing wrong (from the ARG) and it's NOT the theory by Nicholas Taleb and his book, but from the history of Australia and the Aborigines? Here's a little of what I've found:"Dreamtime refers to an experience and to beliefs that are largely peculiar to the Australian native people. There are at least four aspects to Dreamtime - The beginning of all things; the life and influence of the ancestors; the way of life and death; and sources of power in life. "Dreamtime includes all of these four facets at the same time, being a condition beyond time and space as known in everyday life. The aborigines call it the ‘all-at-once’ time instead of the ‘one-thing-after-another’ time. This is because they experience Dreamtime as the past present and future coexisting. This condition - See: altered states of consciousness - is met when the tribal member lives according to tribal rules, and then is initiated through rituals and hearing the myths of the tribe."Just sayin' - this sounds like an aspect of time Darlton could wrap their head around telling us we won't know where and when things happens in season 5.The Dreamtime is a very different way of thinking than we are used to. It would take an immersive experience to help understand it. Could be way off, but it's interesting, nontheless...
I've often had a problem with the timeline on the island. Especially with the supposed time of the iteration of Danielle's message. I've always thought it was longer. But I'm not sure I believe in a time loop.I've also had the thought that the Losties and even Desmond were part of a room 23 brainwashing and that the Deja vu they expeience are surpresed memeories that are coming to the surface. But I do love the idea of time travel. I think it's cool and I hope they pursue that in season 5.
codysmomI read some of that you had it linked at your blog didn't you.It is interesting. Does it say how they achive an altered state of consciousness?Some Native Americans did similar things some tribes used peyote.Locke did it in his sweat lodge. So it could play a part.
Sayid'sgirl, remember that Sawyer got mezmerized by that Rm 23 film... lolAs far as the Aborigines achieving altered states of consciousness:"So the aborigine would meet the influence of the ancestors in their life as an actual visionary person, rather than thoughts about tribal history. With the visionary meeting would come deep feelings and insights, making it a real educational experience. This is exactly how dreams express, and in this manner most creative or problem solving ‘thinking’ was done by ancient peoples.Therefore the entrance into dreams, or into a condition in which the imagery of dreaming could function while awake, as in visions or altered states of consciousness, was important for the aborigine. Common ways of accessing this state of mind were through ritual or initiation rites.""The experience of Dreamtime, whether through ritual or from dreams, flowed through into the life in time in practical ways. The individual who enters the Dreamtime feels no separation between themselves and their ancestors. The strengths and resources of the timeless enter into what is needed in the life of the present. The future is less uncertain because the individual feels their life as a continuum linking past and future in unbroken connection. Through Dreamtime the limiatations of time and space are overcome"Still researching.. hopefully will sort it out and more to come.. lol
That is interesting Codysmom, but I'm not sure how you show it on a TV show in a way that makes sense and doesn't come across as cheating. Sayid's Girl makes a good point that we've already seen this communicating with those who've gone on take place numerous times on Island, and even off Island with Hurley, Jack and Kate in particular.Ever since Adam and Eve appeared there have been looping theories out there what with people speculating that Jack and Kate were finding Jack and Kate. I'm just not sure how they might play it out in a way that doesn't undermine everything we've seen so far. It seems like alternate universes or something and didn't they say we wouldn't get those?
Mainly just posting for e-mail today. I'm having huge computer issues thanks to Vista and one Windows update that seems to have ruined my everything. I haven't even watched the promo properly because I have no sound...still. *wave* anyway!
HA! To top it off I forgot to tick the e-mail box. Pay no attention to the crazy person.
memphish, I appreciate your input and understand what you're getting at (although, not sure we can totally trust what TPTB say). I also don't totally trust what I saw in the Season 5 Promo to be what we think. (for ex. what if Faraday in the cave with the hard-hat on, reaching for that stone snake-head thing isn't even on the Island? What if time on the Island is standing still and only the ones who leave are in alternate timelines? Would that be "cheating"? I have a lot wrapped up in my brain with a busy weekend ahead.. lol.
hey, crazy... how're you doing? lol
I think I might agree with you Codysmom. I always get so amped up over the promos only to find that they have spun what we see a certain way, and its not what we though it was. That said, I'm watching it now, and to further add to my crazy person status can you believe that I forgot that the island had disappeared. :O I'm just going to be quiet now.
I agree Codysmom. It's ABC, not TPTB that are responsible for the promos, so they are in no way canon. They've certainly pulled the ole switcheroo many a time.Good luck on the computer woes Ange.
It's worse than I thought... you forgot the Island disappeared???? LOL!
Wow! This is almost like the old days! Who would have though a short promo would start all this speculatin'! I wonder if the O6 have to go back to the island to complete the experiment? If the Left Behinders are experiencing the island again (and hopefully get it right) than the O6 have to be there to complete each part of the story. And, Ange, I feel your pain when it comes to computer problems! Good luck!
Why do you think they call us Loco's? Ange,Did you try sending your computer back in time?When I have a problem (like just now; I hit the wrong button and almost erased everything.I have this funny sound that won't go away.)I reset the computer to a previous date,and whallah,it's good as new.(System Restore) I hope we both get things back to normal again soon.It would appear that the Island has been reset to a previous time.Kyle,I hope you are doing well and are still in school.I left a message for you at the end of the previous post.
TAV, are you considering the promo a spoiler? I was going to send you something via myspace, but didn't want to if you don't want spoilers..
takes a village: I saw that note! I actually replied back in the Tempest thread, since it's so lonely over there.Doing great, for those who asked. It may be the other Kyle who's still in school, though; I've been out in the "real world" since before LOST started. But things are good. Getting married in July! We figured 11 years of dating will have been enough. ; )
Congratulations, Kyle, on your engagement! Wow, it took you 11 years? LOL
Congrats, Kyle!Melissa_Lossa said... Here's something - if they go back to a point where the Beechcraft is still on the cliff, and knock it off, does Boone still die in 2004?Maybe this time Locke (instead of Boone) goes up to the Beechcraft and that's how he dies?I like the idea of "second chances". Would you have the courage to do things differently the second time around?
But can you do things different? If it isn't done "right" won't it just be course corrected? Which would give credence to the loop theory which I don't like.Did Ben create the "second chance" when he turned the donkey wheel? He said he couldn't go back after he turned it. But he tells Jack he has a plan (he always has a plan) on how to get back. So I think he knew he could possibly go back the whole time or he would never have turned the wheel. I think with Jack leaving the island Ben knew Jack would have to go back. Maybe his way of going back is to go with Jack.I think the DI kills Locke. But it could be a mutiny.If I thought there was any chance of making things better I would take it and do things different.
Well, the second chance thing fits in with the overall theme of LOST: Redemption. If you're given a second chance you can do it "right" and redeem yourself.
Maybe, we'll see. :)
Hi LoCos! :-DThis is all so very intriguing. I like the Aborininal aspect as well. Thinking about the visions in peoples' dreams and the whispers in association with that theory, and it's very interesting indeed. Especially in terms of "Australia is the key". Hmmmmm.I agree, the promos can be and have been very twisty and misleading (like when Jin spoke english to Hurley, haha, they got me on that one!), so the way things look definitely might not be what the are as you say. But, remember that TPTB said that even though there won't be FBs and FFs per se, we will still be jumping around in time. It may be time looping, or those dang inner shells of Kerr matrix time that the promo is showing. Either way.....yowza! :-DAnd I'm really thinking like you, that Room23 might have something to do with this as well. I didn't finish reading that forum that Kyle posted the link to yesterday, but I'm going to today. They've got a good train of thought going on this that connects to the promo, even though they started talking about it before the promo was released/leaked. :-oNow I'm reeeeeally wondering who Adam and Eve are!
All I can say is WOW! WOWIE! WOW! WOW!I'm so excited!! I think I've just about caught up, and my head is spinning, which I is a good sign I think. I haven't had anything confuse me this much since last spring! LOL Gotta go check out that link Kyle posted. But I agree with how intriguing this all is, and at the same time a little frustrating based on the way TPTB/ABC have led us. But I'm just going to enjoy this ride, because we haven't had anything good in so long. And...LOVED the S4 DVD extra that Lisa posted over on LostARGS. That "documentary" was so good I almost forgot I was watching complete fiction! I can't wait to see how that plays out in S5.Ok well, I've got things to do, hope to ponder these things and come back later with a better sense of what's going on. Poor Ange! I think your memory got erased along with the LOSTIES. Hope your computer trouble clears up. Happy weekend!
Just popping in for a sec before I have to go again (and then not be back 'til Mon. night).Sayid'sgirl said... But can you do things different? If it isn't done "right" won't it just be course corrected? Who's to say the rest of the course correcting won't be happening in Season 5? I also think redemption (and now second chances) are a big part of LOST. This also ties in with having a CONSTANT. I think the only thing we've seen for sure on the course correcting so far is Desmond has to go to the Island and push the button (please correct me if I'm wrong)...Capcom said... This is all so very intriguing. I like the Aborininal aspect as well. Thinking about the visions in peoples' dreams and the whispers in association with that theory, and it's very interesting indeed. Especially in terms of "Australia is the key". Hmmmmm.Yes, I really love this aspect in terms of explaining the bigger picture! I still like a "vile vortices" type thing as well. Hopefully, it will combine science and faith to understand! scoutpost said...I haven't had anything confuse me this much since last springYeah, isn't it great!?!?!?!!I loved the Season 4 DVD extras, too... thanks, Lisa!
Codysmom -- I would argue Charlie having to die was also course correcting.
Well here I am to chat away about the very spoilery (¿?) Season 5 promo! BTW thanks to Sayidsgirl for the invite to join the discussion ;PWell, first off I am obligated to point out Ben's uber hotness in Black (wink wink BS!). Now that's out of the way...well, Sayid & Hurley playing bad boys was a nice not-so-unexpected surprise. Sun's and Kate's scenes are quite puzling since they could really go both ways: They want to join the O6 to go back to the Island, or NOT, which in turn would mean a Jack/Kate confrontation and a Sun/Widmore pairing...mmmmmm
ANM: I sent you a MySpace message about the above post.
