The Season Finale hasn't even been over for 12 hours and you've already produced a record number of comments! This post is here to alleviate the lag of loading the comments page. Make sure you read up on the previous post to catch up with everyone's overnight observations, questions, and exclamations.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Season 3 Episodes
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«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 487 of 487Dark: I got 26 (got tripped out on Sun's blackmailer question)! :(
lostit said : Am I the only one who thought it was odd that whenthe losties left the beach for the radio tower, the ocean was to their right and in the next scene of them trekking to the tower, the ocean was on their left? How can that happen? Am I just dense?
The camera perspective changed. In the first shot the camera was at the end of the lostie line (shooting from behind them) and the second shot was in front looking back on the losties.
FYI: Fishbiscuit's always insightful recap is up at DarkUFO
Wow, that was one damn easy test. They should have thrown in a question or two that actually took some thought. Or at least something slightly obscure.
30 of 30
Test Score
Ded,I think you are the Valedictorian of TLC (I got 27)
I got a 29 on the quiz. I missed the one about Kate shows you how much I care about her. :)
Hey everyone!
Man, I finally caught up on comments. Everyone's been so jazzed after the finale!
I'm proud to say that I got 30 on the quiz as well. :)
Hope everyone is having a great holiday weekend!
I'm impressed with the "30" group! I got messed up when they asked for a specific number! :(
Don't worry, maven - we all bow to your Lost knowledge anyway. :)
Ok I'm going to throw myself to the wolves here (so to speak). I've been thinking about this since the finale but didn't know whether to bring it up or not since no one else had.
Has anyone tried to figure out the iteration of Danielle's message from the pilot to this seasons finale? My math is no where near great and maybe someone else will come up with something different but when I do the math the differnce between the two iterations works out to approximately 10.5 months. So with the whole time is different on the island. Have they been there 3 months or nearly 10.5 months?
No, maven, that still doesn't make sense. If that was the case, the ocean should still have been to the right of the losties. It would have changed from my perspective (it would have moved from the right of my screen to the left - it didn't, it stayed on the right of my screen but now it was to the left of the losties looking as if the losties turned around and came back), but not to the losties.
By my calculations, using Lostpedia's figures of the number of iterations (which I assume was pulled from the episode), if we assume 16 seconds that works out to about 44 days, but it also doesn't work for Sayid's estimate of 16 years, a better estimate for the time of the transmission is 30 seconds- which works out to about 88 days, which is reasonable.
I think they just picked an abitrary time to measure with and didn't want to make all the iterations actually last 30 seconds. So no, I don't think anything fishy is going on.
I got 27 on the quiz. I couldn't remember how long KAte was married or Desmond's friend's name. I also got tripped up by the blackmail question.
Lostit: I guess I got confused. I actually diagrammed it out, and even if they had to walk around a cove or inlet, the ocean should still be on their right no matter the camera you said. Guess you found a continuity error!
Ok Thanks Darkaardvark.
In the pilot Sayid did say it was looping every 30 seconds. And like I said math was never my strong subject.
29 out of 30 on the quiz (Kate's marriage). Congrats to the 100-percenters!
I put up a couple dead-issue questions on my blog if anyone wants to discuss them. They don't have anything to do with the finale, so if anyone's got a good theory, throw 'em up over there.
FYI: DarkUFO has a Prediction League contest starting up. I don't know how the predictions are based on, but it doesn't hurt to fill it out and hope you get something right! LOL
hey guys.
im back now until january. i kept myself away from the forums for the past few episodes, because everytime i came onhere i got a spoiler from you US people, and i didnt want to read about the last few episodes. i really do not want to trawl through the last month and a half's posts lol.
Any good theories come up?
Whose funeral do you think it was in the end? Charlie? Desmond? Hurley? Sun?
God this has more questions out of the reveal AAAH
hey guys.
im back now until january. i kept myself away from the forums for the past few episodes, because everytime i came onhere i got a spoiler from you US people, and i didnt want to read about the last few episodes. i really do not want to trawl through the last month and a half's posts lol.
Any good theories come up?
Whose funeral do you think it was in the end? Charlie? Desmond? Hurley? Sun?
