Thursday, July 26, 2007

The Lost Community Book Club - A WRINKLE IN TIME

Join host David A Dein and The Lost Community's Melissia_Lossa as they discuss the book A Wrinkle in Time as it relates to LOST, and the episode Deus Ex Machina. Got a comment or a question? Join in by sending an e-mail to or by calling 732-564-4763.

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To listen to it streaming, visit TLC TalkShoe page.

TLC Book Club - August
8/21 - An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge
(part of The Complete Short Stories of Ambrose Bierce)
8/29 - The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

Since there are two books for August, we will have two separate podcasts. An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge is a short story, so it will come first, giving us extra time to read The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. For a complete list of books, and to find out more about how you can get involved in the TLC Book Club, click HERE and/or HERE.

UPDATE: An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge is also available online (thanks Amused2bHere!)

UPDATE 2: The Book Club Podcast for An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge has been rescheduled for Tuesday, August 21st at 6:00 PM EDT.

Please keep ALL Comic-Con spoilers confined to the Comic-Con post!


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memphish said...

Hilarious. I read the new post post on the old thread before there was a new post.

Dennis said...

Did you tesser here? :)

memphish said...

And speaking of unexplained phenomena, my Lost QOTD is: Richard Malkin, Real or Fake?

Dennis said...

He was a fake and he knew it... until he read Claire's future. Then when it happened for real, it freaked him out. It might be like Desmond, where he could only see Charlie's future. Maybe Malkin could only see Claire's future.

memphish said...

But Dennis, why do you think he became so involved in Claire's future? The timeline is strange.

Claire finds out she's pregnant (6 weeks late).
2 days later she sees Malkin who refuses to do a reading.
3-4 months later Thomas leaves and Claire goes back to Malkin.
Malkin does the reading and then spends the next 4 months trying to convince Claire to raise the baby going so far as to buy her a ticket on Flight 815.

One possibility could be he notified Mittelos? Dharma? after the first reading and they told him if she ever came back to do this. That's the thing I can't quite figure out. If his reading of Claire is legit, why no contact until she re-initiates it and then why pester her to death?

maven said...

Memphish: And after telling Claire originally that she must raise this child herself, does he do an about face and supposedly sets her up with a couple in LA to adopt the baby?

memphish said...

Maven, I think that was probably a case of telling Claire what she wanted to hear in order to make her do what he wanted.

Could the whole of Flight 815's existence on the Island be because of Claire?

maven said...

I guess a case could be made that he was recruited by Dharma/Mittelos to get pregnant woman to the island. Although, with only a pregnant Claire on the plane (as far as we know), the "recruits" did a pretty lame job! Or could Claire have been the only target because Aaron would be such a special child?

maven said...

BTW: Hubby (and I) have seen the first 12 episodes and I think he's getting hooked!!! (Locke and Boone discovering the hatch seems to have done it...he was getting a little bored with the Losties' back stories - although I keep telling him everything means something - trying to keep my mouth shut and not give anything away!)

2costa said...

i think he was a dharma recruiter, much as libby probably was. He didn't read claires future he made it so. The way that Shepards dad and claire and jack are all involved in the island makes me think they knew what kind of potential claires baby had, biologically not phychicly. Already pregnant ladies is not what they need because the problem is after conception on the island. They need fertile non pregnant ladies to really beat the fertility problem, some kids and almost born babies is good for a backup plan to restock the lake so to speak...

2costa said...

hey did they ever release the orientation film they showed at comicon 2006???

2costa said...

anothet tie to the island is the whispers on the tape of his daughter's ressurrection...

2costa said...

which seems like a tie in to the way mikhail keeps coming back and is explainable because their seems to be a healing vortex in australia...

2costa said...

plus there is the thing where claires baby dady might be involved convincing her to keep the baby then becoming a jerk and his curious art studio, they may have set up the whole pregnancy and her freinsd that took her to the phycic may be involved too...

2costa said...

Alos seems like one of thomas' painting was in widmore office, perhaps thomas is who was robbing nadia in greatest hits, i used to think it was the cop that infultrated locke's weed commune...

2costa said...

seems weird that eddie the cop that targeted locke was weraing his father's geronimo jackson shirt perhaps he isn't just a cop

Dennis said...

Sorry to cross-promote, there there are some TLE-type things going on over on

Hidden messages!!


Tess315 said...

I posted this in the Comic Con thread too. I haven't seen luckyguylilkeme around here in awhile but just in case he's looking in Happy Birthday!

TakesaVillage said...

I'd like to second that;
Happy Birthday Luckyguy.

memphish said...

Ditto! Happy birthday LGLM!

maven said...

Happy Birthday, Luckyguy!

Amused2bHere said...

Mornin' all!

I never did get to say thanks to Passafist and Melissa for a great podcast. We ate up almost an hour without blinking! (I hope I was coherent). Great discussion. I'm looking forward to next month's two 'casts.

Happy belated Birthday, LuckyGuy!

memphish said...

Good podcast guys.

Do you think the Nigerian drug plane and Anthony Cooper could have been "tessered" to the Island? Is this magic box effect just a fast way to get from place A on Earth to the Island?

It wasn't the case in the book that you couldn't travel from Earth to Camazotz by conventional means, tessering merely managed to speed it up. So it could be the case that some people/things "tesser" to the Island, but others, our Losties, Desmond, Danielle's teams, arrived by "normal" means.

Also, do you think that pushing the button in the Swan permitted or prevented tessering? It always sticks out to me that Juliet and Desmond arrived very close to each other in time, so that possibly the "portal" was open not only for the sub, but for Desmond as well.

memphish said...

Is there anyone on the Island that's not like Charles Wallace? :) JK. I thought he was like Ben being able to perceive on a deeper level and connect with Jacob as with the stars in AWIT.

I agree about Meg and Jack as well. Meg's math thing and Jack's science are similar, and there's a similar failure to think outside the box.

Calvin is sort of like Sayid -- an alternate path to that laid out by either Meg or Charles Wallace, but a follower when his plan is rejected.

memphish said...

The Deus Ex Machina in Deus Ex Machina is the light coming on in the Hatch at the end. By the end of the episode everything is as bad as it could be. Boone's going to die and it's Locke's fault and Locke is at his all-time low, and then "the gods" turn on the light.

That's why it so undoes Locke when he talks to Desmond about it at the end of Season 2. His message from "the gods" was a drunk Scot going to the john.

memphish said...

Sorry for that last post -- I made it before I got to the end of the podcast. And sorry for the string of posts, but no one is here but me this morning. :D

Amused2bHere said...

Thanks for your insight, Memphish. We missed your input during the podcast!

