Wednesday, March 04, 2009

LaFleur - Season 5, Episode 8

In tonight's episode, Sawyer and other island survivors perpetuate a lie to protect themselves from mistakes of the past.

Secrets? Lies? Mistakes? Must be Wednesday!

And this week, a little something for the ladies - Sawyer in a snappy DHARMA jumpsuit with the logo conveniently hidden. Sawyer Workman maybe?


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Twinkle said...

*sigh* He goes by James now. His vendetta against Sawyer is over. He's being called that less and less. Maybe we should update? Or because the Juliet/Sawyer thing only happened during Dharma times when he was called Jim...

Jume? (JUliet and JiM)

Scoutpost said...

Someone said this last night, but it is interesting that Richard and the Hostiles apparently can walk right through the sonic I guess they're keeping out Smokey?! And yet, Juliet, in her 3 years there with the Others had never seen Smokey. I guess that once the DI were killed off, Smokey took a chill pill for a while- until Oceanic 815 crashed.
Also, what was the deal with Radzinsky and what's his face? They were DI right? Yet they were allowed to stay in the Swan pushing the button even though the rest of the DI were killed off? I've forgotten how that connection worked. Ben/the Others knew where the Swan was right? or did they?

Scoutpost said...


Twinkle said...

That would make:

Skate (He was Sawyer when he fell in love with her)
and Jume?

Scoutpost said...

or just Jujim? LOL

maven said...

Memphish: I'm with you. I'm very confused as to how or why Horace is the fearless leader all of a sudden. And how he fits in with being married to Amy with a son and then off island with Olivia to help with Ben and convince Roger Linus to come to the island. You need to update your time line post! LOL

Lost2010: Yes, it would make sense that the infertility problem could just be with the indigenous people (who I guess we will continue calling the Others). Maybe it's years of inbreeding?

Scoutpost: Yes, they were going through a grid search of the island. Jin was ready to give up, but Sawyer wasn't.

2costa: I like your thought that Dan is "undercover" in the building of the Orchid trying to uncover the FDW so he get everyone on the right song.

Wasn't Widmore still the leader of his people in 1974? He said he was for 3 decades which would end in 1984. I guess Richard has always been the spokesman for the group.

So is there a young Ben there with the LBers in New Otherton? Did he come to the island around 1972-1973? So Horace went off island with Olivia in the early 1960's to manipulate Ben's birth and then later recruited Roger Linus and Ben. So Olivia was around then, too. I always thought Horace and Olivia were married, but I guess they were just friends (or co-workers).

Twinkle said...

Or Jumes?

Amy did it with earplugs on. Maybe he knows the code? But then Ben had to turn off the fence for them for the Purge. Dunno.

Where did we see Radinsky last night?

Scoutpost said...


Ok I'm totally wasting comment space...I think I need more caffeine.

Scoutpost said...

I don't think we did Twinkle. At least not for sure. I think some are speculating.

Capcom said...

Did Sawyer call Miles "Enos" because of Enos Strate, deputy on the Dukes of Hazzard? I'm thinking it's this since Sawyer's the New Sheriff. X-D

Capcom said...

I believe like someone said, that Horace is probably just head of Security or the lower technicians on the DI foodchain.

Scoutpost said...

re: Enos- that's what I think Capcom

You know it's interesting- although we didn't really get to see much of Miles or Dan in the "3 years later" scene- that Sawyer, Juliet, and Jin seemed more at peace with where they were. Sawyer and Juliet in a relationship, Jin ready to give up on looking for anyone else (even though Sawyer was not) it's like they all had dealt with their destiny and had settled in- while the O6 who left the island all still have their same issues and then some. Maybe the island really does bring redemption.

Capcom said...

It felt that way to me too about the "new DIs", Scoutpost. Good point about how the ones who left haven't gotten that peace.

Tess315 said...

Until blacky can get here with a screen cap.
The answer is yes, it's a wrench.

Tess315 said...