God this has more questions out of the reveal AAAH
hey guys.
im back now until january. i kept myself away from the forums for the past few episodes, because everytime i came onhere i got a spoiler from you US people, and i didnt want to read about the last few episodes. i really do not want to trawl through the last month and a half's posts lol.
Any good theories come up?
Whose funeral do you think it was in the end? Charlie? Desmond? Hurley? Sun?
God this has more questions out of the reveal AAAH
I've just finished watching the finale about 10 mins ago so haven't had time to read any comments yet.
My first thought as it ended was 'So what ?'
I haven't read spoilers of any sort and Charlie dying was almost expected. It just seemed a bit predictable.
I thought from the first moment we saw Jack, it was either an alternate timeline or the future so the end wasn't exactly a surprise.
I just don't know, I'm going to read things and see if it changes my perception, if there is something fundamental I've missed.
Hey, Picsel: Great to see you back and all caught up with the US! I'm betting you're really excited to be posting least 3x excited! LOL
As i was reading a post up the top about the flash forward. it says this
"But it's not like Jack is using a new identity either. The Chief Resident knows who he is, but he doesn't mention the crash or Christian's death either."
In the flash forward Jack says "ring my father, get him down here, and if he's more drunk than me then you can fire me" Is he really dead.
Sounds like a Dallas (I was watching a program today called "Bring Back Dallas" and it mentioned that at the end of a season of dallas, a character got shot and it was a huge storyline for the next season. But then as the show started to go down hill, and they needed that character back they found out that everything had been a dream and that the character had not actually died)
I don't know - Jack talks about his father like he's alive, but the chief gives him a really strange look. And when the pharmacist says she's going to call Christian, Jack storms off before she has a chance. I think Christian is dead, and Jack's just a little confused when he's stoned.
yeah i am lol. Zort i think after watching and rewatcheing the finale, there are bound to be things that can be pulled out of jack's speech, i think the way they did it was great. Jack the drunk made it seem like pre-island, between the flashes it really brought out to me how much jack has benefitted from the island (before i knew it was a flash forward) and i was htinkign he will be one of th eones to stay on the island.
I think there will come a "judgement day" (i have dibs on that being the name of the episode) where they Choose, To stay or not to stay,
Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Locke, Bernard, Sayid, Rose, will stay, Juliett, Sun and Jin will leave,
Bet ya lol
I'm looking forward to the start of the book club! Remember, our first book is Watership Down, and we're planning to start discussion the third week of June.
If anyone has any suggestions, feel free to e-mail me at
See you all soon - peace and namaste
Zort70 said...
Some thoughts of mine
- Saddest thing in the episode was Tom dying not Charlie.
- I called the runway back when the first few episodes were being aired.
- Desmonds flashes have stopped because of the two paddle hits / Charlie dying.
- Sawyer no longer has a reason to be Sawyer as he killed the original Sawyer, I think he will start to become more mellow as time goes on.
Jeremy Bentham had alot to do with Utilitarianism.
Here is wikipedia's definition of it
"Utilitarianism is the ethical doctrine that the moral worth of an action is determined solely by its contribution to overall utility. It is thus a form of consequentialism, meaning that the moral worth of an action is determined by its outcome."
meaning that the moral worth of an action is determined by its outcome - Sounds LOSTish, and fits in with somebodies description of Ben's feelings earlier "The good guys/bad guys depends on the perspective at which you look at it"
"Another difficulty with utilitarianism is that of comparing happiness among different people. Many of the early utilitarians hoped that happiness could somehow be measured quantitatively and compared between people through felicific calculus, although no one has ever managed to construct a detailed one in practice. It has been argued that the happiness of different people is incommensurable, and thus felicific calculus is impossible, not only in practice, but even in principle. Defenders of utilitarianism reply that this problem is faced by anyone who has to choose between two alternative states of affairs where both impose burdens to the people involved. If happiness were incommensurable, the death of a hundred people would be no worse than the death of one. Triage is an example of a real world situation where utilitarianism seems to be applied successfully."
y'know what?
Will be quicker for you to read this than for me to C&P mumbo jumbo
If your interested Steve and I are recording a podcast using Talkshoe because we couldn't find time to get together this week.. It's going on right now at
Sorry, David and Steve...too short notice! LOL Will listen when it's posted!