Another thing we didn't really get into on the podcast was the whole Father issue. We all have seen the Daddy issues of Lost (who doesn't have a Daddy issue?) but what about the lost Father of AWIT? The whole quest for Mr. Murry, Meg's discovery that her dad was just human after all, etc. There was a lot we could have discussed...

but then again I think 50 minutes was long enough.

Amused2bHere said...

time to get a new avatar!

Tess315 said...

Calvin kind of reminded me of Desmond. He gets compulsions, when he gets these feelings he always does what it tells him. He can’t explain it an it doesn’t happen very often. But he obeys it.
Desmond gets compulsions with his visions.

memphish said...

Interesting non-spoiler theory of LOST from Ben Lundy and follow-up Q & A.

I've posted these on both current threads so that both the spoiler-likers and spoiler-averse will see them.

memphish said...

For the spoiler averse, don't read additional posts by Ben Lundy. There is a casting spoiler in it.

Here's another interesting, non-spoiler blog called Lost Island Time.

Amused2bHere said...

Thanks for those links Memphish!

Ange said...

Just got finished listening to the Wrinkle podcast. Well done everyone. Someday I will get the courage to talk on there. I did want to say a HUGE HUGE Thanks to David for mentioning my post on Fenris's Lost Bullets. It's for sure a good feeling to have someone actually read what I wrote there and also enjoy it. So THANKS for taking the time and giving it a mention.

Also, Sayid's Girl, I liked that you mentioned father issues a couple of posts up, as Wrinkle is pretty much all about finding the father it indeeds begs some discussion. That is something that could certainly be explored here over the next little bit while we all read Oz.

Tess315 said...

You're giving props to the wrong person. That was amused2behere that brought up the daddy issues but I agree that's something that deserves discussion.

Ange said...

SORRY Amused...gah, sun has gotten to my brain.

Anonymous said...

i'm ordering a slusho! shirt this week.

now......if i see a REAL slusho! truck or machine or whatever somewhere.......i will flip out!!

then, i'll take a picture of myself drinking and eating an apollo bar!!!

while wearing my slusho! shirt and my stuffed monkey (joop).


yeah.....i'm "medicated" right now.

going to bed. later. g-night.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

oh sorry.......wrong blog....

i meant ummm...........

"and i woulda' gotten away with it to, if it wasn't for you pesky kids and your orangutan"!! ~~~~little tommy mittelwerk

Amused2bHere said...

LOL Chucklez!

No problem, Ange. I was actually surprised we didn't get into the Daddy issues during the podcast. Of course it was only after the podcast that I realized we'd left that topic out.

Of course we could just discuss the issue here. It would be most appropriate, don't you think?

Next month's two 'casts are a good idea. And it's a good thing
"Occurence..." is small and comes first. Here's a link to read it online (for those so inclined):
Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge

We only have about two weeks to read it!

maven said...

Hey gang! Seems a lot of us are getting intrigued by the Cloverfield/Slusho thing! (Chucklez LOL) Great job on your blog, Dennis...I check it out all the time!

Ange: Thought you did a fantastic job on your analysis of "Wrinkle in Time" on the Bullets blog! I know it's a little intimidating to call in for the podcast...I personally type better than I talk...but I'm sure you'll do great! It's just the TLC gang after all!

RE the father issues in the book: The only father issue is a good one I think. The kids miss their father and want to rescue them. This is unlike the Losties who all have serious problems with fathers. Very little is happy about their childhoods. Their fathers didn't contribute positively to their lives. The Murry children seem to really love their father, enough to go on their wild adventure with the 3 Mrs W's to find him and rescue him. I think very few of our Losties would do that.

BTW: Hubby and I just finished watching Season 1 in one week! Yeah! He was little bored with the pace of some of the episodes (dealing so much with flashbacks, etc.) and wondered why after discovering the hatch it took so long to get back to that story! Welcome to my LOST world, darling! It's very tough sitting there and not spilling all the beans...just saying over and over: "That's important!" LOL

Ange said...

Maven: I agree that the Murry children have one big huge father issue.

I do find it interesting that Charles Wallace was willing to sacrifice his entire being to save his father when he didn't even really remember him.

John Locke in turn did something similar in giving a kidney to a father he never even knew.

In giving something they are hoping for what they need and/or what they crave from the relationship in return, ie. a father that cares and will be there.

Amused2bHere said...

Once again, we see the universal need to bond with our Father. That's one reason why I get so incensed when our society plays fast and loose with the definition of "family". Mom and dad are necessary on so many levels, not to make anyone feel bad about the family they grew up in, but we can see the "issues" it creates when a child does not have both a loving Mother and Father who are commited to each other and the children.

I know we can overcome the issues that come from stuff that life throws at us (abandonment, death of a parent), but why make it ok to start out that way?

Blech. Probably a discussion for the Stories of the Lost blog, but I think this issue really relates to Lost's daddy issues and AWIT.

memphish said...

Another daddy issue similarity that stands out to me is Meg's daddy worship and the blows it takes when she learns that he didn't really understand what he was doing. It reminds me of Jack and his vision of his father as a person who'll accept less than perfection when it comes to work outcomes. The whole you can't cure everyone because some are "fated" to die. And of course there's the fact that both father's clearly put work ahead of family in a way that removed them from the household.

Melissa_Lossa said...

Hey, everyone -

I am such a BAD book club organizer some times! I meant to post the questions that we discussed in the podcast here on Friday, and I completely forgot. Here they are for those who are interested:

1) Is there something similar to a tesseract happening on the island? If so, who is affected? Is Desmond using one to travel through time? Is Jacob using one to fade in and out of existence? Is the whole island caught in one, causing it to be “out of phase” with the rest of the world?

2) Jacob seems to share some of the qualities of Mrs. Who – he is introduced as a strange being who lives in a neglected cabin in the woods, but he turns out to be something much more. He also seems to share Mrs. Who’s inability to become completely physical. Is he perhaps not human at all, but an entity outside of our time and space?

3) The hidden message in the Room 23 brainwashing film is that “Only fools are enslaved by time and space.” How does this message tie into A Wrinkle in Time?

4) Are there any characters who parallel characters from the book? Is Locke perhaps like Charles Wallace – often arrogant when it comes to his own understanding of things?

5) The man with the red eyes on Camazotz controls everyone on the planet, with the idea that it is “easier” for everyone to live without having to make any of their own decisions. Could this be a parallel to Ben’s society of Others? Ben claims that he lets everyone believe that they have choices because it keeps them happy, although he is actually in control. Is this a way of achieving the same goal, without instilling the same kind of fear?