What was it about the DI that made them so hard to get rid of, that it took a purge?

It wasn't that hard to get rid of the US Army.

lost2010 said...

Excellent point about how the ones who stayed seem more accepting of their situation. And seem to have faced down most of their demons. I hope that doesn't mean they're all about to die.

I think we should call the ship Lafleur. . .for what it's worth.

Tess315 said...

Oh and why was there a truce at all?
Richard seemed to think nothing could stop him including the sonic fence.

Tess315 said...

Oh please not another ship. I hate those.
I like Sawyer and I'd like to see him happy, but I couldn't care less who his woman is.

lost2010 said...

Okay, we won't call it a ship. We'll just acknowledge that Sawyer looked a lot happier with Juliet than he did back when Kate was jerking him around. :)

lost2010 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tess315 said...

Okay I'll give you that. :)

lost2010 said...

The only reason I can see for a truce is if the D.I. has sheer numbers on their side. Dedication to your 'cause' pales in comparison to being vastly outnumbered in the long run. And if at some point the casualties on both sides got too costly for both.

Capcom said...

That's what I'm thinking about the number of DIs vs. the natives, Lost2010. Maybe the first visit from the Army was a small battalion or whatever, and then the natives moved the island before a larger number of troops could return. Then since the DI seems to have taken over a critical area (as seen by how Ben had access to Smokey's lair from the Barracks) the DI seemed to have gotten the upper hand, or more control, over the island thatn the Army was able to get. ???

maven said...

I agree with you guys that the numbers might be overwhelming to the smaller group. But also, Richard and company might be biding their time, hoping that these DI people with their technology, might uncover the secret of the time travel that they learn about in 1954. Maybe that's why they wait and eventually do the Purge.

2costa said...

my bad, i guess radzinsky is the one who caught sayid in the preview .

lostpedia has the other two guys as jerry and phil. Obviously horace found the black rock at some point, that dynamite seemed crusty enough to be from there. I wonder if horace is getting a little unstuck in time feeling, blowing up trees reminds me of horace repeatedly chopping down the same tree in lockes dream.

SO olivia horace's first wife seems to have left the island or died perhaps in childbirth. Amy is his new wife.

SO we are agreed that perhaps Ben had a crush on the dharma mechanic that Juliette became. Horace's flashback when Ben was a lad was in the 60's, so I'm thinking that ben is somewhere between 9-18 in 1974?

richard was definitely wearing a disguise when he first approached ben as a child.

Knowing now what we know paints richard differently when he approached sawyer to kill cooper for locke. Richard had already met sawyer 30 years earlier in richard's life.

I remember that after Jesus ascended into heaven and vowed to come back, the apostles all thought he meant he was coming back soon and most definitely within their lifetimes. That reminds me a lot of the what the lb's were thinking as far as Locke coming back reasonably soon

Twinkle said...

Ben met Richard, in disguise, as a kid. The Others could be biding their time because of Ben. It looks like Ben came to the island and bet Richard somewhere around 11 to 14. By 1977 Ben could be anywhere from 13 to 17. According to Lostpedia, Ben was born "in the early 60's."

It also makes sense that "currently" Widmore is on the island and in charge of the Others.

2costa said...

Olivia's last name has not been revealed within the show, however, she was listed as Olivia Goodspeed on ABC's Lost website and it is unclear whether they are married or related by blood- lostpedia

Twinkle said...

I agree that Horace might have found the Black Rock, but given the amount of excavating and building the DI were doing, they probably had their own supply of dynamite. They certainly did in the eps which showed them digging out the Orchid station.

2costa, Damon and Carlton called Olivia "Horace's friend" in a podcast so she wasn't his wife. See comments from yesterday.

I wonder if it's Sawyer et al that puts it in Richard's head to approach Ben. TPTB have been using a lot of circularity like that (e.g. Richard thinking Locke was special, their leader, because Locke told them so...).

Richard and Sawyer never actually meet in 1954. Richard is at camp with Locke while Sawyer is with Faraday and Eloise at the Jughead.