Zort70 said...
- Sawyer no longer has a reason to be Sawyer as he killed the original Sawyer, I think he will start to become more mellow as time goes on.
I think you are eventually, right. However, I think initially Sawyer will be eaten up by guilt- not freed by the decision. Judging by his interactions with Kate- I think he's got a long struggle to go through which will show him at both his best (and hating himself for it) and worst (where he's comfortably lived in anger all his life), but he will eventually do the right thing(s).
Off to take the quiz and play around with some predictions! Thanks for the links! Happy Memorial Day... be sure to thank a Vet or active Serviceman/woman.... how do you think we all get to enjoy this lovely blogging (and other) freedoms! To anyone who has or is serving... heartfelt appreciation!!!
I think Sawyer is probably finding now that he's achieved his life mission he feels kinda empty. Vengence hasn't taken away his pain and now he has no end goal. Plus he was just mocked by the real Sawyer as he confronted him.
I think it's going to continue to eat him up. Eventually he will realise that who he is now, is the person on the island that does things like go back to rescue a guy he's hardly spoken to, a guy that he can hardly communicate with due to the language barrier and a guy that actually tortured him, because they have all become his friends.
The person he can be is the one that became briefly leader of the Losties. While away from the island, he's just a killer and a con-man with nothing but emptyness inside.
Aw man! Just checked my email and see I missed the Talkshoe podcast...
Too bad, woulda been fun. Can't wait to give it a listen!
I'm in the 30 of 30 club too! Nice quiz.
Glad to see you back, picsel.
Wow is blogger slow tonight.
Happy day tomorrow. Go hug a vet, pray for a soldier's family, salute a flag. Most of all: remember the sacrifice and be thankful for your freedom.
Well I have been thinking about this whole theory of time on and off the island and the one about how things might be changing due to Desmonds actions and lastly about how Ben chooses the words "We're the GOOD GUYS."
Now this got me thinking about this weird japanese cult type movie called Versus
The movie takes place in a mystical forest (like the island) There are 666 portals that connect this world to the other side. These are concealed from all human beings. Somewhere in Japan exists the 444th portal.... The forest of resurrection.(Mikhail)
Prisoner KSC2-303 (Main hero) and the villian
(The Man) throughout most of the movie are brothers. They are escaped convicts (not nice people) Which reminds me of most of the losties. They are our heroes, but they still have serious flaws. Then there is The Girl, (who like Locke or Walt is special) She can open the portal and Prisoner ksc2-303 is trying to protect her from The Man. (villian) The story plays out with the hero winning and saving the girl and gaining the power. (but remember he isn't a nice person)
Sorry if this is confusing. It's hard without the movies characters having names.
These same characters are resirected every 99 years.
Anyway, at the end of the movie, they have all been reincarnated. Since Prisoner ksc2-303 won the battle last time, he can do whatever he wants, and has destroyed the world. So it turns out that he was really more evil than the villian (so The Girl says "I should have been on your side" to The Man (villian) at the end.)
The villian just wanted to open a gate to the other side and gain power. The Prisoner destroyed the world. Neither were good guys, but it turned out that the villian was the lesser of two evils.
What if this is whats going to happen on the Island. Jack and te losties are basically becoming the majority on the Island and gaining the power. With their power comes destruction of the Island and the natives. In the end we will be cheering for the others and they will be the lesser of the two evils.
Just a random thought.
It's also the kind of movie I could see Damon sitting down to watch. So you make your own choice about it. I am not even saying it is my theory, just that it could be possible with this whole new world of off island information coming at us.
fenris said of Sawyer...
Eventually he will realise that who he is now, is the person on the island that does things like go back to rescue,..... because they have all become his friends.
Friends, maybe... but I boil it down to a little more "black and white" morals... he does it because it is the "right" thing to do for Kate and the community vs. his earlier statements to Jack "its Lord of the Flies time now" and to Kate "its every man for himself" We see the complete change in his thinking/beliefs...but boy, he's fighting himself on it! (Emmy winning struggle, I agree!)