6) A Wrinkle in Time appears in the episode Deus ex Machina, where Locke has his vision of bloody Boone repeating, “Theresa falls up the stairs, Theresa falls down the stairs.” The events of this vision ultimately lead to Boone’s death and Locke joining with Jack, Hurley and Kate to blow open the hatch. Is there an instance of Deus ex Machina in A Wrinkle in Time? As in Lost, it seems that an outside power intervenes to solve the immediate problem, while leaving a much greater threat untouched.

Melissa_Lossa said...

I just want to say THANK YOU to everyone who was on the podcast last week - you guys are amazing.

David - you make doing the podcasts so easy! Thanks for all of your help.

Amused - you made some great points this time around (as usual!) - thanks for jumping in.

This has been so much fun! I'm excited for next month already!

Melissa_Lossa said...

The one question from my list that sort of got paraphrased in the podcast is the last one. This one did have a point that I would have like to touch on a little bit:

At the end of A Wrinkle in Time, the children have rescued their father, but the dark shadow is still covering the planet. Obviously, this sets up a sequel book, but the same thing sort of happens in Lost. At the end of Deus ex Machina, Locke sees the light in the hatch and is inspired to finally blow the thing open, but this leaves the much bigger problem of what happens when the Swan is exposed to other people out there in the open. We learn much later that pushing the button is vital - although we also find out that turning the failsafe key, while destroying the hatch also stops whatever the button was stopping, permanently.

I was just intrigued by the idea of characters reaching their small goals, without seeming to consider the greater consequences.

Capcom said...

That's one of the biggest problems that I have with Locke Melissa. He is on a "path of his own", doing whatever he needs to do for his purposes, but he never thinks of the long term consequences. At least not up to now anyway. If he now knows something that we don't know, he could have a greater goal. But the Swan was blown up needlessly, as far as we can see.

And as crabby as Rose is now, I would have like to have seen her chew Locke out for blowing up the only showers and toilets, etc., that they had on the island. :-)

maven said...

Capcom: I agree that Locke seems to have blinders on when it comes to the consequences of this actions. He feels that he's doing the right thing for everyone, but has tunnel vision and doesn't seem to think everything through (at least to our Losties...I'm sure in the end it will all make sense). Feeling that he has a destiny and a reason for being on the island and be damned to everyone else!

memphish said...

Yes, it's clear back in Season 1 that Locke feels the Island is everyone's destiny and Locke himself is the shaman leading them one after another through their manhood rite. First there's Locke himself, then Jack, then Charlie, then Boone, but the Hatch really distracts him. It makes me wonder about the "forces" on the Island that distracted Locke with his Hatch problem and then later destroyed his faith in the importance of that work. I feel like a Mrs. Hawking must have been course correcting Locke to prevent Desmond's suicide and later force Desmond to turn the key.

Capcom said...

Heheh, right Maven and Memphish. Mabye after the fall, a metal plate was put in Locke's head and the Island's magnetism is making him nutty. :-)

Amused2bHere said...

Nice points, you guys. I hope we find out that Locke really knows what he is doing, and isn't such an idiot after all.

Thanks for your kind words, Melissa. My biggest fear is that I'll spaz out and sound totally incoherent, so it's nice to hear my comments made any sense at all.

I encourage everyone to call in, put your fears aside, and join the discussion. What's the worst that can happen? C'mon, Capcom, Ange, Sayid's Girl, and the rest of you, we promise to be gentle...

Ange said...

"What's the worst that can happen? "
I won't physically be able to talk!

But in the spirit of BOOKS, next podcast, if I am home during it, I will go to the TalkShoe chat at least. Do I have to download anything for that?

Maven: You mentioned course correcting. That reminds me of Camazotz, and how everyone reported everyone else, in an attempt to correct/keep the order of the planet.

maven said...

Ange: I think you do have to download something when you first go there. You can chat along with the podcast. If I figured it out, surely you will!

Being a teacher, you must be used to "public talking"! LOL

Amused2bHere said...

Ange--you download the talkshoe.exe and then you have to run it to setup the software.

I know you'll be able to figure it out.

Ange said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ange said...

Thanks amused and maven...I will do it today. Although, *sigh* on the 15th I am going to be in a different time zone, but I will be there for the Oz discussion!

Public talking is never an issue for me, it's just recorded, I dunno it's pathological, what can I say :D.

DiggityDirge said...

Hey everyone....long time no chat. i emailed admn, but wanted to see if everyone saw the new LOST orientation video and Hanso Foundation info on if not check it out.

DiggityDirge said...

seems like there is some stuff hidden in the video. Don't want to give too much away without giving everyone a chance to see it first.

or I could be high and this is old news.

Tess315 said...

Hey diggity!
Yep I think everyone who wanted to see has. They are disscussing it on the Comic Con thread.

Melissa_Lossa said...

Hey, ange - believe me, I was scared before my first podcast! But it was easier than I thought to talk. Everyone is so nice and supportive here. :)

Join in - we all promise not to giggle. ;)

Amused2bHere said...

oh man, keeping two threads alive is giving me a headache!

but in a good way...

memphish said...

I hope we can consolidate threads soon too.

Here's a non-spoiler question about LOST: Do you think Kate hooked back up with Cassidy in New Mexico in order to rob the bank with Tom's airplane?

TheOtherLisa said...

Hey guys-
I’m always late to the party- can never get free to listen to a podcast live… just wanted to say that it was enjoyable to listen to! Thanks for putting it together. You all covered a lot of really cool theories/links. a few things to throw out there-

One of the things discussed: Jacob and Island- neither were possibly completely materialized. The ability to materialize also seemed to be related to the time in which Mrs. Which, who and Whatsit spent in their “state” ---ex. if the older ones could not materialize as well at the young, they young couldn’t tesser as well as the old. What does that mean to our potentially 3 different camps… “hostiles” = there the longest, maybe, like Jacob, can’t fully materialize, the “others” and ben’s new group/recruits… are they somewhere inbetween having a “power” or not… and the losties, still completely imperfect and unpowerful in their humanity. Is length of time on the island why Desmond might have the beginnings of a “power’ or not?

Travel--- have people tesser’ed to the island… very interesting…. have the losties been rescued, lived relatively parallel lives in “real time” and at the same time on the island. Ex. 5 seconds on the island is 5 years on “earth”… such good tidbits for thought!

Spiritual realm and space and time relationships…. great observation--- all of that discussion goes back to the theories about “redemption”.

Very cool thoughts about Charles Wallace, Walt and Lock being in stages of using their “power” and knowledge. “Watch out for your pride”--- I think also applies greatly to Ben and his lies/manipulations in order to preserve himself from his very humble beginnings.