Hey ANM, welcome to the regular LoCo blog! :-DI really think/hope that the Aboriginal mythology is possible. There is a rumor (don't worry I'm not going to say what or how!) about something along those lines that could really confirm that. I like Aboriginal mythology.The whole course-correcting thing confuses me as far as what you can and can't do. How would you know what's the difference between correction and interference sometimes? I hope that TPTB can explain the difference.
capcom said:The whole course-correcting thing confuses me as far as what you can and can't do. How would you know what's the difference between correction and interference sometimes? I hope that TPTB can explain the difference.Agreed thats my point exactly.
Kyle/thebookpolice,sorry for the mix-up.Congratulations.Codysmom,it's OK to promo spoil me,I've seen the ones on You Tube. Really good discussions everyone,have a great weekend.
anmI wondered the same thing. With this early release/leak of the promo was it to appease the "natives" so to speak.With the flash of Jack with Dharma Initiative and new logo across it. It leads us to believe that the ARG is going to tell us something about season 5.
I'm reading Book 6 of the Dark Tower and found something that may be a clue to this whole course correcting thing. Two of the main characters enter a world through a door where they find a man they've already seen die. The book says:[I]nfinite worlds spun on the axis that was the Dark Tower . . . . Yet only one world was true; only one where, when things were finished, they stayed finished.And they don't know if this world is the true one or another one. So maybe all the do overs or the course correcting has to do with getting to that one true world where things stay finished.
"Great minds...", Sayidsgirl. :o)Hmmm, interesting Memphish!
Good find, Memphish. Maybe our Losties aren't in the true world. Or vice versa! I feel a headache coming on. LOL
mavenYeah but aint it a good headache. :)
Lisa,thanks for the DVD links.I was going to wait till Dec;I'm glad I didn't.Do you think we will figure out the ending before TPTB get there?
I sure hope not. :-o
I shouldn't be up this late because I'm travelling tomorrow, but WTH...anm, glad you found us here!Capcom said... I really think/hope that the Aboriginal mythology is possible. There is a rumor (don't worry I'm not going to say what or how!) about something along those lines that could really confirm that. I like Aboriginal mythology.Really?!?!? Cool! Nice to know I may be going in the right direction...memphish said... I'm reading Book 6 of the Dark Tower and found something that may be a clue to this whole course correcting thing. Two of the main characters enter a world through a door where they find a man they've already seen die. The book says:[I]nfinite worlds spun on the axis that was the Dark Tower . . . . Yet only one world was true; only one where, when things were finished, they stayed finished.And they don't know if this world is the true one or another one. So maybe all the do overs or the course correcting has to do with getting to that one true world where things stay finished.I love this!! Glad you posted! "Only one world is true where things stay finished... " This is also applying/similar to my thoughts that I'll blog on next week and if it's ok with you will use it as part of what I will write.With the infinite worlds spinning on one axis, do you think this would mean there is one place where time stands still? maven said... Good find, Memphish. Maybe our Losties aren't in the true worldThey are "flawed", like Patchy said... lol
Codysmom -- use away! Yeah I really like the idea that either what we've seen on the Island so far isn't the one true world or even better that what we'll see on Island minus the O6 and Ben and Desmond is not a true world because those people are missing from it. It reminds me the scene in the S3 finale where Alex asks Ben why he can't just let them leave and he says he can't.
Perhaps to go back to the Island and correct/change the course of things the necessary starting point is that the circumstances existing at the moment when said correction is to take place have to be the same as they were before the change. I'm not sure I'm making any sense, but what changed was a certain number of people leaving the Island and the Island itself moving. To change that( or rather the consecuences of that) the same people whose departure caused the undesired change in course-people dying horribly etc- would have to be back in the Island before being able to do whatever it is that they can do to change what Locke described as "horrible things". What I'm wondwring about is, what aboit the Island's displacement. It has to be part of the reason things went so horribly wrong but how can that be corrected if moving the Island through the Donkey Wheel method is dangerous and uncontrolable?Maven OOps, thought that we could divulge spoilers since we are discussing a spoilery promo. Sorry!
I dont see a trash Icon to delete my post!!!
ANM: Thanks. I don't see trash icons either! Ange/M: Are they disabled for any reason?And I think that we should clarify what spoilers we will talk about here. I think we agreed that this promo is being openly discussed here, but what about other spoilers that are out there that might relate to the promo? I personally don't want to know anything else except what ABC puts out there.
If it is an actual spoiler. Something that is definitely going to be a part of the show that someone got hold of without permission. I don't think we should discuss it.If it just theory or speculation on what we already know and how it might fit with the promo then I think it's ok. Just my two cents.
What about the stuff journalists from EW etc find out? It is considered spoilers but sometimes the info comes from the Lost people themselves....(In any case I wont post any more spoiler like bits, from now on only hard facts!)
Best thing to do ANM is to read the Admins' spoiler rules below.But we can talk about anything seen in the promo here, since this thread is set up for that. :-)
Normally we don't discuss promos except for the one directly after the show. But we're making an exception for this one. Because we are so desparate for anything Lost to discuss.
Heh, yeah, this promo is a sweet marrow bone thrown to us starving Lost-souls. :-B It's all I was really asking for from the game, but Lord bless whomever decided to let this out now.
Ok, Gang: I've emailed Melissa_Lossa and Dennis re the trash icons and the clarification on the spoilers. I think it's pretty safe to say that we're making an exception for this current promo since we are soooo desperate to talk LOST. And those that don't want to see/discuss this promo are warned on the front page. But I feel that anything else out there is a spoiler...even EW and other entertainment sites. Unless it comes from ABC, I don't want to know. This is just my opinion.
BTW: I'm leaving tomorrow through Friday on a mini-Cruise to Baja (it's a Mah Jongg Tournament Cruise!). Besides your great discussions, I don't think I'll be missing much!
mavenSounds like fun have a great trip.I'm with you I don't like EW, TV Guide and any other entertainment site either. They tend to go overboard on their information.I don't mind being teased but flat out spoiled is another thing. There was a time ABC was having sneek peaks on their site I think it was during season 3 and I didn't like that. They were putting up an entire scene.
I concur. :-BHave a great time Maven!
Okay, gang - I have looked and looked and I can't find any reason for the trash can to be gone! I'm really sorry. If anyone has a clue, please let me know.In the meantime, PLEASE keep your comments limited to material found in this promo only. Anything from Dark UFO, TV Guide, EW, etc is OFF LIMITS.Generally, we are only allowed to discuss promos that have aired on ABC, according to the spoiler rules. We're making an acception here because:a) The promo is obivously meant to air on ABC, we're just seeing it a little early.b) The ARG has left us bitter and desperate.I'll keep working on the trash can thing - for now, please use your best judgement! Thanks! :)
Ange, or anyone else from LostARGS - I don't see trash cans over there, either. Do you?
For those who are new - when TV Guide and EW start posting articles about Lost, you can check them out sans spoilers at SpoilerFixedAnd Sayid's Girl is right - speculations based only on what we already know from the show are fair game. If you saw something in this promo that gave you an idea for something that might happen, go ahead and blurt it out! If you saw something that in connection with a spoiler you read gave you an idea, please keep that one to yourself.Sorry to be the spoiler police! ;)
Okay, I checked around on blogger and it looks like the trash can thing is a universal problem. It has been reported to blogger and we're just sitting back and waiting for them to fix it. When the trash cans are back, I'll delete all of these posts about the trash cans!
Thanks, Melissa_lossa, you're on top of everything! Glad we have someone "in authority" to clear up the spoiler issues (I don't think they'll ever go away)! I'm off on my little trip...wish me luck. I want to come home with a Mah Jongg trophy! LOL
Good luck, maven! And thanks!
A lot of goofy things are going on at Blogger it seems. The comments on my Lost and Fringe blogs changed by themselves to a different format recently, and then changed back again. :-o
Well, Halloween is coming up - maybe we're being haunted by bloggers past.
Blogoween, heheh. :o)
Hey, our buddy from Comic Con just had two milliseconds of facetime on "Chuck". :-D
i thought i was crazy for watching that and thinking "holy crap they went back in time??" but maybe i'm not ! that revealed a little TOO much for me actually.. then again, we could all be jumping to conclusions. it seems so obvious though !!!!this is all really crazy .im beyond excited !!!
are they all gonna have to find their constants ? maybe they only think theyve gone back ? oh my god so manythings to think about screw it i need to sleep this off .
ok sorry FINAL TWO CENTS:if the island does in fact keep reversing in time, that would kind of explain why richard alpert never gets any older .JUST SAYIN
experimentalfilm said:if the island does in fact keep reversing in time, that would kind of explain why richard alpert never gets any older .That is a great thought! That never occured to me. It makes alot of since.
Good morning Loco's. Its been a while. got a late start on the ARG and just never had the time to catch up. But was delighted to see a new post at my favorite site. TLE. Congrats on the engagment TBP/Kyle. Bring home the that trophy MAven. and memphish big win for the titans 7-0. Have been watching LOSt on the sci fi channel. and it is really enjoyable to watch from the beginning some things that jumped out. Charlie saying that he couldnt swim when Jack saved Boone. (Later being a swim champ)in TTLG(still my favorite episode).Ghost Christian leading Jack to discover the caves and Adam & eve.Also seeing Ethan & danielle for the first time. one question for anyone who remembers the Pilot we dont see it but does smokey scan jack when kate is hiding in the tree counting?sorry for the loooong post but i missed you guys.. so much for the past. time to go watch the promo for the future.