Ded- in Versus... are you left to surmise that the destruction of the world by the Prisoner is worse than the continuation of it with the Man in power? or are you told this? I love your analysis...I've never seen the movie... just checking to see if the contrast between the "terrible" destruction of the world, and the presumably "better" Man in power scenario is one your told... or one you're led to believe, but don't really know for sure....(ex. is it a good world with the man in power, or is it a horrible, abusive, evil world?) Just curious... I love the parrallels you draw... just wondering about the way it can play out for a conclusion...
ded - Versus is a great movie. You forgot to mention about all the Zombies though!
28 out of 30 on the quiz.
Ben makes me think of the movie, The Emperor Jones, made in the 1930s. Like your movie, Dedjezter, it deals with power and corruption. Paul Robeson played an escaped killer, who ends up on an island. The natives make him their leader. He abuses the power and they turn on him.
My second favorite source of Lost-talk (TLC is first) is the thread on the ABC Lost messageboard called "Are Episode Titles Clues To Past Connections?" Smart people (like here.) From the beginning, they have had discussions about how Joseph Campbell's hero's journey fits the characters, especially Jack.
Chenmeina posted that Flash Forward Jack might be at the stage called Crossing the Return Threshold.
"The trick in returning is to retain the wisdom gained on the quest, to integrate that wisdom into a human life, and then maybe figure out how to share the wisdom with the rest of the world. This is usually extremely difficult."
Fascinating stuff.
28 out of 30. Screwed up on how long Kate was married and how many stories Locke fell.
lisa said...
Friends, maybe... but I boil it down to a little more "black and white" morals... he does it because it is the "right" thing to do for Kate and the community
Agreed. If I had the skills and means to help or save someone, I would do it, friend or not. Sawyer is indeed switching to the "do the right thing" side, but man is he going to struggle when his mind forces him to atone for all that he did wrong.
The man in the box killed himself apparently. memphish mentioned way up there that the finale was full of people about to kill themselves (Jack, Locke, and box man, also Charlie IMHO). I wonder how many other survivors will take their own lives because of some kind of internal conflict "Crossing the Return Threshold" (good one barbarajay). Or will we see them being systematically taken care of by TPTB in the real world?
As Chucklez has his purgatory theory, I have my water theory. Something is in the water of the island. I just don't know what. Here is another example of the frequent focus on the losties drinking the water.
And here is an excerpt of Ben's diary.
"In the bush, we are short on provisions (unknown word) and more importantly, the long awaited resupply of camp gear having been missed (and so narrowly) (unknown word) and just as our water supply (unknown word that looks like 'crates') have been cut off."
The Others have water supplies. They don't drink the island water. I wonder why.
It has always puzzled me that Jack, a man of science, didn't recommend boiling the water.
Hi All,
Hope everyone has a good Memorial Day.
Did anyone catch Joel McHale's Lost recap on the Soup? It was funny, he went thru the recap and when he got to mentioning the flashforward he said, "...and they didn't even have the decency to say 'spoiler alert' first!" (about the flashforward). Of course, it was funnier when he said it. :o)
Happy Memorial Day LoCos! Hope everyone is relaxing and enjoying the day AND remembering all those who are serving and have served our country. There may be political disagreements now (an understatement), but we still should support and honor our troops!
Just like in Ded's description of the movie, Venus, are we left with the lesser of two evils? Ben's control on the island is absolute and has created fear and terror in order to keep the island pure and free from outsiders. With the intrusion of the Losties (who just want to get least, most of them), we see they have caused the Others to resort to some pretty evil things to try and keep the status quo and keep the island a secret. So are they really the good guys or bad guys? Well we're beginning to learn they just might be the good guys after all. From what we've seen of Jack's flash/forward, he might indeed be a bad guy that has unleashed way more harm than good.
I could have draw parallels between the Losties an the Zombies, in some way or another. I however, chose not to to try and keep it simple.
It is pretty obvious at the end of the movie there is a scene of all of the characters coming together again. The Prisoner (Hero) is standing there with the Girl and in walks The Man (villian) and he world around them looks like a post apocalyptic wasteland. With the Power the Hero literally destroyed the world, and now facing the Villian, it is the girl who speeks and makes you understand that the world would have been better off in the hands of the villian all along.