Memphish, also great thoughts (above), I can never get there... but I love your questions!

Thanks for a great listen!

Ange said...

Afternoon gang. I just stumbled this video and had to post it.
Dramatic Rodent + Lost= something-pretty-silly.

Check it out


memphish said...

That's a good video Ange and would have been an excellent use of the bleeper twins.

Lisa, great observations on the book and the podcast. I hadn't thought about the Island being like Mrs. Which sometimes struggling up the strength to appear as when the clouds cleared for Naomi and other times being too immaterial for the outside world to see.

And boy does that pride thing have a lot to do with LOST, Locke most prominently in late Season 3 and his blowing up all ways off the Island because he knows best, but obviously Ben too as evidenced by his dressing down by Jacob and the willingness of the Others to watch Locke beat down Mikhail. And of course, Jack and his decision that he and only he can decide when and about what Juliet can be questioned. Pride was running rampant on that Island at the end of Season 3 and maybe that is what will allow the IT that's on that freighter to get a hold on the Island.

TheOtherLisa said...

Late again, but I second, third and forth ALL the props for the LOST bullet points! I'm finally getting to it and its total quality! ;-)

Ange said...

HOLY MOLEY Thanks Lisa!

Capcom said...

Hi Locos! I haven't read any of the books so far, but I am enjoying reading what you have to say about the references and similarities with the books and show. And I am going to have to study up on tesseracts again for season 4 I think. We looked into that during TLE, but that was a long time ago.

I hope that TPTB are not afraid to put a little more science weirdness into the show, like in the X-Files. As long as they have some Brian Greene (or Fox Mulder) type explanations, via Ben or whomever, I think that the audiences can take a little bit of Mr. Wizard thrown in. Especially if a big payoff in the way of answers comes with it at the same time. And maybe TPTB have thrown in all these book hints to warm viewers up to the ideas of the crazy science aspects. Then the ones who wouldn't normally like it will be ready?

Here's hoping anyway. I'm ready! :-D

maven said...

Any of us LoCos in Minneapolis with this bridge collapse?

memphish said...

I hope not Maven. It looks awful.

Capcom, if Ben says it do we believe it or not? :D

Amused2bHere said...

Just a mish-masch of comments:

praying for all in danger in Minneapolis...

fyi--L'Engle also wrote three other books as sequels to A Wrinkle in Time (used to be a trilogy, now a quartet).

I just saw The Last Mimzy. Mentions Alice Through the Looking Glass, compares the LG to a wormhole across time. Never thought of that.

Capcom, if TPTB put in more science type explanations I'm sure we'll hear "too Star Trek!" from lots of critics. Ya just can't please some people, ya know? But I agree with you, it's something I'd like to see too. Rather the scientific than the supernatural, for me anyway.

Tess315 said...

I took my daughter to see The Last Mimzy when it was in theatres it was right around the time Desmond had his time travel episode. I was sitting there comparing it to Lost. :) It's a pretty good little show.
I wouldn't mind some science theroy in the show. I think the more we see the more it seems to be going that way. If I remember correctly it is a sci-fi type of show (that' not the word they used though) but they didn't pitch it to the networks that way. If I know some what, what I'm suppose to expect I'm good. I'm getting over my fear of what's coming after reading some Comic Con transcripts. amused is probably right if they go to sci-fi people will scream Star Trek. But I would be cool with that. But I don't think they'll got to Star Trek-ie.

memphish said...

I'd prefer a "science-like" explanation rather than a Heroes "you aren't supposed to be asking those questions" or a "just believe it" answer. Even though I like being the non-scientist in my family, I like that LOST has made me think about science again.

maven said...

Well, I think TPTB have always said that what happens on Lost will be based on scientific facts. If not, they will have a lot of 'splaining to do! I do enjoy sci-fi, but it has to be believable!

Capcom said...

Good point about what Ben says. :-D

I think it would be great if it turns out that TPTB pitched the show as a sort of weird mystery and then snuck in the science before the execs had the chance to object! Haha on the snooty ratings and bean counters if they did.

Unknown said...

Non-book related comment

Anyone wondering where Doc Jensen's promised "late July" column is? For that matter, where Doc himself is?

memphish said...

I've been wondering that too TBP. He posted an interview with JJ Abrams, Zach Quinto and Leonard Nimoy today. I figure he's got something, but he's holding it since it's the only thing he's likely to get for a while.

maven said...

FYI: ABC finally has the Comic Con panel up as a podcast!

Tess315 said...

Thanks Maven

Dennis said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Evangeline Lilly!

28 today!

Call me :)

Amused2bHere said...

I can't get over that Nimoy agreed to play Spock again. He's been so picky about playing Spock, the script must have been really amazing for Nimoy to want to do this.

Shatner must be so jealous! Ah well, he's got a good thing going over at Boston Legal.

2costa said...

Sylar does look like a young spock

memphish said...

DarkUFO has scans of some articles for the new LOST magazine. Particularly interesting is the end of the Kate article that talks about the questions she asked and had answered about how to play the Rattlesnake scene and the script of the scene itself.

Amused2bHere said...

I wonder if the writers answered their questions truthfully. That would mean the writers themselves had to know the answers, eh?

Hmm. Makes ya think.

Thanks for the link, Memphish. Really good article. Almost makes me want to subscribe to Lost magazine.

memphish said...

A2BH, just spend about 20-30 minutes in the back of the Barnes and Noble and you'll have seen it all. I bought one once, but they are so over-priced. They remind me of Tiger Beat which I used to indulge in back in the dark ages when Sean Cassidy would have been on the cover.

Amused2bHere said...

Omg, I papered my walls with Bobby Sherman and David Cassidy posters from Tiger Beat and 16.

Those were the days.

Tess315 said...

It looks like we finally run out of things to say.
My walls were exclusively David Cassidy.
TV Guide's Ausiello had an article on casting for season four. I won't go into details. But he refered to the people on the freighter as other, others and I had to laugh.

Anonymous said...

Totally off subject here, but anyone ever have a desire to "debunk" the "tellings" of Nostradamus???

I feel that in all his "VAGUE" writings, we have lost sight of just that. They're vague so they can suit nearly any situation.

And all the Nostradamus supporters are never to be found in reference to actually PREDICTING something. Only when an Earth-shattering event has already occurred.

Penn Gillette said it best on the History Channel, when he said that if anyone truly had a book that foretold of the events of 9-11, for example, and that person did NOT tell of what was to come, there is no truer definition of "EVIL".