Hi, experimentalfilm!! Good points! And you never know if TPTB are trying to get us on the wrong track... experimentalfilm said:if the island does in fact keep reversing in time...until it gets it right.. lolHi Bigdog! You can still register at DWY, fyi. you said....Charlie saying that he couldnt swim when Jack saved Boone.. thanks for that one! I have a feeling after the next season we're all going to want to watch season 1-4 again!(I have no idea if Smokey scans Jack when Kate is hiding in the tree counting, but isn't that a great scene??)
Codysmom, yes it was a great scene, and watching it in HD I was reminded how innocent we all were in thinking the show was just about plane crash survivors.
No kidding!! (and HD is sweet..lol) I remember seeing that scene for the second time made me think what great acting there is in Lost (and great casting).
We're still watching Lost 2.0 on G4 - they just started season 2 last week. The best thing is that they do a great job of pointing out easter eggs, so it's easy to connect the dots. Plus it's always interesting to watch the old episodes in context of the new ones.
Hi, melissa! I've missed most of the G4 eps...Are you staying warm?? LOL!
Mellissa is Lost 2.0 with pop ups?
bigdog - yeah, they have little trivia facts, quotes from the actors and Damon and Carlton, funny asides, etc. The quotes are kind of interesting to read, to know what Team Darlton was thinking during a particular episode.codysmom - it's freezing! We're supposed to get snow tonight. :( Brrr..... We took the dog for a walk last night and I had to bundle up in my winter coat, hat and gloves!
HI ya'll!I finally found you guys AFTER the great discussion.*sigh* Anyway, what a terrific dialog! I'll be around...xxoo
Yeah, Mel, we saw a little hail storm on Sunday, yikes!!! It's supposed to "warm up" for Halloween... just seems like it should be summer still for some reason. lol!
Yay! Ellen found us!!
108th comment!!!!!!!!!!!!!(sorry, but for some reason that's more fun than being first...heheh)
yah i missed this !!!! sorry to break the 108 comment thing tho =(
Hey locos. It's good to see some discussion over here. I kinda lost interest in the whole ARG thing. Enjoying watching Lost on SciFi on Mondays to get my fix.Lost 2.0 on G4? Gotta check in to that.Until next time...
The best thing about Lost 2.0 is Lost every single day! I suppose I could just pop in my DVDs and achieve the same affect, but there's just something about knowing that tonight at 9, Lost will be on TV! Is that sad?
Not sad at all melissa. the thing i like about Sci fi is that they show 4 in a row, so i have about 15 episodes lined up on tivo and watch a couple a night.
I totally agree Melissa, I have the DVD's- yet when they show an episode on TV I get soooo excited! Isn't that strange?! LOLI am envious of you all who are cold...well maybe not you who are freezing...but we're getting all excited here in Phoenix because the highs next week are only going to get in the 80's! wooohooo! It's 92 here today and supposed to be 90 tomorrow. It does cool off a bit at night (meaning it drops into the 70's). Last week it actually dropped into the 60's at night and we were all complaining about how cold it was! We are a sad lot here in Phoenix! ;)
Scoutpost.Don't feel too bad.In South Florida 60 is about as cool as it gets before most of us head for the sweaters.Cold weather is coming to a place near you. I've hot enough heat,it's time to chill.I like Lost 2.0I can usually watch a couple of Sci-fi episodes on Monday before I go to bed.Maven,bring home that trophy.If I don't get a chance ,everyone have a safe Halloween.
scoutpostThat's ok. I envy you still having 80 degrees. Although I wouldn't envy you in the summer. I just got back from trick or treating with my daughter. It's 45 degrees. At least it's not raining this year and there's no wind. :)
Happy Halloween everyone!It's actually warming up here a little today - we're back in the 60s, which is nice for the little ones who are trick or treating tonight.Michigan is funny - in the fall, when it gets down in the 50s and 60s, everyone bundles up and complains about how cold it is. Then in about March or April, when it starts getting back up to the 40s and 50s, we're thrilled at the warm weather! I guess it's all relative, eh?
If you're in that Halloween mood, Jorge Garcia has some pretty amazing jack o'lanterns on his blog, Dispatches from the Island
Happy Halloween Everybody!!Mel, I know what you mean about Michigan in fall/spring... and was just talking about this yesterday.. lolAt least it's a wonderful, sunny day here today!!! And in the 60's!!!!!!!!!
melissa,codysmomYeah were the same here in Ohio.When it's 60 in the fall we break out the jackets. In the spring we break out the shorts. lolHappy Halloween!! everyone.
Happy Halloween everyone!I'm back from my Mah Jongg cruise...and all your good luck wishes worked! I won 3rd Place....I big trophy and $100! And I ate like a pig!
Here's a pic of me and my trophy!
Hey mavenWelcome back and congratulations!melissaJorge sure has alot of cool pumpkins. Here's a few I've done over the years.If you're intersted. No where near as good as Jorge's but they're fun to do.2006200620072007200820082008
Thanks, Sayid'sGirl! It was fun. Especially winning something! LOLJorge's pumpkins are unbelievable! It so cool him sharing his utter delight in this holiday. (You're a great carver, too, Sayid'sGirl!)
Maven, I couldn't see your trophy on the link you sent here, but I was able to see it on myspace... cool!!Sayid'sgirl, those are great! I have a pumpkin this year that won't even sit up.. lol (I waited too long this year to get one, so had to take what I could get)
Codysmom: Thanks! I wonder if that Facebook link only works if you have a Facebook account. Although, the url link said I could share it with everyone?
maven, it took me to the facebook sign-in page.. so I guess if you had a facebook account it might work.. idk
They never miss an opportunity to recruit someone! LOL
I would delete my link if I could!
I'm just starting to get use to myspace. I don't know if I'm ready for facebook yet. lol
Congratulations Maven.Trick or treat.I think Jorge put some awesome Jack-O-Lanterns up last year also.
PS .Nice Sayid'sgirl.The Island looked like that after Ben turned the FDW,(just before it disappeared).
happy holloween! Congrats Maven on the big win. i couldnt see the trophy but i am sure its great. $100 doesnt hurt either these days.takes a village - you are so right about the south florida cold front. It doesnt last long but when it comes people dress like its 20 degrees instead of a beautiful 60. My little Superman is insisting on answering the door for all the trick or treaters and says i have to go help. Have a good safe holloween.
We actually had some rain and thunder in the LA area today! Finally, some actual weather! LOL
Nice trophy maven.
Happy Election Day!
VOTE! VOTE!Be a part of history!
nice trophy maven!
I hope everybody is getting out there to vote today!!!!
I'm so glad now that I voted last Wednesday and avoided the crush. First time I ever did that, it's pretty neat.
We here in Michigan didn't have the opportunity to vote early (unless you're doing an absentee ballot). So, I'm going out at 2 pm hoping for less crowds then.. lol!
I just seen a commercial for LOST and it said coming in January! I thought it was February. Woo Hoo one month earlier!
I got goosebumps thinking of what a historic time we live in. President Obama! WOW!
So is the ABC Lost ad the one we've seen or something new?
memphishIt was something new. Very short. With Jack saying we have to go back! :)
Very historic night. I like how they waited until the election to really start airing the LOST ads. Nothing like waiting for the biggest audience possible! We had early ballots, but didn't mail them in. Still, in AZ you just have to drop them off at any polling place on election day, so still didn't have to wait in any lines. It's the way to go if you can!
This was at DarkUFO's today: "At the end of the promo it states that the Premiere will be in January, which is a little earlier that we first suspected as well as stating that it's a 2 hr premiere. Now from my understanding and talking to some of the people at ABC that I know, it will be a 1 hr special/catch up show followed by the 1 hr premiere, and not a 2 hour new episode unfortunately."So I guess it is in January? I didn't see the promo (I was glued to CNN.)I woke up this morning full of hope and renewed pride in our country...
Hi All,I have a question about Find815. Did we come to any conclusion about exactly what it was that caused the aurora that Sam saw at night on deck? Or are we assuming that it was just one of the island's magnetic "burps"? Thanks. :-)
Capcom: If I remember (which sometimes a problem) I thought it came at the same time that there was lot of static on the monitors on the bridge? I do remember learning that auroras are in the southern atmosphere, too!
Thanks, was it natural? I forgot if it was natural or something that we know happened on the island while the Losties and Others were messing with magnetic stuff. Most of the things we saw happened in the daytime, like the Swan blowing up, so I can't imagine what it could have been at night, but I was just wondering if I missed it. Thanks!
Capcom: Here is the post at Oceanic Conspiracies about the aurora! Hope it helps you.
Happy Birthday Capcom
Is it your birthday, Capcom? Happy Birthday!!!xxoo
Happy Birthday Capcom!
Wow, thanks favorite peeps, it means a lot coming from you all! I'm ferklempt. :-}And thanks for the link Maven!
And p.s. on the aurora...I'd forgotten about "aliens from the planet Zubelleedubellee." X-D
Happy Birthday, Capcom! (Consider the link a birthday gift! LOL)
Here is what DarkUFO is reporting:"I've been in contact with one of our sources who works with a company that purchases Ads on the various networks. According to them, the Premiere will air on Thursday 29th January at 10pm.Unless any major changes happen at ABC this will be hopefully be the premiere date. Note: ABC are officially saying that they have not yet set a date.
Anyone know what happened to Crusoe tonight?xxoo
I thought it was on Fridays, Ellen.
OMG! I'm really losin' it here...*chuckles* oh well, thanks, Maven!xxoo
capcomLooks like I missed your birthday by 21 minutes sorry.Happy Belated Birthday!!!
Happy Birthday Yunjin Kim!!Gosh, I wish the time would hurry up and pass...I sure do miss LOST and all of our lively discussions.xxoo
Happy late birthday, capcom! I was off celebrating Mr. Mel's birthday yesterday. :)What a busy week - a new President (yea!), birthdays and a Lost premiere date! Can't wait for January!
Hey, thanks for the additional birthday wishes friends! :-D You all are the best. XO!