The thing I want to know is if this is what TPTB are going to attempt to do. They did flip the script so to speek, with the timeline... why not the good vs. bad part of the story as well... it could get very interesting from here on out.
It seems as if DarkUFO has planned some things on that site to help keep us occupied as well, during the hiatus.
Has anyone told our comrade Lost sites (Tailsection, etc.) about our Lost book club this summer?
how about we design our own ARG for the LOST fans, take people with the bigges tgeneral knowledge, web designers, people close by to other ost fans and design our own ARG seperate to LOST and TLE but still linked in somehow.
how about we design our own ARG for the LOST fans, take people with the bigges tgeneral knowledge, web designers, people close by to other ost fans and design our own ARG seperate to LOST and TLE but still linked in somehow.
I take it nobody has poste this little tidbit yet....
Supposedly the newspapers FULL article read...
"The body of John Lantham of New York was found shortly after 4 am in the 4300 block of Grand Avenue.
Ted Worden, a doorman at the Tower Lofts complex, heard loud noises coming from the victim's loft.
Concerned for tenants' safety, he entered the loft and found the body hanging from a beam in the living room.
According to Jaime Ortiz, a police spokesman, the incident was deemed a suicide after medical tests. Latham (sic) is survived by one teenaged son.
Memorial services will be held at the Hoffs-Drawlar Funeral Home tomorrow evening."
Hey everyone - just doing a quick fly-by!
I just finished reading the graphic novel Watchmen, which I know the creators have cited several times as being a big influence on Lost. The major similarity that I saw (which I know has been mentioned here before), is the character of Doctor Manhattan, who exists in the past, present and future all at the same time - it's all the present to him. I know this has been put forward as a theory on Desmond.
The other element that I thought was interesting
is that the character who turns out to be the "villain" is actually trying to save the world. The story takes place in 1985, at the height of the cold war, when everybody thinks that the US and Russia are going to nuke each other into oblivian and end the world. The villain creates an alien "lifeform" and teleports it into New York City, where is causes an explosion that wipes out a few million people. The world id so shocked at the thought of an outside invasion, that everyone puts aside their differences and ends hostilities. The villain goes unpunished, because the heroes do not want to risk starting a world war by admitting that an American was behind the attack.
Sound like anyone we know? :) This might also tie into Ben's idea that he is one of the good guys - sure, he does horrible things, but he does them for the betterment of the island/world.
Okay, discuss. :) I'm going to grill some hot dogs!
Wow! I finally caught up and I took five pages of notes (in Word, not by hand) that I'll deal with tomorrow.
I hope everyone had a good and safe Memorial Day weekend. I'll be around in the morning and then I'm taking my mini-me to sleep away camp for the first time tomorrow afternoon. Yikes!
Sayid’s girl said: I got a 29 on the quiz. I missed the one about Kate shows you how much I care about her. :) That question apparently tripped up TheBookPolice as well, and me too. But that puts me in good company at 29. (I got all the Jack ones right. :D)
I really like the stuff Fish Biscuit had to say about poor Jack (I'm cutting him some slack now) and what has happened to him. It takes me all the way back to Season 1 Flashback 10-year-old Jack and his father's advice not to be the hero. I guess Jack should have listened after all.
BTW, my friend has not posted this all weekend despite my urging (and you know who you are Pearler), but she thinks Jack's tired of lying about being a hero. That theme certainly came up time and time again with respect to the wreck on the bridge. Yes he was a hero, but he caused the wreck in the first place.
Similarly, Jack is a "hero" in getting them rescued from the Island, but something has happened to make him feel un-heroic (is that a word?), and I can't wait to find out what it is. I wonder if he made some kind of Nathan Petrelli from Heroes deal with Widmore/Paik/Hanso? His absent mother could be evil Mama Petrelli like.
Catch up with you all in the morning LoCos.
picsel - That would technically be a spoiler, which is why no one would have posted it here. It's a name we've all speculated about (here, and elsewhere), but until it's confirmed by TPTB, I'd file it under "intriguing, but basically meaningless without context."
I don't think the newspaper article is a spoiler, after all it aired on the show. I don't know how accurate that translation is given the pictures I've seen. Someone said the full translation was posted by Anonymous, so I'd say a huge grain of salt is in order.