2costa said...

the only quatrane i ever thought was good was the one about the king dying in the joust. THe other stuff like hitler grew up reading those prophesies so its more like he made them come true.

Anonymous said...

well actually, he foretold of a the king dying in a one-on-one battle. Not that it was a "fun" joust with someone he actually knew. His "prophecy" made it sound like it was part of a war, etc.

so no. that one was fairly vague, too. that one was also covered on the history channel today, too.

Capcom said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Capcom said...

Amused and Memphish, I had the Monkees, Herman's Hermits, and Mod Squad pics on my walls. Tigerbeat and 16 were my fave mags too, thanks for the memories! :o)

memphish said...

This morning in the Memphis paper, the flashback photo was Sean Cassidy in a concert. This the day after local boy Justin Timberlake's concert.

maven said...

I was a Beatlemanic! LOL

Beverly said...

diggity, I saw the video, but I didn't see any new hando foundation stuff on

Do you have a link?

Amused2bHere said...

Looks like the guys are trying very hard to get us back on topic!


forgive us our girlish ways... ;)

memphish said...

I'm listening to an old LOST podcast from November of 2005 following the airing of The Other 48 Days and on the Hanso Foundation website that existed at that time (i.e. way before TLE) there was a mention of Joop and a memo from the World Health something or other telling them to stop which sounds like something we got in TLE too. I didn't know enough about that stuff back then. Does anyone else remember that? I didn't realize Joop predated the actual TLE.

memphish said...

Doc Jensen is up. I haven't read it yet. I'll post whether or not its spoilery after I do.

memphish said...

Very interesting Doc Jensen article. He's thinking along the same lines as various LoCos with respect to certain things. For the spoiler averse -- it is a 4 page article; page 1 debunks various scheduling/casting rumors currently making the rounds; page 2 is a discussion of how LOST relates to the Vincent Price version of The Fly; and pages 3 and 4 discuss a video that aired at Comic Con (I'm going back to the old thread to post more on that); so if you've avoided it so far, avoid pages 3 and 4. Finally, Doc may be back in August.

memphish said...

If you like to waste time on meaningless polls, you can vote for lots of LOST stuff in E!Online's Watch with Kristen Tater Top ballot.

Unknown said...

Page 4 of Doc's column discusses something about The Prestige. I still haven't seen it, so I'm skipping that page too, just for a different reason.

Dennis said...

memphish said... I'm listening to an old LOST podcast from November of 2005 following the airing of The Other 48 Days and on the Hanso Foundation website that existed at that time (i.e. way before TLE) there was a mention of Joop and a memo from the World Health something or other telling them to stop which sounds like something we got in TLE too. I didn't know enough about that stuff back then. Does anyone else remember that? I didn't realize Joop predated the actual TLE.

Accoridng to, The Hanso Foundation website has been around since October 2005 - eight months before TLE.

Lostpedia has links to the original versions of THF site, now mirrored by

Here is the reference to Joop from the "first" version of

Christine said...

Hey guys, I was reading the news this morning and came across this article. I thought it might be interesting. Sorry if someone posted it already, but if not, here ya go!

Anonymous said...

book police: "THE PRESTIGE" ROCKS!!!!!

Bale and Jackman are two of my favorite actors right now.

Just mind you.........stay far, far away from "THE FOUNTAIN"!!! I think Jackman owed someone a favor or something. hahaha. He was fine, but the story sucked.......SEVERELY!!!

Christine said...

Oh well, you guys are quick at these things. Guess I should of read the other comic-con post first.
But yes, The Fountain was werid, stupid, and you need to be high to understand it. But it was good for staring at Jackman' s face!!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

christine: yeah, and the synopsis said he goes from a conquistador, to a researcher with a phd, to an astronaut.

ummm.......sorry, but the third "him" was NOT an astronaut!!! hahahaha. more like a super-enlightened being high on the flesh of his beloved, tree bark and peioti (or however you spell it).

talk about retarded.

i mean, the way i saw it was this:

the true "him" was the one in the present one. the conquistador one was the character she read about in the book. he just envisioned himself in that position.

now.....the "him" in the future.....that's a whole different ball of wax. but i'd say that he ate of the tree of life and prolonged his life long enough to discover the ONE TRUE way to revive his lost love. but he was a few minutes too late. obviously.

but anyhoo.....yeah.....jackman was paying a debt, i think. hahahaha

Capcom said...

HA! Doc Jensen must read TLC because we started talking about the Prestige similarities of the Orchid vid first, over on the ComicCon page! :o)

I thought The Fountain was entertaining, but confusing, and I wouldn't really recommend it to anyone who doesn't like watching esoteric-artsy-fartsy Scifi material. Actually he is supoposed to be an astronaut in The Fountain, traveling in some kind of ecosphere spaceship.

Anonymous said...

actually, that's what was said in the synopsis. however, in the film, they NEVER explained what he was in the future.'s a clear bubble, containing some soil, the tree of life with his wife in it and himself. that's it. flying through space, toward a nebula.

ummm......hardly constitutes consideration as an astronaut.

he was in plain white garb with a shaved head, sitting yoga style a lot (indian style, with both feet on top of legs), meditating.

I don't see it as astronautical. more of a "transcendence".

but regardless, there was no meat to the future part of the story. it simply went to the future and we see him in the bubble. ugh.....freakin' terrible.

Amused2bHere said...

hey Chucklez, good to see you back on the blogs.

I'm a huge Hugh Jackman fan, so I'll probably watch The Fountain anyway.

I just saw the animated Flushed Away. Jackman voices the hero. Probably another community service sentence served, but it was funny in parts. Mostly weird, but funny.

Anonymous said...

i will be on, off-n-on, for a while, but mostly looking for jobs and places near jacksonville.

other than that, i'm trying to keep myself knee deep in slusho.


Beverly said...

Actually, amused, I'm not a guy and wasn't trying to keep anyone on topic. I just responded to a post before finishing reading.

FWIW, I too had Bobby Sherman and David Cassidy on my walls! I was also a Beatlemaniac - but that was for the music. I didn't hang them on my walls until I had the pictures from the White album.

Capcom said...

Heheh, the decadent photo insert from the White parents hated that and I had to hide it. ;-)

2costa said...

I am more of the joey"whoa" lawrence and that kid from seaquest generation of tean beat

Ange said...

Costa! Are you kidding me!? You never had an Andy Gibb or a C. Thomas Howell issue. C'mon! Although in all fairness I was a Sean Cassidy girl myself and later on Ralph Macchio.

Also, for September Book Club, I stumbled an online book project called LibriVox. Through it you can get full text and audio readings of public domain books. The only catch is that you have to be in the US to use the site (says them).