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I just heard that Lost will return Wed Jan 21st at 8PM!!! Not only is it earlier in Jan than first reported, but also in my favorite timeslot!!!!!!To read about it go to the ODI:http://the-odi.blogspot.com/2008/11/lost-actually-returns-wed-jan-21st-at.html
codysmom - wow, that would be great!! Although, I don't think it bodes well for Pushing Daisies if Lost steals their timeslot. :(How can we live in a world where Daisies is in danger of cancellation, but Fox airs a show where they fling people through a hole in a wall?! I mean, really.
Ugh! 8 pm is awful for me because it's 7 central. That means I'll never watch it live.
Maybe it's regular time-slot will be 9PM? It could be the 8pm premier allows for the one-hour "catch us up" show? Wed. at 9 would be fine, too. I don't even know what's on currently on ABC Weds at 9
I think Private Practice is on at 9 - so, sounds like the perfect Lost slot for me!I'd love it if they put it back on at 9. 10 is so late, I'm half asleep already.
Well if it's going to be on at 8pm, IMO they'd better tone down the SOBs and gratuitous sex for the kiddies who will still be up. :-p
My favorite idea for a regular time-slot is Wed. 9PM. What would they do to Private Practice, I wonder (I never watch that)
Good point about the 2 hour premier. I hope it normally airs at 8 central at the earliest, though on Wed I still predict chasing playback in my future. Take that advertisers.
Doc Arzt's post makes it sound like 8pm is the regular time slot, but idkhttp://www.docarzt.com/2008/11/07/official-lost-returns-january-21st-87c/
Anytime will due for me,but the earlier the better so I can join in on the Community comments.I agree Capcom.I feel that Lost used to be a program that the whole family could watch together.It seems to me that it is becoming like the rest of the prime time shows.I wanted Lost to be different.
Wednesdays at 8:00 will be like old times. I can't wait and it doesn't interfere with any of my other TV watching. Did I say I can't wait? :)
ditto, sayid'sgirl:)I personally like it when Lost is on earlier (mostly like tav said, to have more time for the community comments) 8 or 9 PM is fine with me!
WOW! 8PM? That means I can actually talk to you guys after the show (you should still be awake!) LOL
DocArtz is now reporting that the 8PM hour is the recap followed by TWO...yes, TWO new episodes at 9 and 10PM. The regular slot will be 9PM on Wednesdays starting Jan. 21st.
I was just over at Dark's and someone over there said it has been confirmed that the time slot will be 9:00. That the 8:00 show is the recap show. The didn't a source though. But 9:00 would be ok too.
Well, if Doc Arzt is right, I'm VERY HAPPY!!! I should be around to chat with you after, maven:)
EW is reporting a 3 hour premier -- 1 recap, 2 episodes then a 9 pm start time normally.
mavenYou beat me to it.I'm playing sceneit and blogging at the same time.Some people at Dark's are doubting they will do two episodes on the first night because it would make the season too short.I personally would love a double episode night.
Yeah...I don't know the thinking about 2 new episodes in one night! Maybe they sort of go together? Does this mean we still get the same # of episodes or an extra one?
Codysmom: Thanks! Well, I hope the premiere keeps everybody up late talking so I can join in at 11PM pst! It's a perpetual problem with the west coasters! Scoutpost, you better be around, too! LOL
Plus that's the day after the Inauguration! We'll all be basking the in the glow!
Oh, cool, maven (the day after inauguration.. sweet!)
Maybe this will be a way of getting in at least one of the episodes they weren't able to show last season.
Now the ABC Lost site says it's a 3 hour event. But that it's coming soon TBD. They have taken down the date of 1/21/09.
Just goes to show that once again the ABC website is the last to know. I definitely trust the EW crowd and Kristin at E! more than the interns.
Ok well, I'm confused. I have no idea what time it will come on here in MST! LOL I'm guessing that it's 7pm here, like central time. If that's the case, I'll be like memphish- I won't ever be watching it live and will have to wait until around 9pm here to view it. Which means I might miss on the discussion here. I guess I'll just have to wait to see, but I hope I'll get to join in a few discussions!Happy Belated Birthday Capcom!!! :)
Yesterday they had a premiere date of 1/21/09 and that it would be 3 hours but they took the date down.I'm not sure if it was a mistake putting it up or what. I guess time will tell. And it stinks that the west coasters have to wait so long to discuss. And that you're in that kind of inbetween zone Memphish.
Tx Scoutpost! :o) You guys are the best.
TV Guide is now reporting the January 21 premiere date - clip show at 8 p.m., then two new episodes (which I'm guessing is actually a two hour premiere, ala Pilot parts 1 & 2, etc).They also say that ABC is announcing their midseason schedule next week, so maybe that's why ABC took the date down off their site - it's supposed to be a part of the full announcement, so Private Practice fans don't freak.Also, Mr. Mel just read somewhere that Pushing Daisies is rising a bit in the ratings and ABC has a lot of other shows that are floundering, so they're considering picking Daisies up for a full season and keeping it Wednesdays at 8 as a lead-in to Lost. Heaven!
ML -- most people are reporting that the episodes are Eps. 5.1 and 5.2 and that they aren't a 2-parter.
memphish - that's cool. They must be taking the 24 route then - they air the first four episodes over two nights in January.
I always watch online so it doesn't really matter to me when it airs. I hope it isn't 7 central - that's Bones timeslot. I'm not sure Bones can stand up to Lost and it's another of my favorites.
Happy Birthday Brianne!
Happy Birthday Brianne!!
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Okay, this is probably a HUGE abuse of my new admin powers, but here you go. Discuss away.
Dennis, I will not be offended at all if you take this down!
Second! Thank you, ML! I don't see this as an abuse of your awesome powers! We were all asking for this to happen. Thank you!
Flex those muscles, Melissa!
The possibility that the reality around the Losties has come back around in time is growing stronger. See: DHARMAZMAT-suited fellow drawing up on Faraday; a Beechcraft crashing all over again (maybe); and reshaven-Jack's oddly-phrased comment to Ben about everyone else dying.
I agree, Kyle - Juliet also seems to be uncovering a hatch door identical to the original Swan hatch.
Could that be Kelvin again in the hazmat suit?
It seems that everything "old" is "new" again! TPTB seem to be definitely pointing us towards the Left Behinders going back in time on the island: Juliet discovering the hatch, Faraday running into either Desmond/Kelvin/Radinsky in the Hazmat suit, the Beechcraft seeming to have just crashed. The thing that trouble me is that all of these things from the past happened at different times. Of course, trailers are notorious for misleading and always taken out of context, but it seems like those left behind are discovering all these things at the same time.
Ooh, what if it's Radzinsky? Good thinking, maven!
I think these things could all happen - if the island just goes back to a time when Radzinsky is alive, the Beechcraft is still on the cliff and the Swan hatch is still buried, then things could unfold in new ways.
If they've gone back even earlier, could the Losties themselves cause "the incident"?
Could the Losties really be the Hostiles?
OT: I do not see a trash icon on my posts. Is it just me or do you see one on your posts?
I don't see the trash can, either, maven. I thought maybe I did something wrong, but I just checked over at LostArgs, and I don't have a trash can on my post over there, either. Maybe it's a blogger issue? I was having trouble with blogger earlier.
Here's something - if they go back to a point where the Beechcraft is still on the cliff, and knock it off, does Boone still die in 2004?
First off, this promo is so AWESOME! X-D
Secondly, nice to have you back Kyle!!!!
I am so excited by the images in this promo. I didn't hink that I could get so worked up again. It would be so weird if the island actually went back in time, OR, Ben somehow manages to take the Losties back...literally. Maybe the only way to get back to the island, is to go back in time to the island. Wowzers!
Also, has everyone seen the DVD extra that Lisa posted on the ARG blog? It's pretty neat. Could we talk about that controversy here too? It's not really a spoiler, more sort of like something that should have been in the ARG, and it covers a lot of the WTH arguments that we brought up when discussing the episodes about the lies last season, e.g., how could anyone posssibly believe that Kate was pregnant. :-)
Thanks melissa for this post.
I think you're right maven no matter what it looks like I'm sure the promo is a montage of scenes from the season or at least the first few episode.
I'm wondering how far back they've gone too. It seems like they're in the time of the "orignial" DI so is it before, during or after the incident. I was wondering if the Losties may have caused the incident due to the donkey wheel time traveling. Not that the Losties themselves did something to cause the incident but the time travel caused it. As far as the Losties being the hostiles it could be not sure, but I think the DI (if it is the DI) thinks they are the hostiles. Or it could be the time travel caused the reconstituted DI to be formed the picture of Jack with Dharma Initiative and the new logo must mean something.
Ok now for Faraday.
I agree the guy in the hazmat suit could be Kelvin,Radzinsky or Desomond. In the episode The Constant when Desomond and Faraday are in his lab Desmond tells Faraday he met him on an island. To me it seemed like this was familiar to him. I don't remember the exact words I haven't checked but it was something like -- on an island why was I on an island or I was on an island? So I've thought since then that Faraday met Desmond on the island before and this may be when. He does know alot about the island and the DI's protocols. But the fact that this guy pointing a gun a Faraday is in a hazmat suit makes me wonder if it is Desmond since Kelvin would never let Desmond go out. But I guess that could be explained by course correction.
One more thing it's not about the promo but it can tie in. At Comic Con TPTB said they didn't want to use the term flashback or flashforward this season when someone asked about Danielle's flashback. So I was thinking if the Losties have gone back in time maybe we will get Danielle's story in real time.
Ok that's the end of my really long post. Thanks for being patient. I told you I wanted to talk, talk, talk. lol
Oh, hello!!! I'm so happy to have found you here!!