Twinkle said...

Ah, then maybe TPTB changed Olivia up on us with Amy. Someone speculated that they just couldn't get the Olivia actress. Or I like the idea that they were blood related.

2costa said...

well teenage ben, probably has some serious hormones pumping AND THAT MAY BE PART OF WHY HE THINKS JULLITTE is "his" in the future. I think it's interesting that ben, and perhaps ethan if he's goodspeed son probably remembered sawyer, julliette, and jin form their dharma days when they knew them in 2004. If not Ethan then definitely Ben does. I hope our losty friends aren't part of the dharma bone pit, I'm hoping they get out of the 70's or hide before that happens in the 80's.

i equally wouldn't be surprised if jin is an old man(60ish) by the time he gets reunited with sun in 2007 if they don't figure out how to go to their own time again.

2costa said...

seems like jin probably taught charlotte korean as well!

2costa said...

charles widmores comments to locke about a war coming and him needing to be on the island for the good guys to win seems to imply it has played out both ways before, with and without locke

anyone ever think that the war may not be on the island, that locke needs to be on the island away from the war, for the good guys to win

lost2010 said...

2costa -

I kind of like that. The idea that these people need to be tucked away on the island to keep them from messing things up rather than because the battle will be on the island. That certainly seems more in line with their usual tendencies.

memphish said...

I wonder is this 1974-1977 DI are the builders for the 1980 scientists like Chang, though of course Horace is there until the Purge. But I agree it didn't seem like we had a scientific group there last night. It also seems like Charlotte is younger than Miles, but maybe talking to dead people makes you prematurely gray.

As for shipping, I'm going with Jawyer, rhymes with lawyer.

Capcom said...

Re: no scientific group there last night; LOL, I agree we didn't see the elites last night at all did we?! And Horace had the nerve to tell Sawyer that he wasn't DI material with the two goons manning the controls at the security station eating Alice B. Toklas brownies. X-D Well, to be fair, only one guy wanted the brownies.

Maybe they were still partially in the construction and setting up stage for the scientifics, and the eggheads hadn't arrived yet. Either that or they just weren't a necessary part of the story last night.

memphish said...

It's pretty hilarious how the whole internet is buzzing with Sawyer and Juliet love and Kate hate today.

Tess315 said...

I wonder where Daniel wondered off too.
When the alarm sounded the arrival of Richard he went in the oppisite direction and we haven't seen him since.

blueheron13 said...

Very good, solid episode.
Things that stood out to me:

1. Daniel feeling tortured about whether or not he should tell Charlotte anything.

2. How did Daniel know for sure that the flashes were over?

3. It's probably not important but do we know exactly what time period Charlotte died in: the open-well, closed-well, or no-well period (staute) period?

4. I read spoilers a lot (which is why I don't speculate much in my comments), but I had NO CLUE that the statue was coming. Very cool moment. Have you guys all come up with a consensus on what it is? It looks Egyptian, and I know there was a lot of discussion about it in the comments, but I don't remember hearing a final consensus reached.

5. Juliet can still be a quick-thinking, cold-blooded killer when she wants to be.

6. No matter how the James/Juliet relationship plays out, we're going to look back at the early Season 3 episodes differently now, aren't we?

7. I'm confused as to why Amy and Paul being out of the compound would be construed as "breaking the truce" by the members of the Others.

8. Did Horace have the same rank/jumpsuit in both 1974 and 1977?

9. Where the heck is Olivia? I was she was married to Horace until I read some of the earlier comments. I hope this is all cleared up on the show. I don't know where I got the impression she was Horace's wife, though. I would have bet on it.

10. I'm guessing that the security monitors we saw are a new location, neither at the Pearl nor at the Hydra (this seems to be a different configuration of monitors, the doors leading into the room are different).

11. You just knew a "Son of a bitch!" comment was coming when Sawyer was awakened at 3 AM by the other security guys. Of course, as someone else said, he had too many good lines to even mention them all.