I did come up with some links though for online full texts and audio books (chapter by chapter) for Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass

Anonymous said...

again......i say unto thee......


Ange said...

HA! I, for one, am getting it Chucklez. It's on my Amazon list and everything.

Amused2bHere said...

Sorry Lostit! didn't mean any offense...;)

Good luck with the job/home search Chucklez.

Ange, that's a great link to have. Thanks!

Ok, just for fairness, which of us had Farrah Fawcett on his wall? My brother had some blonde, not Farrah, but darned if I remember her name...he was too young for Charlie's Angels...

Beverly said...

I wasn't offended, amused. Just want to clear things up.

I wish I had time to participate in the book club. It sounds like you're all having fun with it. I'm lucky if I have time to read these posts!

Ange said...

amused2bhere said...Ok, just for fairness, which of us had Farrah Fawcett on his wall?

My friend Shaun did. On the poster she was in a bikini and one day his mother made her a construction paper shirt and jeans, because she felt Farrah "looked cold". :D

2costa said...

i was not saying i had those guys on the wall ange. My era was the era of the Cory's or that blonde kid that was autistic on st. elsewhere. I know who davis cassidy is through partridge family reruns. Ange did you ever see the movie about david cassidy where malcolm"mr. linderman"mcdowell was jack cassidy david's dad and he was a famous actor,but all jealous of david. I think it was jack. p.s. Ange your avitar is a spoiler jk

Ange said...

I come from the Corey era too Costa. As a matter of fact Lost Boys is burned in my retinas forever from watching it so much!

Yeah, my avatar probably should be changed. Maybe I should put a human mouth on my dog and put that up hehehe ;).

I've never seen the movie you're describing, but Malcolm McDowell in something like that makes my teeth hurt a bit!

Off topic is the theme as we have nothing but Doc Jensen and frankly, I'm just scared to even look at it. I have been enjoying catching up on all the side blogs from the LoCos though.

memphish said...

Ange, given your avatar, you should read Doc Jensen.

ib4uc said...

Oh, the memories... I grew up with Peter Frampton and Leif Garrett on my walls. Back then, they were the hottest things that walked the earth (so I thought). Although, I think I would still pay to see Frampton, as long as he played acoustic.

2costa said...

leif has fallen hard with his heroin addiction, he used to date mallory. Ange i was just messing around with the spoiler thing. I think the clip shouldn't be a spoiler anyway. The cory's have a show now ange it looks pretty pathetic. I wonder when feldman is gonna come out of the closet, i think we all remember dream a little dream. On the former teen idol topic i saw that scott baio show and he was saying how he hates chachi or charles in charge mentions and that made me wonder
why he had an agent at all cause i havent seen him on anything in like 20 years. Ange you should read Doc there is nothing earth shattering.

Ange said...

Okay memphish and Costa, I read it. I feel better having a Doc J all is well.

Oh and the two Cory's show is awful. I watched one episode and immediately ran to get a book to try to pull some activity back into my brain!

maven said...

Aw sweet memories of youth! Love all this teen idol talk. LOL I have only cried at the television set when I watched the Beatles on the Ed Sullivan Show (I guess that really dates me)!

2costa said...

ange i was more referring to feldman being jacko's protege then the movie itself, always struck me as weird, and how feldman was all upset that mike dumped him when he passed a certain age. I remember feldman was the original tommy in friday the 13th. I think the teen idol thing is more about the ladies. I remember as a youth i was quite fond of wonder woman's sister as portrayed by young debra winger. Also i took quite a fancy to the maid from who's got it maid.
Ange i thought the "adaption" thing was quite perceptive

memphish said...

Dark UFO has more scans from the LOST magazine. The story with Terry O'Quinn is interesting.

He makes the point that when Locke catches up with everyone at the radio tower his focus is on stopping Naomi and Jack and he totally ignores Ben who just shot him. That detail slipped past me and is an interesting one. Whatever Walt told Locke must have been really important to him for him to have gotten over being shot and left for dead so easily, especially given his past which shows his utter inability to move past the wrongs his dad had done to him.

2costa said...

its like ben became his new father figure that he always gives a pass to... I also took a look at the jacob footage right before the lantern breaks locke sees a container of black looking liquid smash over the window and the liquid, which looks like oil drips down, almost to fast to make a screencap. Also the is a puff of black smoke levitating over the rocking chair, i used to think it was a shadow from the flashlight but its not. I saw a clip on youtube where ythey showed the actor that helped jack pull reckage off somebody from the pilot was probably jacob the crazy thing is if you freeze the fram his profile looks like jacobs head on jacks body. Not that i think jack is jacob, but there is a clip where when played backwards says jack is jacob.

Passafist said...

Hey Gang!!

So when's the book club podcast?? I vote for either Tuesday @ 5:30 or Thursday @ 6:00pm. WE could do it wednesday but it would have to be at around 7:00pm.

Let me know so I cna set up the Talkcast!

Ange said...

Costa: I watched your two links. That first one is VERY interesting (also posted by TLC friend Thinbluemime).

The second, however, comes from The Misfit ( ThEmIsFiTiShErE). He is totally tongue in cheek.

High Power Rocketry said...

: )

2costa said...

i know the misfit is an idiot, but i saw that reverse audio before on a reputable site. It is an actual clip of lost played in reverse that says jack is jacob

memphish said...

If Jacob is Jack he would know he wasn't supposed to do make that call. Maybe after Jack left the Island, he could only get part of the way back and that is what Jacob is. I'm just throwing stuff out there; I'm not really buying it. Time travel/looping doesn't compute in my linear brain.

memphish said...

Along those same lines, maybe that's why Jacob tells Locke "Help me" as in stop me from screwing up by making that phone call.

Ange said...
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Ange said...
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Ange said...

UGH! Okay let's hope the third time is the charm for getting this link right:

Okey-dokey book clubbers. I'm leaving on a jet plane early tomorrow so I won't be able to participate in the podcast discussion of An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge. I did post some thoughts at Fenris's Blog if you care to have a look.

I'm sure I'll be able to wrangle up a computer to download the podcast whenever it gets put up.

Enjoy the discussion, and catch you all on the flip side.

2costa said...

i dont really think jack is jacob i think its a red herring. But i do think that jacob may be ben biological father. The way his mother died right she gave birth and has the name benjamin in mind(biblical son of jacob) i think it is possible that she cheated on roger somehow and concieved on the island, maybe that why goodspeed just happened to be driving by. We know that the dharma or others probably didnt come to the mainland for laughs it was to recruit...that is also why bens mother 's ghost or whatever is on the island and looked like alice in wonderland...

memphish said...

