Monday, March 24, 2008

The Lost Community Podcast - Episode 41

In this episode it all comes down to Indiana Jone and the Temple of Doom. We reveal that the last member of the Oceanic 6 is the Easter Bunny and provide music from an Olympic Gold Medalist. It's fun and it's Free... It's the Lost Community Podcast episode all about "Meet Kevin Johnson."

Join in the fun and frivolity by sending MP3 comments and e-mails to or call our listener voicemail box at 206-202-3512. Also the invitation is open if you'd like to be on the Lost Community Podcast and you have Skype e-mail us and we'll set it up.

Download Now (Right Click, Save As)

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Meet Kevin Johnson - Season 4, Episode 8

This is turning into a really great week for television. First, Amanda Overmyer gets voted off American Idol and then tonight we've got a highly anticipated installment of LOST being teased with a clip of Sayid saying to Michael, "Start from the beginning and explain how you came to be on this boat." Hopefully the happenings of this episode will give us plenty to talk about until the show's April 24th return.

Monday, March 17, 2008

The Lost Community Podcast - Episode 40

Here is the episode 40 Spectacular... well not really?!? Join hosts David A Dein and Steve "The Goog" Guglich as they unpack Ji Yeon, the latest episode of the hit ABC Program LOST.

Join in the fun and frivolity by sending MP3 comments and e-mails to or call our listener voicemail box at 206-202-3512. Also the invitation is open if you'd like to be on the Lost Community Podcast, and you have Skype, e-mail us and we'll set it up.

Download Now (right-click, save as)

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Ji Yeon - Season 4, Episode 7

Who will round out the Oceanic Six? How exactly does Ji Yeon translate into English? Is the "man on the boat" who everyone thinks he is? What about the captain? Hopefully all of these questions will be answered for us in this second to last episode before the break. Chat away my friends!

Saturday, March 08, 2008

The Lost Community Podcast - Episode 39

Join hosts David A. Dein and Steve 'The Goog' Guglich as they enter the fray between Ken Tucker and 'Doc' Jensen, they 'accidentally' offend Scientologists and the Walt Disney Company, all while Discussing the hit TV Show LOST. Specifically the episode "The Other Woman".

Join in the fun and frivolity by sending MP3 comments and e-mails to or call our listener voicemail box at 206-202-3512. Also the invitation is open if you'd like to be on the Lost Community Podcast and you have Skype e-mail us and we'll set it up.

Download Now (right-click, save as)

Thursday, March 06, 2008

The Other Woman - Season 4, Episode 6

Who is this "other woman" alluded to in the title of this episode? Could it be referring to someone besides Juliet? I'm sure there's more to this little phrase than meets the eye. The ABC summary has ventured into spoiler territory so we decided not to post it here. Be tantalized...and, as always, enjoy!

Monday, March 03, 2008

The Lost Community Podcast - Episode 38

Join hosts David A. Dein and Steve 'The Goog' Guglich as they recover from the head spinning episode of LOST entitled "The Constant". Trust me, it's more fun than evolution.

Join in the fun and frivolity by sending MP3 comments and e-mails to or call our listener voicemail box at 206-202-3512. Also the invitation is open if you'd like to be on the Lost Community Podcast and you have Skype e-mail us and we'll set it up.

Download Now (right-click, save as)