12. Interesting to note that Amy was in a building marked "Infirmary" and not at the Staff station.

13. There was a mention of the Flame station, and the Swan logo was on the wine bottle, but discussion about the DHARMA stations was conspicuously absent from the episode.

14. Ben came to the island before 1974, right? Do we know this for sure? If he did, Ben and his father were also conspicuously absent from this episode.

15. Horace is either a poor leader, or he is not the real leader of the DI. I think Chang (also conspicuously absent) is closer to the top of the chain-of-command than Horace is.

16. We still don't much more about the baby-dying situation than we did before. All we learned for sure is that it was common practice for women to give birth off the island.

17. If it's so important to maintain the secrecy of the island's location, why in the world would the Others let the DI come and go so often using the submarine?

18. I have no idea what will happen, but at this point I would be surprised if our Losties didn't end up contributing to the Purge in some way. Or the Incident. Or both.

19. Interesting that James, Juliet, Miles, and Jin were all shown in 1977, but not Daniel. Is he still in the compound, I wonder?

blueheron13 said...

One more thought:

Now that Sawyer is head of security and has been in a three-year relationship with Juliet, he must know most of the secrets about the island, right? At least he would have visited every corner of it, and would have Juliet tell him everything she learned as an Other, right?

Oh, wait this is still LOST. He probably knows less than we do :)

MissMegs said...

(Haven't posted here in FOREVER!)

Just to clarify something said like 100 posts ago, Horace isn't necessarily lying when he tells Sawyer he hasn't heard of the Black Rock just because we saw him with the dynamite. Remember that he says he hasn't heard of the Black Rock in 1974 when Sawyer wakes up. It's 1977 when we see him with the dynamite.

Overall, this was my favorite episode in QUITE some time.

Tess315 said...

That's a good point MissMegs. They jumped back and forth so many times last night even with the 3 years earlier and 3 years later it got a little confusing.

memphish said...

As to the truce and Amy and Paul. It looked like the Hostiles were harassing them, not the other way around. So I don't know why someone didn't mention that. Paul was the first to die, right?

Both the Infirmary and the security room seemed to be places in Othersville we had not seen before, which is not to say they haven't been there all along. Same for the VW garage.

Thinking about the stations in general, The Flame would win "one of these things is not like the other." I wonder if they didn't start burying stations in the ground until later, say post-Incident.

As for Jawyer, or Sawliet, I don't think they've been a couple the whole 3 years.

lost2010 said...

It looked like it probably evolved from friendship to being a couple over the course of the three years. You could see just the slightest hint of it in the flasbacks, and they seemed pretty comfortable together in the flashforwards.

This is the first relationship on Lost I've ever seen most of the fandom embrace so wholeheartedly - I sincerely hope Darlton aren't surfing the web today going "Oh crap, they are going to hate the next episode."

Carol Dunstan said...

yes IIRC means If I Recall Correctly :)

I think it probably is the case that the statues was just to show the age of things, but I won't complain if it does get identified and it has meaning. Even if it is just on the Season 5 dvd extras and we find they just spoofed something, I'll be happy, LOL.

I also had problems with Horace being considered the leader... there were so many contradictions there. He had an Arrow logo on, yet was labelled a Mathematician. I felt he was just the person in charge of the barracks during normal opperations, while none of the real head honchos were in town. Who knows why a mathematian should have such a role unless that was just a cover.

As blueheron said, the surveilance room was different to the Pearl and the Hydra, so I figure it's one at the barracks we haven't seen before. I do wonder if there is a reason we haven't seen it before... is it no longer opperational? The Others didn't think they needed it?

Great, now I know something about the preview. I've enjoyed going into each ep with absolutely no knowledge of what it will be about.

The two stations mentioned, Flame and Arrow, weren't scientific ones. The Swan logo on the wine is curious... why should the Swannies imbibe and the other stations don't get anything specifically for them (that we have seen)? We know the Orchid wasn't there in 74 but when did construction for any of these other stations start and why aren't they in conflict with the truce?