Nice thoughts on Ben and Jacob 2Costa. I was surprised in Ben's FB when it didn't seem to be the case that Jacob was Ben's father.

It's sort of funny that Ben for all his "I was born on this Island" talk didn't re-name himself after the Purge. Kind of the same way they apparently didn't rename Alex after they took her from Danielle.

2costa said...

if ben found out he was concieved on the island then perhaps he was "born" on the island, If ben made up the name jacob for the being in the cabin that would make sense too, cause it gives him the seeming birthright of the island i mean name wise anyhow. For all we know jacob was magnus hanso. Ben not changing alexs name makes me think he may be her biological father, maybe danielle was lying about being pregnant when she arrived, maybe ben conceived alex with danielle on the looking glass or othercatraz and that could explain why shr didnt die in childbirth...


i read somewhere damon said that if naomi was lying about working for penny who is to say there is even a boat. Thye sketchy crash of her helicopter might back that up,plus desmond saw a helicopter with clare. As i said before they unjammed the signal, but have never dealt with the force that seems to make any advances craft crash on the island

Melissa_Lossa said...

Hey, book-clubbers! I could do Tuesday at 5:30 or Wednesday at 7 for this week's podcast, although Wednesday is probably better for me. Just let me know!

I have some book club-lovin' Owl Creek BRILLIANCE from amused2behere waiting in my e-mail for this week. Did you get it, too, David? If not, I'll send it on, along with my own questions.

Hope to talk to everyone soon!

Melissa_Lossa said...

And for the record, my bedroom was plastered with pictures of Joey Lawrence, Jonathan Brandis and Leonardo DiCaprio, as well as the cast of Beverly Hills 90210. :)

I was heart broken a couple of years ago when I heard that Jonathan Brandis had killed himself. What a shame.

maven said...

Morning! Wednesday is okay with me (4 pm west coast time).

Capcom said...

I know Melissa, isn't that awful about Brandis? I think that he somehow became an addict or something. Would not be surprised if it was connected to the usual child-star syndrome situations. :-(

2costa said...

thats the seaquest kid right?

Melissa_Lossa said...

2costa - yeah, Jonathan Brandis was the kid from Seaquest. Man, I had a huge crush on him! capcom, I think you're right, he did get into some bad stuff toward the end there. It's so sad when that happens to people, and they can't find any other way out.

Capcom said...

Right, where are your "people" when you really need them? Gone down the road to the next viable cash cow, unfortunately! >:-(

jess4ua said...

Hi everyone! Now that I'm home, I would like to join if possible. I saw the time for this Wednesday. I'm not sure how this is working. Is that for the podcast, or a time on here to discuss it?

memphish said...

Jess, the time is for the podcast; around here generallly speaking we'll be posting after we get the podcast post up. If you can't make the podcast time, but want to contribute to that as well, you could email Melissa_Lossa or David with your thoughts. We'll look forward to them via either podcast or comment.

Melissa_Lossa said...

Jess, and everyone else - you can always e-mail me at with thoughts, questions, etc about the book club.

Amused2bHere said...

aw, Melissa (blush). It was just a few thoughts 'cause I can't make the podcast this week. My turn to do VBS you know. And yes, I emailed my comments to Passafist too. I'm going to miss you guys!

I just finished reading The Annotated Wonderful Wizard of Oz. I reaaaaallly hope I'll be able to make that podcast in two weeks.

jess4ua said...

Thanks! I'll get the software downloaded.

Dennis said...

Wow! An auction to "go behind the scenes" of LOST was just sold for $6100 on eBay.

Melissa_Lossa said...

David -

Hey, I just sent you some discussion points for Occurrence. I incorporated my questions together with amused's. Are we on for tomorrow at 7, then?

Capcom said...

Sure wish that I had an extra $6K laying around! :o)

Amused2bHere said...

Capcom, yeah like we'd be spending it on a backstage pass to Lost! (As wonderful as it would be, I would be hard-pressed to part with $6K for that. Not when I need a new roof, have a son in college, blah blah blah).

But wouldn't it be nice to have $6K as disposable as that?

I hope whoever won they put up pictures somewhere for us to drool over!

Capcom said...

You're right, I'd have to have an extra $20K, to be able to waste the $6K! :o) Lucky ducks!

memphish said...

Jorge Garcia now has a blog purportedly.

Capcom said...

Too cool if it's authentic, thanks Memphish!!!

maven said...

Thanks, Memphish. I had seen that he had posted on DarkUFO. Nobody could believe it was him! He has also answered a lot of questions on The Fuselage (not much info though).

Amused2bHere said...

that is so cool. I love it when those involved with a show keep in contact with the fan base. Babylon 5's creator did that, as well as some of the actors used to visit us in the fan chat rooms. (This was before blogging...only 10 years ago!)

memphish said...

Heroes and a lot of NBC shows have really been pushing that fan/cast interaction as well with live chats and web commentaries. Ted Danson who is on an FX show called Damages was going to be answering fan questions this week.

I wish ABC and LOST would get a little more on board with that except that with the actors being in the dark, it's not as useful as listening to Darlton. It also makes me miss Javy. They really need to put out an OLP to answer some S3 finale questions.

Black Swan said...

Hi everybody! Long time, no see. I've been taking a break from all things Lost, but lurking now and then.

Thanks for the Jorge Garcia blog link, memphish. I think it's for real.

I looked at the comic-con post comments and found you guys have some great ideas there. It's a little confusing to have two posts going at the same time:)

I had to laugh when I read maven's comment above:
maven said...
Aw sweet memories of youth! Love all this teen idol talk. LOL I have only cried at the television set when I watched the Beatles on the Ed Sullivan Show (I guess that really dates me)!

I can relate, maven. I was so in love with Paul when he sang "Yesterday". lol This coming from someone who's first concert experience was the Dave Clark 5.... what's the news on the upcoming grandchild?

Black Swan said...

Oh, and so sorry I missed Sayid'sgirl's and luckyguylikeme's birthdays!!!!! Happy, Happy Belated birthdays to you both! Hope you have a great year to come!

maven said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
maven said...

Hey, Codysmom! I, too, was so in love with Paul! My granddaughter, Elizabeth, is going to be born Sept. 20th (unless she decided to come earlier)! Final month countdown!

Are we still having a podcast today at 7pm (4pm my time)?

Memphish said: I wish ABC and LOST would get a little more on board with that except that with the actors being in the dark.
It will be interesting how much Jorge is actually going to say. I wonder if TPTB have to "approve" his posts! LOL But I applaud him doing this and giving up a little taste of LOST. Thank you, Jorge!