The Season 5 promo rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I try to keep in mind that some things in there may be trying to throw us off, but yeah, the Island back in time for sure!!! I'm working on how far back in time... keep thinking of that scene in season 1 where Sawyer says to Kate he's been waiting 4 years for that kiss, Aaron looks about 4 in the promo... gotta look for a vid of that sawyer/kate thing... and for other 4 year references (anybody know of one?)
Wow I don't remember Sawyer saying that. Pretty cool. Hope you can find which episode it was from.
I can only find this reference to a line like that. Can't open it at work, but it looks like it's fanfic/fan theory.
For more food for thought, check out the Nik At Nite post on the promo:
Memphish heads the comments.
Here;s where your Google leads to Kyle: http://nikkistafford.blogspot.com/2008/10/lost-season-5-promo-analyzed.html
Here's what the first post says: "Apologies if this has been done already, I'm a bit slow on the uptake. This is my version of some topics already discussed here. Sawyer to Kate: 'I've been waiting for that kiss for 4 years' Sawyer and Walt: 'Your acting like a 6 year old. I'm not 6 I'm ten! Claire hasn't felt the baby move in days. Kate to Charlie " how can you NOT know where he is, (jack)? Deja vu with all the characters because they became the subjects of Dharma experiments the first time they crashed on the island. What we are seeing now is the scenario the Losties are experiencing after the staged 2nd plane crash. They crashed and were made subjects of an experiment for 4 years then their memories were erased and they were placed exactly where they were found after the first (real) crash. Time on the island is quite different, the 3 months on the island have really been 4 years, give or take. Deja Vu by the Losties are the original memories mixed up with the CURRENT, causing confusion. When the Losties were rescued 4 years had past. Clair had her baby the first time around, and then the baby was replaced by another baby after the 2nd staged crash. Kate has Aaron now as we've seen in the so called FF, that boy is about 3-4 years old. The lies told by the Losties are covering up the other lies and the real truth which they do not know yet. I don't believe it's a game or a hoax, just an experiment the Losties happened into. Drugs and conditioning made this all work on the Losties as it did in the MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE. Talk about having a 2nd chance and redemption. Let the games begin!"
Interesting. The rest of the comments are interesting as well.
I think you pasted the same link you just posted. Try again, I'm intrigued.
Oh poopies, you're right, thanks:
About the room that Sun appears to be locked in - does anyone else think that it looks like the room where Kate met her mom during the trial last season?
And how disappointed is Aaron going to be in his "vacation"? ;)
There's either a British police officer or an airport terminal staffer stationed outside the door. I'm guessing Widmore's gonna try to mess a sister up.
It does kind of. I think that the room that Kate was in was darker or grayer, but I could be wrong. They are both austere looking.
Yes, Aaron's going to be one confused little kiddle. :-o
It would be very cool if some of the things that we have seen, or will see, are a result of the "reconstitution" somehow, and a time loop event following that. That forum discussion that Kyle found kind of goes there.
P.S. before I take off for the movies...I suspect 2costa will flip when he sees the promo and the idea that there is a time loop. Hasn't he been theorizing that for some time? Kind of that Ben is always one step ahead because he's seen it before and therefore knows what to do? :-o
Hey all! This time looping notion is grating on me a bit. Haven't Cuse and Lindeloff said repeatedly -- the future will not change? How can the past on the Island change and the future not change?
memphish - that's my question. If the Losties are "the incident," I can buy that. We already know that an incident occured that set the whole Swan story into motion. However, I'm more unclear on the Beechcraft. If the plane's not there, does Boone still die in some other way?
And how does changing the past affect characters' deaths overall? Is it possible to save a character that we've already seen die from dying?
BTW, memphish - HI!!! :) Welcome back!
Sorry to poop out on you guys like that.. but I literally did (poop out.. lol, fell asleep)..
Thanks kyle and capcom for those links.. If you go to this youtube (from season 1 ep 5) at about 7:50 or after, it's the statement I was looking for:
and Lostpedia transcript here:
in Act 4 s1 ep5:
SAWYER: Well, it's about time.
KATE: For what?
SAWYER: I made this birthday wish 4 years ago.
KATE: Where's the water?
[Sawyer flips her over so he's on top.]
SAWYER: That's better.
KATE: Get off of me.
capcom, yeah... 2costa would love it... heheh
memphish said...
Hey all! This time looping notion is grating on me a bit
Well, you could dive into it a totally different way than the scientific way.. I've been studying the Aborigine Dreamtime ideas as a result of something I saw on the Black Swan vinyards (the real wine site). I have found quite a bit on it and I'm planning to blog about it on myspace, but I probably won't get the chance until next week. Thinking we may have gotten the Black Swan thing wrong (from the ARG) and it's NOT the theory by Nicholas Taleb and his book, but from the history of Australia and the Aborigines? Here's a little of what I've found:
"Dreamtime refers to an experience and to beliefs that are largely peculiar to the Australian native people. There are at least four aspects to Dreamtime - The beginning of all things; the life and influence of the ancestors; the way of life and death; and sources of power in life.
"Dreamtime includes all of these four facets at the same time, being a condition beyond time and space as known in everyday life. The aborigines call it the ‘all-at-once’ time instead of the ‘one-thing-after-another’ time. This is because they experience Dreamtime as the past present and future coexisting. This condition - See: altered states of consciousness - is met when the tribal member lives according to tribal rules, and then is initiated through rituals and hearing the myths of the tribe."
Just sayin' - this sounds like an aspect of time Darlton could wrap their head around telling us we won't know where and when things happens in season 5.
The Dreamtime is a very different way of thinking than we are used to. It would take an immersive experience to help understand it.
Could be way off, but it's interesting, nontheless...
I've often had a problem with the timeline on the island. Especially with the supposed time of the iteration of Danielle's message. I've always thought it was longer. But I'm not sure I believe in a time loop.
I've also had the thought that the Losties and even Desmond were part of a room 23 brainwashing and that the Deja vu they expeience are surpresed memeories that are coming to the surface. But I do love the idea of time travel. I think it's cool and I hope they pursue that in season 5.
I read some of that you had it linked at your blog didn't you.
It is interesting. Does it say how they achive an altered state of consciousness?
Some Native Americans did similar things some tribes used peyote.
Locke did it in his sweat lodge. So it could play a part.
Sayid'sgirl, remember that Sawyer got mezmerized by that Rm 23 film... lol
As far as the Aborigines achieving altered states of consciousness:
"So the aborigine would meet the influence of the ancestors in their life as an actual visionary person, rather than thoughts about tribal history. With the visionary meeting would come deep feelings and insights, making it a real educational experience. This is exactly how dreams express, and in this manner most creative or problem solving ‘thinking’ was done by ancient peoples.
Therefore the entrance into dreams, or into a condition in which the imagery of dreaming could function while awake, as in visions or altered states of consciousness, was important for the aborigine. Common ways of accessing this state of mind were through ritual or initiation rites."
"The experience of Dreamtime, whether through ritual or from dreams, flowed through into the life in time in practical ways. The individual who enters the Dreamtime feels no separation between themselves and their ancestors. The strengths and resources of the timeless enter into what is needed in the life of the present. The future is less uncertain because the individual feels their life as a continuum linking past and future in unbroken connection. Through Dreamtime the limiatations of time and space are overcome"
Still researching.. hopefully will sort it out and more to come.. lol
That is interesting Codysmom, but I'm not sure how you show it on a TV show in a way that makes sense and doesn't come across as cheating. Sayid's Girl makes a good point that we've already seen this communicating with those who've gone on take place numerous times on Island, and even off Island with Hurley, Jack and Kate in particular.
Ever since Adam and Eve appeared there have been looping theories out there what with people speculating that Jack and Kate were finding Jack and Kate. I'm just not sure how they might play it out in a way that doesn't undermine everything we've seen so far. It seems like alternate universes or something and didn't they say we wouldn't get those?
Mainly just posting for e-mail today. I'm having huge computer issues thanks to Vista and one Windows update that seems to have ruined my everything. I haven't even watched the promo properly because I have no sound...still. *wave* anyway!
HA! To top it off I forgot to tick the e-mail box. Pay no attention to the crazy person.
memphish, I appreciate your input and understand what you're getting at (although, not sure we can totally trust what TPTB say). I also don't totally trust what I saw in the Season 5 Promo to be what we think. (for ex. what if Faraday in the cave with the hard-hat on, reaching for that stone snake-head thing isn't even on the Island?
What if time on the Island is standing still and only the ones who leave are in alternate timelines? Would that be "cheating"? I have a lot wrapped up in my brain with a busy weekend ahead.. lol.
hey, crazy... how're you doing? lol
I think I might agree with you Codysmom. I always get so amped up over the promos only to find that they have spun what we see a certain way, and its not what we though it was.
That said, I'm watching it now, and to further add to my crazy person status can you believe that I forgot that the island had disappeared. :O I'm just going to be quiet now.
I agree Codysmom. It's ABC, not TPTB that are responsible for the promos, so they are in no way canon. They've certainly pulled the ole switcheroo many a time.
Good luck on the computer woes Ange.
It's worse than I thought... you forgot the Island disappeared???? LOL!
Wow! This is almost like the old days! Who would have though a short promo would start all this speculatin'!
I wonder if the O6 have to go back to the island to complete the experiment? If the Left Behinders are experiencing the island again (and hopefully get it right) than the O6 have to be there to complete each part of the story.
And, Ange, I feel your pain when it comes to computer problems! Good luck!
Why do you think they call us Loco's?
Ange,Did you try sending your computer back in time?
When I have a problem (like just now; I hit the wrong button and almost erased everything.I have this funny sound that won't go away.)
I reset the computer to a previous date,and whallah,it's good as new.
(System Restore) I hope we both get things back to normal again soon.
It would appear that the Island has been reset to a previous time.
Kyle,I hope you are doing well and are still in school.I left a message for you at the end of the previous post.
TAV, are you considering the promo a spoiler? I was going to send you something via myspace, but didn't want to if you don't want spoilers..
takes a village: I saw that note! I actually replied back in the Tempest thread, since it's so lonely over there.