Scoutpost said...

Oh dear- who wasn't watching Daniel and let him wander off?! LOL That can't be good.

haha and Lost2010- yeah Darlton are trying to reshoot the rest of the season because they underestimated the fan's love of Jawyer. ;P

Did it seem a little odd that Sawyer was able to come up with the whole lie about the Black Rock to anyone else? I mean, maybe not, because he was a con man...but when he started talking about the Black Rock sailing from Portsmouth England, etc.- I couldn't figure out if he was just that good, or if that was a hint toward him knowing something from some previous time loop or something.

memphish said...

I think Sawyer was just doing his "job" Scoutpost. He's that good.

Scoutpost said...

Carol- those are good questions about the DI stations.

Scoutpost said...

thanks memphish :)

If ya'll haven't seen, Doc Jensen is up with the recap:
Settling into a Groove

maven said...

Those sweet words just flow so smoothly out of Sawyer's mouth...he IS that good. But why do we think he had to use an alias...just something that came second-nature to him?

Did anybody else get the Horace=Jacob vibe when we first saw him with the long, stringy hair?

Scoutpost said...

maven- you need to read Doc Jensen- he brought up your point about does Richard= Egyptian because of the eyeliner. LOL

Scoutpost said...

ok maven- did you read Doc Jensen and then come post your comments? You guys are bringing up all the same points! haha

maven said...

Scoutpost: I swear on all that is sacred in Lostdom...I did not read Doc Jensen first! His article was posted this morning...I posted last night....look at the time line!

I did see that about Egyptian eyeliner in his column! I first thought of it because of Elizabeth Taylor's "Cleopatra" makeup! LOL

memphish said...

I think where we are in 1977 has to be pre-Ben Linus days because surely Sawyer or Miles would have done him in? Miles would have taken the 12-year-old to Widmore for the reward and Sawyer just would have killed him even if he does have a soft spot for kids.

ib4uc said...

Great comments all. I have to agree... I didn't think I'd like Sawyer and Juliet together, but they just seemed so good for each other last night.

When Horace put the dynamite in his mouth to light (before I knew it was dynamite), I thought "Damn that's one big cigar".

Oh, and the brownies... nothings quite as good as 'special' brownies ;)

bigdog said...

juliet was falling for sawyer the moment she agreed not to get on the sub...two weeks turned into three years quickly.

you think jules and sawyer started a 1977 book club?

If miles was looking to extort money from ben, why wouldnt he get on the sub. imagine being in 1974 with basic knowledge of whats to come for the next 30 years. he could make a fortune.

Anonymous said...

1. The three years the Oceanic 6 was off the island, the "rest" were in the '70s.

Then, the Oceanic 6 RETURNS in the '70s. Ugh.

2. That's it?? We see the "bum" of the four-toed statue???

Okay, how does it get "destroyed" and where does the rest of it go??? And for cripes sake, WHO is the statue OF????

peace, love and purgatory

Tess315 said...

Carol said:
Great, now I know something about the preview. I've enjoyed going into each ep with absolutely no knowledge of what it will be about.

If you're talking about what 2costa posted there wasn't anything visual or verbal in the preview I seen that substantiates that comment.

maven said:
....look at the time line!

LOL really the LOST time line. jk

ib4uc said:
When Horace put the dynamite in his mouth to light (before I knew it was dynamite), I thought "Damn that's one big cigar".

Yeah can you say UP IN SMOKE lol It is the 70's we're talking about.

Anonymous said...

and by the way........please GAWD......don't "rekindle" the love triangle with Fishbiscuit, Strawberry and Dr Giggles!!!!

Move on already!!!!!

peace, love and purgatory

Anonymous said...

Whoops, almost forgot!


peace, love and purgatory

Anonymous said...

oh and Richard Alpert is suddenly knows "nothing"??

Something's happening there. There's a reason for that.