Melissa_Lossa said...

Hey, maven - we're on for 7 p.m. ET tonight. :) I don't know how long we'll talk, with such a short story, but it should be fun!

Tess315 said...

Hey codysmom
Good to hear from you. Thanks for the belated birthday wish.

memphish said...

Have a great podcast. I'll look forward to hearing it. Sorry I can't join you this time.

Melissa_Lossa said...

Hey guys -

We had a problem with Talkshoe tonight, so the Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge podcast has been rescheduled for next Tuesday, August 21 at 6 p.m. ET.

Thanks to everyone who called in! Talk to you next week!

maven said...

DocArtz over at The Tailsection pointed out that today is August 15...8/15....815...LOST DAY!

memphish said...

On a similar note, today too would be LOST day if you're concerned only with the numbers, and not specifically the flight number 8/16.

Dennis said...

Melissa_Lossa said... Hey guys - We had a problem with Talkshoe tonight, so the Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge podcast has been rescheduled for next Tuesday, August 21 at 6 p.m. ET. Thanks to everyone who called in! Talk to you next week!

I have changed the front page to show the new date. I guess we'll hold off on making a new post until the podcast.

Is this going to affect the Wizard of Oz podcast / discussion date?

2costa said...

tptb pulled the plug on jorge's blog...wah

maven said...

2costa: I know. I saw that yesterday. I think he felt really bad about it, but didn't want to take the chance that he'd spill some beans inadvertently. He knows how crazy we fans are and could take anything he said and read something else into it (even thought he didn't mean to do it). I'm sure TPTB were very worried about it!

Black Swan said...

Hi guys. Jorge's blog is back up. He just has to talk about other things than Lost.

maven said...

Thanks, codysmom! I just posted a plug for TLC on Jorge's blog!

2costa said...

we are in desperate need of the mobisodes. New burn notice tonight, he finally got his burn dossier

memphish said...

There's a really interesting post at Eye M Sick about LOST time. Be sure to check it out.

Melissa_Lossa said...

Hey, dennis - Let's pass it by David, but I'm okay with keeping the Wizard of Oz discussion on schedule. Occurrence is REALLY short (amused's online version prints out to four pages) so I think we're still okay.

I'll be reading Wizard next week while I'm on a long plane ride. :)

David, what do you think? Stay on target? If we could do the Wizard podcast on Tuesday, August 28, that would be best for me.

Dennis said...

Anyone feeling nostalgic for Apollo Bars?

Unfortunately, the real Apollo Candy website is gone (it is now an adult site), but I have posted up the entire Apollo Candy website on my Cloverfield blog.

The direct address to the Apollo site is

memphish said...

I'll be so glad when we get back to one thread.

I ran across my Apollo bar this week while looking for my son's mouthguard for football practice. I'm still too scared to eat it. I could use 6 Slushos though. It's almost 100 degrees again.

Dennis said...

Memphish, you can't drink just six :)

Amused2bHere said...

Melissa and Passafist, how about we keep to only 10 minutes or so of the podcast to Occurrence... since it is such a short story, then the rest of the time to Wizard...?

I'd hate to leave it out completely, but of course whatever you decide would be fine.

Amused2bHere said...


Love your avatar!

Go Slusho zoom!

Melissa_Lossa said...

amused -

We're planning on doing Occurrence this week, and then Wizard next week. This week's podcast will probably shorter than most, and then Wizard will be closer to an hour again.

I'd like to stick with that, mostly because I haven't read Wizard yet! :)

Also, can anyone explain to me the difference between the books "The Wizard of Oz" and "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz"? Is there a difference?

David - you're the expert, right? :) Is there a difference?

Amused2bHere said...

ah, got it. I'm not sure I can make it this week, but at least I'll be able to be there for Wizard. Thanks.

Hey, Passafist, I'm with Melissa--what is the diff between the Wonderful Wizard and the others? Enquiring minds want to know...

Amused2bHere said...

I just checked at Talkshoe and if the Occurrence 'cast is Tuesday, I can make it. Yippee!

Melissa_Lossa said...

amused - glad you can make it! :)

2costa said...

damned tim kring fleeced veronica mars from us? I thought she was gonna do broadway. Its gotta burn Damon he used to work for kring on crossing jordan

memphish said...

Since I never watched Veronica Mars, it doesn't bother me that Veronica Mars is on Heroes vs. LOST. Plus, I don't want to watch Veronica Mars on LOST, I want characters that are LOST characters, not transplants. I think the relative unknownness (word?) of LOST's actors and the ability of the writers to write to their acting strengths is a definite strong point for LOST.

Also, I couldn't go a day without posting over here. Yay, tomorrow we'll have something to talk about with the new podcast.

Capcom said...

I agree Memphish, and Chris Carter used to try to get unknowns for the X-Files for the same reasons. Until he ran out of unknowns, I guess, then he used knowns. :-) But who will ever forget Peter Boyle as Clyde Bruckman?!

2costa said...

she is a multifaceted actress memphis, she was once on the shield and was quite good. I dont really care either I just thought it was funny that she turned down cusedorph. I think lost is twice the show heroes is. I like heroes, but it doesnt haunt my thoughts year round. Unknowns like charlie from party of five or our hobbit friend or terry o'quinn from millenium, alias, and jag. Harold from Oz i could keep going. Many of the actors from lost are far from unknowns. I think the only unknown on the entire show is evangaline liily. Dont get me wrong Memphis i dont think one casting thing could make or break the show.

2costa said...

they are more of seasoned tv actors than unknowns capcom. I could name another role for any cast memeber pre-lost other than kate. David Ducuvny(sp.) was quite the unknown. Ever hear of red shoe diaries capcom or his transvestite fbi agent character on Twin peaks.

2costa said...

they are more of seasoned tv actors than unknowns capcom. I could name another role for any cast memeber pre-lost other than kate. David Ducuvny(sp.) was quite the unknown. Ever hear of red shoe diaries capcom or his transvestite fbi agent character on Twin peaks.

maven said...

Hey all: Actors really have a hard time living down past roles. If they're successful in something, people tend to identify them with that character. They are constantly trying to break out of the mold and try different things, but fans don't forget so easily. However, with that said, a good character actor can make you only see the character he/she is currently portraying. Lost has been very successful with their cast of seasoned actors and relative newcomers. I hope they keep up the great casting!

I will probably be late to the podcast today. I know it's supposed to a short one, hope I get there in time.

Melissa_Lossa said...

For the record, David Duchovney was awesome on Twin Peaks.

And Peter Boyle was amazing on the X-Files! What a great episode. RIP, Clyde Bruckman.

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