Doing great, for those who asked. It may be the other Kyle who's still in school, though; I've been out in the "real world" since before LOST started. But things are good. Getting married in July! We figured 11 years of dating will have been enough. ; )
Congratulations, Kyle, on your engagement! Wow, it took you 11 years? LOL
Congrats, Kyle!
Melissa_Lossa said...
Here's something - if they go back to a point where the Beechcraft is still on the cliff, and knock it off, does Boone still die in 2004?
Maybe this time Locke (instead of Boone) goes up to the Beechcraft and that's how he dies?
I like the idea of "second chances". Would you have the courage to do things differently the second time around?
But can you do things different? If it isn't done "right" won't it just be course corrected? Which would give credence to the loop theory which I don't like.
Did Ben create the "second chance" when he turned the donkey wheel? He said he couldn't go back after he turned it. But he tells Jack he has a plan (he always has a plan) on how to get back. So I think he knew he could possibly go back the whole time or he would never have turned the wheel. I think with Jack leaving the island Ben knew Jack would have to go back. Maybe his way of going back is to go with Jack.
I think the DI kills Locke. But it could be a mutiny.
If I thought there was any chance of making things better I would take it and do things different.
Well, the second chance thing fits in with the overall theme of LOST: Redemption. If you're given a second chance you can do it "right" and redeem yourself.
Maybe, we'll see. :)
Hi LoCos! :-D
This is all so very intriguing. I like the Aborininal aspect as well. Thinking about the visions in peoples' dreams and the whispers in association with that theory, and it's very interesting indeed. Especially in terms of "Australia is the key". Hmmmmm.
I agree, the promos can be and have been very twisty and misleading (like when Jin spoke english to Hurley, haha, they got me on that one!), so the way things look definitely might not be what the are as you say. But, remember that TPTB said that even though there won't be FBs and FFs per se, we will still be jumping around in time. It may be time looping, or those dang inner shells of Kerr matrix time that the promo is showing. Either way.....yowza! :-D
And I'm really thinking like you, that Room23 might have something to do with this as well. I didn't finish reading that forum that Kyle posted the link to yesterday, but I'm going to today. They've got a good train of thought going on this that connects to the promo, even though they started talking about it before the promo was released/leaked. :-o
Now I'm reeeeeally wondering who Adam and Eve are!
All I can say is WOW! WOWIE! WOW! WOW!
I'm so excited!! I think I've just about caught up, and my head is spinning, which I is a good sign I think. I haven't had anything confuse me this much since last spring! LOL
Gotta go check out that link Kyle posted. But I agree with how intriguing this all is, and at the same time a little frustrating based on the way TPTB/ABC have led us. But I'm just going to enjoy this ride, because we haven't had anything good in so long.
And...LOVED the S4 DVD extra that Lisa posted over on LostARGS. That "documentary" was so good I almost forgot I was watching complete fiction! I can't wait to see how that plays out in S5.
Ok well, I've got things to do, hope to ponder these things and come back later with a better sense of what's going on.
Poor Ange! I think your memory got erased along with the LOSTIES. Hope your computer trouble clears up.
Happy weekend!
Just popping in for a sec before I have to go again (and then not be back 'til Mon. night).
Sayid'sgirl said...
But can you do things different? If it isn't done "right" won't it just be course corrected?
Who's to say the rest of the course correcting won't be happening in Season 5? I also think redemption (and now second chances) are a big part of LOST. This also ties in with having a CONSTANT.
I think the only thing we've seen for sure on the course correcting so far is Desmond has to go to the Island and push the button (please correct me if I'm wrong)...
Capcom said...
This is all so very intriguing. I like the Aborininal aspect as well. Thinking about the visions in peoples' dreams and the whispers in association with that theory, and it's very interesting indeed. Especially in terms of "Australia is the key". Hmmmmm.
Yes, I really love this aspect in terms of explaining the bigger picture! I still like a "vile vortices" type thing as well. Hopefully, it will combine science and faith to understand!
scoutpost said...
I haven't had anything confuse me this much since last spring
Yeah, isn't it great!?!?!?!!
I loved the Season 4 DVD extras, too... thanks, Lisa!
Codysmom -- I would argue Charlie having to die was also course correcting.
Well here I am to chat away about the very spoilery (¿?) Season 5 promo! BTW thanks to Sayidsgirl for the invite to join the discussion ;P
Well, first off I am obligated to point out Ben's uber hotness in Black (wink wink BS!). Now that's out of the way...well, Sayid & Hurley playing bad boys was a nice not-so-unexpected surprise. Sun's and Kate's scenes are quite puzling since they could really go both ways: They want to join the O6 to go back to the Island, or NOT, which in turn would mean a Jack/Kate confrontation and a Sun/Widmore pairing...mmmmmm
ANM: I sent you a MySpace message about the above post.
Hey ANM, welcome to the regular LoCo blog! :-D
I really think/hope that the Aboriginal mythology is possible. There is a rumor (don't worry I'm not going to say what or how!) about something along those lines that could really confirm that. I like Aboriginal mythology.
The whole course-correcting thing confuses me as far as what you can and can't do. How would you know what's the difference between correction and interference sometimes? I hope that TPTB can explain the difference.
capcom said:
The whole course-correcting thing confuses me as far as what you can and can't do. How would you know what's the difference between correction and interference sometimes? I hope that TPTB can explain the difference.
Agreed thats my point exactly.
Kyle/thebookpolice,sorry for the mix-up.Congratulations.
Codysmom,it's OK to promo spoil me,
I've seen the ones on You Tube.
Really good discussions everyone,have a great weekend.
I wondered the same thing. With this early release/leak of the promo was it to appease the "natives" so to speak.
With the flash of Jack with Dharma Initiative and new logo across it. It leads us to believe that the ARG is going to tell us something about season 5.
I'm reading Book 6 of the Dark Tower and found something that may be a clue to this whole course correcting thing. Two of the main characters enter a world through a door where they find a man they've already seen die. The book says:
[I]nfinite worlds spun on the axis that was the Dark Tower . . . . Yet only one world was true; only one where, when things were finished, they stayed finished.
And they don't know if this world is the true one or another one. So maybe all the do overs or the course correcting has to do with getting to that one true world where things stay finished.
"Great minds...", Sayidsgirl. :o)
Hmmm, interesting Memphish!
Good find, Memphish. Maybe our Losties aren't in the true world. Or vice versa! I feel a headache coming on. LOL
Yeah but aint it a good headache. :)
Lisa,thanks for the DVD links.I was going to wait till Dec;I'm glad I didn't.
Do you think we will figure out the ending before TPTB get there?
I sure hope not. :-o
I shouldn't be up this late because I'm travelling tomorrow, but WTH...
anm, glad you found us here!
Capcom said...
I really think/hope that the Aboriginal mythology is possible. There is a rumor (don't worry I'm not going to say what or how!) about something along those lines that could really confirm that. I like Aboriginal mythology.
Really?!?!? Cool! Nice to know I may be going in the right direction...
memphish said...
I'm reading Book 6 of the Dark Tower and found something that may be a clue to this whole course correcting thing. Two of the main characters enter a world through a door where they find a man they've already seen die. The book says:
[I]nfinite worlds spun on the axis that was the Dark Tower . . . . Yet only one world was true; only one where, when things were finished, they stayed finished.
And they don't know if this world is the true one or another one. So maybe all the do overs or the course correcting has to do with getting to that one true world where things stay finished.
I love this!! Glad you posted! "Only one world is true where things stay finished... " This is also applying/similar to my thoughts that I'll blog on next week and if it's ok with you will use it as part of what I will write.
With the infinite worlds spinning on one axis, do you think this would mean there is one place where time stands still?
maven said...
Good find, Memphish. Maybe our Losties aren't in the true world
They are "flawed", like Patchy said... lol
Codysmom -- use away! Yeah I really like the idea that either what we've seen on the Island so far isn't the one true world or even better that what we'll see on Island minus the O6 and Ben and Desmond is not a true world because those people are missing from it. It reminds me the scene in the S3 finale where Alex asks Ben why he can't just let them leave and he says he can't.
Perhaps to go back to the Island and correct/change the course of things the necessary starting point is that the circumstances existing at the moment when said correction is to take place have to be the same as they were before the change. I'm not sure I'm making any sense, but what changed was a certain number of people leaving the Island and the Island itself moving. To change that( or rather the consecuences of that) the same people whose departure caused the undesired change in course-people dying horribly etc- would have to be back in the Island before being able to do whatever it is that they can do to change what Locke described as "horrible things". What I'm wondwring about is, what aboit the Island's displacement. It has to be part of the reason things went so horribly wrong but how can that be corrected if moving the Island through the Donkey Wheel method is dangerous and uncontrolable?
Maven OOps, thought that we could divulge spoilers since we are discussing a spoilery promo. Sorry!
I dont see a trash Icon to delete my post!!!
ANM: Thanks. I don't see trash icons either! Ange/M: Are they disabled for any reason?
And I think that we should clarify what spoilers we will talk about here. I think we agreed that this promo is being openly discussed here, but what about other spoilers that are out there that might relate to the promo? I personally don't want to know anything else except what ABC puts out there.
If it is an actual spoiler. Something that is definitely going to be a part of the show that someone got hold of without permission. I don't think we should discuss it.
If it just theory or speculation on what we already know and how it might fit with the promo then I think it's ok. Just my two cents.
What about the stuff journalists from EW etc find out? It is considered spoilers but sometimes the info comes from the Lost people themselves....(In any case I wont post any more spoiler like bits, from now on only hard facts!)
Best thing to do ANM is to read the Admins' spoiler rules below.
But we can talk about anything seen in the promo here, since this thread is set up for that. :-)
Normally we don't discuss promos except for the one directly after the show. But we're making an exception for this one. Because we are so desparate for anything Lost to discuss.