If it is accurate, I say the coffin guy is Michael. Michael is from New York, has reason to want to use an alias given his murders of Ana Lucia and Libby and the fact that supposedly no one survived Flight 815, would have a teenage son, would be more likely to be in what seemed to be an African American funeral home in an African American area of Los Angeles, could have a loft because he's once again pursuing his art (I know more people than artist's have lofts, but there is still an artist stereotype out there), and being on the wrong coast could explain the absence of both his mother and Walt. After all, the funeral director says this is just a viewing, not a funeral. Maybe the funeral will take place later in New York.
I'd also say the reason Michael's suicide would drive drunk Jack to suicide would be guilt over the death of "innocents" caused by his actions that led to Jack and Kate being off-Island just like Michael's killing of innocents to save "mah boy." I think this could be the real significance of Jack's "I love you" to Kate. Maybe he sacrificed everyone else to save himself and Kate the way Michael did for Walt last season. That's also why Jack tells Kate they have to go back, but does not seem to be in contact with any of the other LOSTies.
Dang, my head is going to be spinning tonight.
Melissa, that sounds a lot like the plot of Heroes to me.
Memphish, I was thinking that the body must be Michael,too, but something has been bothering me aobut that. If the body in the casket is Michael and he was going by an assumed name, how did Jack and Kate recognize the name in the article and know who it was? And where was Walt? Wouldn't he have gone to the funeral? Or is he maybe still on the island? And who arranged the funeral?
I still think the person in the casket is someone we have not met yet, but was instrumental in what happened during the "rescue" on the island. Whoever it is might have been the only one who knew how to get back to the island and that's why Jack is even more desperate now. The only thing that bothers me is that the viewing was in such a poor neighborhood and this person apparently had no one interested in his demise.
Another thought: Why was this death such a "big deal" in Los Angeles to warrant a news story? It was more than an obituary. An obituary usually mentions the deceased's accomplishments in life, this was more of how the body was discovered and who found him.
Heres another quick idea for you Loco peeps.
Some have wondered why Claire was able to have her baby, as well as Danielle having Alex on the Island. It could be as simple as getting pregnant off island.
Here's another take on that, that I don't think I have ever heard mentioned.
Locke said Boone was a sacrifice the Island demanded and Boone died as Baby Aaron was being delivered.
What if the island demanded Boones death in order to save Aaron for some reason. Then what about Danielle you might ask. Well she says that everyone got sick and Monton (?) lost his arm. To the island maybe? The island isn't as strong anymore and just eeded the whole of Boone this time around 16 years later.
Just a random thought I had. I keep looking at all my notes and such, and things keep pooping into my head... lol
Heres the Box
|____"____| '_' o_o O_O *_* ~_~
-------->People thinking
-------->outside the box
Me thinking
outside the
people... lol
What a crazy episode.
They cant go back now, unless they make it a dream. That would prove quite lame.
Good morning Locos. Just catching up after a long weekend.
dedjezter said...Just a random thought I had. I keep looking at all my notes and such, and things keep pooping into my head... lol
You said poop (hehehe)!
Oh, and I got a 27 on the quiz -- was tripped up on a few. I bow to those who got 30.
Morning LoCos. Seems like Monday, doesn't it?
Thinking about LOST last night and future Jack reminded me of this:
A guy goes nuts if he ain't got nobody. It don't make no difference who the guy is, long as he's with you. I tell ya. I tell ya...a guy gets too lonely and he gets sick.
Future Jack was certainly both lonely and sick as Ben tried to point out to him in their 5 minute (it really should have been 3) conversation. He had nothing but work to go back to and it looks like he had quit that as well.
Achara's prophecy that he would be frightened, angry and lonely was borne out as well. Which leads me to agree more with Kate that it was their destiny or fate to get off the Island. Well-adjusted, normal life, with somebody future Jack doesn't seem to be in the cards. Poor Jack. :(
From Maven's friend Ken's blog. He's been in Hawaii.
In honor of the LOST season finale (filmed in Hawaii) the hotel did a fun thing. They abducted some of the women guests.
Thanks for the Ken link Memphish. I'll definitely have to read that.