Heh, yeah, this promo is a sweet marrow bone thrown to us starving Lost-souls. :-B
It's all I was really asking for from the game, but Lord bless whomever decided to let this out now.
Ok, Gang: I've emailed Melissa_Lossa and Dennis re the trash icons and the clarification on the spoilers.
I think it's pretty safe to say that we're making an exception for this current promo since we are soooo desperate to talk LOST. And those that don't want to see/discuss this promo are warned on the front page. But I feel that anything else out there is a spoiler...even EW and other entertainment sites. Unless it comes from ABC, I don't want to know. This is just my opinion.
BTW: I'm leaving tomorrow through Friday on a mini-Cruise to Baja (it's a Mah Jongg Tournament Cruise!). Besides your great discussions, I don't think I'll be missing much!
Sounds like fun have a great trip.
I'm with you I don't like EW, TV Guide and any other entertainment site either. They tend to go overboard on their information.
I don't mind being teased but flat out spoiled is another thing. There was a time ABC was having sneek peaks on their site I think it was during season 3 and I didn't like that. They were putting up an entire scene.
I concur. :-B
Have a great time Maven!
Okay, gang - I have looked and looked and I can't find any reason for the trash can to be gone! I'm really sorry. If anyone has a clue, please let me know.
In the meantime, PLEASE keep your comments limited to material found in this promo only. Anything from Dark UFO, TV Guide, EW, etc is OFF LIMITS.
Generally, we are only allowed to discuss promos that have aired on ABC, according to the spoiler rules. We're making an acception here because:
a) The promo is obivously meant to air on ABC, we're just seeing it a little early.
b) The ARG has left us bitter and desperate.
I'll keep working on the trash can thing - for now, please use your best judgement! Thanks! :)
Ange, or anyone else from LostARGS - I don't see trash cans over there, either. Do you?
For those who are new - when TV Guide and EW start posting articles about Lost, you can check them out sans spoilers at SpoilerFixed
And Sayid's Girl is right - speculations based only on what we already know from the show are fair game. If you saw something in this promo that gave you an idea for something that might happen, go ahead and blurt it out! If you saw something that in connection with a spoiler you read gave you an idea, please keep that one to yourself.
Sorry to be the spoiler police! ;)
Okay, I checked around on blogger and it looks like the trash can thing is a universal problem. It has been reported to blogger and we're just sitting back and waiting for them to fix it.
When the trash cans are back, I'll delete all of these posts about the trash cans!
Thanks, Melissa_lossa, you're on top of everything! Glad we have someone "in authority" to clear up the spoiler issues (I don't think they'll ever go away)!
I'm off on my little trip...wish me luck. I want to come home with a Mah Jongg trophy! LOL
Good luck, maven! And thanks!
A lot of goofy things are going on at Blogger it seems. The comments on my Lost and Fringe blogs changed by themselves to a different format recently, and then changed back again. :-o
Well, Halloween is coming up - maybe we're being haunted by bloggers past.
Blogoween, heheh. :o)
Hey, our buddy from Comic Con just had two milliseconds of facetime on "Chuck". :-D
i thought i was crazy for watching that and thinking "holy crap they went back in time??" but maybe i'm not ! that revealed a little TOO much for me actually.. then again, we could all be jumping to conclusions. it seems so obvious though !!!!
this is all really crazy .
im beyond excited !!!
are they all gonna have to find their constants ? maybe they only think theyve gone back ? oh my god so manythings to think about screw it i need to sleep this off .
if the island does in fact keep reversing in time, that would kind of explain why richard alpert never gets any older .
experimentalfilm said:
if the island does in fact keep reversing in time, that would kind of explain why richard alpert never gets any older .
That is a great thought! That never occured to me. It makes alot of since.
Good morning Loco's. Its been a while. got a late start on the ARG and just never had the time to catch up. But was delighted to see a new post at my favorite site. TLE.
Congrats on the engagment TBP/Kyle. Bring home the that trophy MAven. and memphish big win for the titans 7-0.
Have been watching LOSt on the sci fi channel. and it is really enjoyable to watch from the beginning some things that jumped out.
Charlie saying that he couldnt swim when Jack saved Boone. (Later being a swim champ)in TTLG(still my favorite episode).
Ghost Christian leading Jack to discover the caves and Adam & eve.
Also seeing Ethan & danielle for the first time.
one question for anyone who remembers the Pilot we dont see it but does smokey scan jack when kate is hiding in the tree counting?
sorry for the loooong post but i missed you guys.. so much for the past. time to go watch the promo for the future.
Hi, experimentalfilm!! Good points! And you never know if TPTB are trying to get us on the wrong track...
experimentalfilm said:
if the island does in fact keep reversing in time...
until it gets it right.. lol
Hi Bigdog! You can still register at DWY, fyi.
you said....
Charlie saying that he couldnt swim when Jack saved Boone.. thanks for that one! I have a feeling after the next season we're all going to want to watch season 1-4 again!
(I have no idea if Smokey scans Jack when Kate is hiding in the tree counting, but isn't that a great scene??)
Codysmom, yes it was a great scene, and watching it in HD I was reminded how innocent we all were in thinking the show was just about plane crash survivors.
No kidding!! (and HD is sweet..lol) I remember seeing that scene for the second time made me think what great acting there is in Lost (and great casting).
We're still watching Lost 2.0 on G4 - they just started season 2 last week. The best thing is that they do a great job of pointing out easter eggs, so it's easy to connect the dots. Plus it's always interesting to watch the old episodes in context of the new ones.
Hi, melissa! I've missed most of the G4 eps...
Are you staying warm?? LOL!
Mellissa is Lost 2.0 with pop ups?
bigdog - yeah, they have little trivia facts, quotes from the actors and Damon and Carlton, funny asides, etc. The quotes are kind of interesting to read, to know what Team Darlton was thinking during a particular episode.
codysmom - it's freezing! We're supposed to get snow tonight. :( Brrr..... We took the dog for a walk last night and I had to bundle up in my winter coat, hat and gloves!
HI ya'll!
I finally found you guys AFTER the great discussion.*sigh* Anyway, what a terrific dialog! I'll be around...
Yeah, Mel, we saw a little hail storm on Sunday, yikes!!! It's supposed to "warm up" for Halloween... just seems like it should be summer still for some reason. lol!
Yay! Ellen found us!!
108th comment!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(sorry, but for some reason that's more fun than being first...heheh)
yah i missed this !!!! sorry to break the 108 comment thing tho =(
Hey locos. It's good to see some discussion over here. I kinda lost interest in the whole ARG thing. Enjoying watching Lost on SciFi on Mondays to get my fix.
Lost 2.0 on G4? Gotta check in to that.
Until next time...
The best thing about Lost 2.0 is Lost every single day!
I suppose I could just pop in my DVDs and achieve the same affect, but there's just something about knowing that tonight at 9, Lost will be on TV! Is that sad?
Not sad at all melissa. the thing i like about Sci fi is that they show 4 in a row, so i have about 15 episodes lined up on tivo and watch a couple a night.
I totally agree Melissa, I have the DVD's- yet when they show an episode on TV I get soooo excited! Isn't that strange?! LOL
I am envious of you all who are cold...well maybe not you who are freezing...but we're getting all excited here in Phoenix because the highs next week are only going to get in the 80's! wooohooo! It's 92 here today and supposed to be 90 tomorrow. It does cool off a bit at night (meaning it drops into the 70's). Last week it actually dropped into the 60's at night and we were all complaining about how cold it was! We are a sad lot here in Phoenix! ;)
Scoutpost.Don't feel too bad.In South Florida 60 is about as cool as it gets before most of us head for the sweaters.Cold weather is coming to a place near you. I've hot enough heat,it's time to chill.
I like Lost 2.0
I can usually watch a couple of Sci-fi episodes on Monday before I go to bed.
Maven,bring home that trophy.
If I don't get a chance ,everyone have a safe Halloween.
That's ok. I envy you still having 80 degrees. Although I wouldn't envy you in the summer. I just got back from trick or treating with my daughter. It's 45 degrees. At least it's not raining this year and there's no wind. :)
Happy Halloween everyone!
It's actually warming up here a little today - we're back in the 60s, which is nice for the little ones who are trick or treating tonight.
Michigan is funny - in the fall, when it gets down in the 50s and 60s, everyone bundles up and complains about how cold it is. Then in about March or April, when it starts getting back up to the 40s and 50s, we're thrilled at the warm weather! I guess it's all relative, eh?
If you're in that Halloween mood, Jorge Garcia has some pretty amazing jack o'lanterns on his blog, Dispatches from the Island
Happy Halloween Everybody!!
Mel, I know what you mean about Michigan in fall/spring... and was just talking about this yesterday.. lol
At least it's a wonderful, sunny day here today!!! And in the 60's!!!!!!!!!
Yeah were the same here in Ohio.
When it's 60 in the fall we break out the jackets. In the spring we break out the shorts. lol
Happy Halloween!! everyone.
Happy Halloween everyone!
I'm back from my Mah Jongg cruise...and all your good luck wishes worked! I won 3rd Place....I big trophy and $100! And I ate like a pig!
Here's a pic of me and my trophy!
Hey maven
Welcome back and congratulations!
Jorge sure has alot of cool pumpkins. Here's a few I've done over the years.If you're intersted. No where near as good as Jorge's but they're fun to do.
Thanks, Sayid'sGirl! It was fun. Especially winning something! LOL
Jorge's pumpkins are unbelievable! It so cool him sharing his utter delight in this holiday. (You're a great carver, too, Sayid'sGirl!)
Maven, I couldn't see your trophy on the link you sent here, but I was able to see it on myspace... cool!!
Sayid'sgirl, those are great! I have a pumpkin this year that won't even sit up.. lol (I waited too long this year to get one, so had to take what I could get)
Codysmom: Thanks! I wonder if that Facebook link only works if you have a Facebook account. Although, the url link said I could share it with everyone?
maven, it took me to the facebook sign-in page.. so I guess if you had a facebook account it might work.. idk
They never miss an opportunity to recruit someone! LOL
I would delete my link if I could!
I'm just starting to get use to myspace. I don't know if I'm ready for facebook yet. lol
Congratulations Maven.
Trick or treat.
I think Jorge put some awesome Jack-O-Lanterns up last year also.
PS .Nice Sayid'sgirl.
The Island looked like that after Ben turned the FDW,(just before it disappeared).
happy holloween! Congrats Maven on the big win. i couldnt see the trophy but i am sure its great. $100 doesnt hurt either these days.
takes a village - you are so right about the south florida cold front. It doesnt last long but when it comes people dress like its 20 degrees instead of a beautiful 60.
My little Superman is insisting on answering the door for all the trick or treaters and says i have to go help. Have a good safe holloween.
We actually had some rain and thunder in the LA area today! Finally, some actual weather! LOL
Nice trophy maven.
Happy Election Day!
Be a part of history!
nice trophy maven!
I hope everybody is getting out there to vote today!!!!
I'm so glad now that I voted last Wednesday and avoided the crush. First time I ever did that, it's pretty neat.
We here in Michigan didn't have the opportunity to vote early (unless you're doing an absentee ballot). So, I'm going out at 2 pm hoping for less crowds then.. lol!
I just seen a commercial for LOST and it said coming in January! I thought it was February. Woo Hoo one month earlier!
I got goosebumps thinking of what a historic time we live in. President Obama! WOW!
So is the ABC Lost ad the one we've seen or something new?
It was something new. Very short. With Jack saying we have to go back! :)
Very historic night.
I like how they waited until the election to really start airing the LOST ads. Nothing like waiting for the biggest audience possible!
We had early ballots, but didn't mail them in. Still, in AZ you just have to drop them off at any polling place on election day, so still didn't have to wait in any lines. It's the way to go if you can!
This was at DarkUFO's today:
"At the end of the promo it states that the Premiere will be in January, which is a little earlier that we first suspected as well as stating that it's a 2 hr premiere. Now from my understanding and talking to some of the people at ABC that I know, it will be a 1 hr special/catch up show followed by the 1 hr premiere, and not a 2 hour new episode unfortunately."
So I guess it is in January? I didn't see the promo (I was glued to CNN.)
I woke up this morning full of hope and renewed pride in our country...
Hi All,
I have a question about Find815. Did we come to any conclusion about exactly what it was that caused the aurora that Sam saw at night on deck? Or are we assuming that it was just one of the island's magnetic "burps"?
Thanks. :-)
Capcom: If I remember (which sometimes a problem) I thought it came at the same time that there was lot of static on the monitors on the bridge? I do remember learning that auroras are in the southern atmosphere, too!
Thanks, was it natural? I forgot if it was natural or something that we know happened on the island while the Losties and Others were messing with magnetic stuff. Most of the things we saw happened in the daytime, like the Swan blowing up, so I can't imagine what it could have been at night, but I was just wondering if I missed it. Thanks!
Capcom: Here is the post at Oceanic Conspiracies about the aurora! Hope it helps you.
Happy Birthday Capcom
Is it your birthday, Capcom? Happy Birthday!!!
Happy Birthday Capcom!
Wow, thanks favorite peeps, it means a lot coming from you all! I'm ferklempt. :-}
And thanks for the link Maven!
And p.s. on the aurora...I'd forgotten about "aliens from the planet Zubelleedubellee." X-D
Happy Birthday, Capcom! (Consider the link a birthday gift! LOL)
Happy Birthday Capcom!
Here is what DarkUFO is reporting:
"I've been in contact with one of our sources who works with a company that purchases Ads on the various networks. According to them, the Premiere will air on Thursday 29th January at 10pm.
Unless any major changes happen at ABC this will be hopefully be the premiere date. Note: ABC are officially saying that they have not yet set a date.
Anyone know what happened to Crusoe tonight?
I thought it was on Fridays, Ellen.
OMG! I'm really losin' it here...*chuckles* oh well, thanks, Maven!
Looks like I missed your birthday by 21 minutes sorry.
Happy Belated Birthday!!!
Happy Birthday Yunjin Kim!!
Gosh, I wish the time would hurry up and pass...I sure do miss LOST and all of our lively discussions.
Happy late birthday, capcom! I was off celebrating Mr. Mel's birthday yesterday. :)
What a busy week - a new President (yea!), birthdays and a Lost premiere date! Can't wait for January!
Hey, thanks for the additional birthday wishes friends! :-D You all are the best. XO!
I just heard that Lost will return Wed Jan 21st at 8PM!!! Not only is it earlier in Jan than first reported, but also in my favorite timeslot!!!!!!
To read about it go to the ODI:
codysmom - wow, that would be great!! Although, I don't think it bodes well for Pushing Daisies if Lost steals their timeslot. :(
How can we live in a world where Daisies is in danger of cancellation, but Fox airs a show where they fling people through a hole in a wall?! I mean, really.
Ugh! 8 pm is awful for me because it's 7 central. That means I'll never watch it live.
Maybe it's regular time-slot will be 9PM? It could be the 8pm premier allows for the one-hour "catch us up" show? Wed. at 9 would be fine, too. I don't even know what's on currently on ABC Weds at 9
I think Private Practice is on at 9 - so, sounds like the perfect Lost slot for me!
I'd love it if they put it back on at 9. 10 is so late, I'm half asleep already.
Well if it's going to be on at 8pm, IMO they'd better tone down the SOBs and gratuitous sex for the kiddies who will still be up. :-p
My favorite idea for a regular time-slot is Wed. 9PM. What would they do to Private Practice, I wonder (I never watch that)
Good point about the 2 hour premier. I hope it normally airs at 8 central at the earliest, though on Wed I still predict chasing playback in my future. Take that advertisers.
Doc Arzt's post makes it sound like 8pm is the regular time slot, but idk
Anytime will due for me,but the earlier the better so I can join in on the Community comments.
I agree Capcom.I feel that Lost used to be a program that the whole family could watch together.It seems to me that it is becoming like the rest of the prime time shows.I wanted Lost to be different.
Wednesdays at 8:00 will be like old times. I can't wait and it doesn't interfere with any of my other TV watching. Did I say I can't wait? :)
ditto, sayid'sgirl:)
I personally like it when Lost is on earlier (mostly like tav said, to have more time for the community comments) 8 or 9 PM is fine with me!
WOW! 8PM? That means I can actually talk to you guys after the show (you should still be awake!) LOL
DocArtz is now reporting that the 8PM hour is the recap followed by TWO...yes, TWO new episodes at 9 and 10PM. The regular slot will be 9PM on Wednesdays starting Jan. 21st.
I was just over at Dark's and someone over there said it has been confirmed that the time slot will be 9:00. That the 8:00 show is the recap show. The didn't a source though. But 9:00 would be ok too.
Well, if Doc Arzt is right, I'm VERY HAPPY!!!
I should be around to chat with you after, maven:)
EW is reporting a 3 hour premier -- 1 recap, 2 episodes then a 9 pm start time normally.
You beat me to it.
I'm playing sceneit and blogging at the same time.
Some people at Dark's are doubting they will do two episodes on the first night because it would make the season too short.
I personally would love a double episode night.
Yeah...I don't know the thinking about 2 new episodes in one night! Maybe they sort of go together? Does this mean we still get the same # of episodes or an extra one?
Codysmom: Thanks! Well, I hope the premiere keeps everybody up late talking so I can join in at 11PM pst! It's a perpetual problem with the west coasters! Scoutpost, you better be around, too! LOL
Plus that's the day after the Inauguration! We'll all be basking the in the glow!
Oh, cool, maven (the day after inauguration.. sweet!)
Maybe this will be a way of getting in at least one of the episodes they weren't able to show last season.
Now the ABC Lost site says it's a 3 hour event. But that it's coming soon TBD. They have taken down the date of 1/21/09.
Just goes to show that once again the ABC website is the last to know. I definitely trust the EW crowd and Kristin at E! more than the interns.
Ok well, I'm confused. I have no idea what time it will come on here in MST! LOL I'm guessing that it's 7pm here, like central time. If that's the case, I'll be like memphish- I won't ever be watching it live and will have to wait until around 9pm here to view it. Which means I might miss on the discussion here. I guess I'll just have to wait to see, but I hope I'll get to join in a few discussions!
Happy Belated Birthday Capcom!!! :)
Yesterday they had a premiere date of 1/21/09 and that it would be 3 hours but they took the date down.
I'm not sure if it was a mistake putting it up or what. I guess time will tell. And it stinks that the west coasters have to wait so long to discuss. And that you're in that kind of inbetween zone Memphish.
Tx Scoutpost! :o) You guys are the best.
TV Guide is now reporting the January 21 premiere date - clip show at 8 p.m., then two new episodes (which I'm guessing is actually a two hour premiere, ala Pilot parts 1 & 2, etc).
They also say that ABC is announcing their midseason schedule next week, so maybe that's why ABC took the date down off their site - it's supposed to be a part of the full announcement, so Private Practice fans don't freak.
Also, Mr. Mel just read somewhere that Pushing Daisies is rising a bit in the ratings and ABC has a lot of other shows that are floundering, so they're considering picking Daisies up for a full season and keeping it Wednesdays at 8 as a lead-in to Lost. Heaven!
ML -- most people are reporting that the episodes are Eps. 5.1 and 5.2 and that they aren't a 2-parter.
memphish - that's cool. They must be taking the 24 route then - they air the first four episodes over two nights in January.
I always watch online so it doesn't really matter to me when it airs. I hope it isn't 7 central - that's Bones timeslot. I'm not sure Bones can stand up to Lost and it's another of my favorites.
Happy Birthday Brianne!
Happy Birthday Brianne!!
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