I had a thought recently: what if there is another group of Others? I'll lay it out. Pre-Ben, the Others/Hostiles live in the jungle, looking like savages. Ben ascends as leader and suggests they take over the comfy living of DHARMAville (since that's what he knows best). Some, like Richard, see him as special—as "chosen"—and do as he says. Others, who see the move as a shift away from the purity of island life, decline the move and go off on their own. Maybe they live at the mysterious Temple, and Ben's crew is on the move to meet up with their jungle brethren.
Is it possible the forced march of the Teddy Bear Brigade, as witnessed by Michael and Eko, were this other group? It seems odd the Others we know, after having captured the Tailie children, would still be marching them all over the place, in "savage" mode, so long after the crash.
Maybe these OtherOthers can have kids, because they haven't displeased the island the way Ben has, with his leftover chicken and such. I don't remember exactly what Ben was writing in his journal, but could the meeting(s) he wrote about have been with this other group?
Maybe Locke's new mission is to become the leader of the united Others, with both groups merging together, freeing Jacob from Ben's perverted vision of the island.
Hi all, does anyone know when the podcast will be posted ?
It's normally up by now, so it must a be a big one after all the events in the Finale.
The podcast is done!! I sent the links to Dennis and Admin around 8:30 this moring. The show is so long I split it into tow parts. You can find it here:
Part 1:
Part 2:
After a few days of contemplation and re-watching the episode I'm still not 100% sure that the finale was all it should have been.
Maybe I'm just being too picky but I wanted a sky purpling sort of ending.
What timing I have :-)
All that and new kittens too.
I've just started listening to the podcast and after the Dark Angel bit the music is far too high in the mix, and it drowns out the speaking. It does fade out and it is ok after then, so far......
Good morning all!
Thanks, Memphish, for spreading the word about Ken's blog! Love when he throws in Lost references. His travelogues are always great.
Listening to podcast now...hear what you mean about the music, Zort70.
Steve! Congratulations! Gosh, you're so romantic and creative! Now you and David will be related!
Congratulations Steve, as a 11 year married man, I always get all dewy eyed at a proposal.
Thanks for letting me know about the music! I'm re uploading the episode! Now!!
FYI: The new Dean Koontz novel is titled "The Good Guy"! (There's a full page ad in the LA Times today.) Made me think of Ben really being one of the good guys!
Active links to both parts of the podcast (mostly so I can right-click "Save As" the mp3s to my desktop. Might help some others, too):
Part One
Part Two
Give it about 10 minutes so I can finish uploading the fixed part 1
David: I've always thought that the island was the main character of the show (that's why I don't want to see the Losties' lives off-island in present day flash/forwards. We've still got a lot of stuff to learn about the island and we have 48 episodes to finally learn why the island is so important to so many people.
The episode is fixed!!! It's now safe to download!!!
I agree maven!! That's why this episode sticks in my craw so much! WHAT NOW!! 48 more episodes but we've already seen Jack and Kate off the island? Is this a Flash like Desmonds? Do they get a second shot? If our losties are off the island whose next?? What the heck is going on!?!
Aaron also died in the wilderness.
A nearby transmitter, even on a completely different frequency, can still interfere with a receiver if it is powerful enough.
Try making a cellphone call while standing next to the Z100 transmitter tower.
Bonnie and Greta: on assignment in Canada -- recruiting, maybe?
There seems to be a problem with Blogger and the new post. I can't open the comments to be "FIRST." I think Bonnie and Greta were supposed to go to Canada to inform and console Ethan's mother. :)
I am new here so i do not know if this has been added yet but i got some interesting mail from a friend saying:
"In the Season 3 finale the name of the funeral parlour is Hoffs/Drawlar. This is an anagram of Flash/Forward.
Flash Forward is the name of a real sci-fi book by an author named… Sawyer. Robert James Sawyer..
Sawyer (the author not the actor) has been nominated six times for the Hugo award.
In Mr James Sawyer’s Hugo nominated book book a group of scientists push a button and a huge machine causes a time rift throughout Earth. They have a consciousness shift and see their own future, allowing them to attempt to change it.
Sound familiar?"
Oh yes , and there is another reference at Jacob too during the "brainwash" sequence.
One of the projected lines of text states : God loves you as he loved Jacob"
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