Maybe it's because of Lock and James feeding him INFO, for why he always knew so much??

Capcom said...

Haha IB4UC, I thought that too! DHARMA brand giant stogies. :-)

The captions when Amy was getting attacked showed that she was saying something about how they were just exploring the "park". Whatever, I'd suspect that the truce may have included areas that were off limits to the DI, and if they entered them they'd be in trouble.

I went through all the Egyptian gods listed in Wiki ( and I didn't find any gods that wore what looked like a cake on their head, like our statue did last night. Most of them have suns, horns, and conical shapes. But there was Meskhenet ("the goddess of childbirth, and the creator of each child's Ka, a part of their soul, which she breathed into them at the moment of birth") who it says is sometimes represented with a brick on her head. Those Egyptians sure did love their headgear!

Anonymous said...

was it a brick or was it a high-top fade?? was it a statue of Kid from Kid-N-Play???

Or Bobby Brown???

sorry.....that was a horrible joke

peace, love and purgatory

Carol Dunstan said...

thanks Sayid's girl... I mean considering how screwed the previews can be sometimes, I guess it only stands to reason that "chinese whispers" will happen with people's comments about them.

Love the bookclub comment :D

Carol Dunstan said...

BTW, Charlotte was always going to meet an untimely death - she had a red dress on from the get-go... that's just like an oversized red shirt

2costa said...

Ben is definitely there somewhere in 1977,picking up trash with his dad, i think sawyer would be weary of messing with Ben and risking not being right where he is. I assume Ben was on the island with dharma from 1970 to 1992 when the purge went down

did anyone else notice that mile's seems to have lost his ability to talk to the dead after locke turned the wheel, normally old miles would have been communing with Paul's spirit right away. Perhaps his gift was somehow a symptom of being semi-unstuck in time and it went bye bye with the headaches.

My wife pointed out that Richard must have a pair of his own earplugs, seems like a big hole in the sonic fence plan. I wonder if earplugs would still work if it was set above stun.

i think amy is gonna play a major role, she seems to know there is something special about lafluer and company. Ask yourself why were Amy and Paul were out of the barracks without any security to begin with. Curious that Paul's necklace is an Egyptian ankh , the symbol for life.

i was thinking horace may be starting to get unstuck because i was remmebring his nose bleed from locke's dream

Carol Dunstan said...

continuing with the Richard is Egyptian theme... what are his initials? R.A. Ra. LOL, we've got Horus and Ra

Anonymous said...

Richard Alpert = RA? Sure, why not?

As said last night, he sure draws attention to his EYES with the mascara!!

Anonymous said...

The all-seeing eye(s) of RA (Rick Alpert)

Twinkle said...

I worked on Ben's time line a bit in previous comments. In all likelihood, teen Ben was there but they didn't show him and didn't show his relationship to Sawyer et al.

Horace had a nosebleed in Locke's dream? That is telling.

Isn't is a love quadrangle now?

Capcom said...

He's RA!! OMG!

My nephew just said (sitting right here), "I guess if Sawyer is in the DI, then he will get killed in the Purge." I hope not. :o)

Twinkle said...

So why does Ra need puny mortals? I have a sneaking suspicion that all the other Others have been recruited by Alpert and that he's the only one who's been around along time.

Didn't Faraday say that there was another flash and Charlotte's body moved on while he stayed behind? Wasn't sure about that. If so, then her body is still skipping through time.

I'm really looking forward to the pop-up episode for this one!

Anonymous said...

Twinkle: Oh yeah (quadrangle).

Love trapezoid????

Ellen said...

Well, I finished my post on the statue and my take...CGLF. I don't know which entity it is supposed to be, but you guys have some very interesting insights! I really loved this episode...

Twinkle said...

Parallelogram? or Rhombus?

Twinkle said...

Love Doc Jensen!

If Jack is the Man of Science, and if John Locke is the Man of Faith, then I nominate Sawyer as Man of Heart.

Anonymous said...

what i see on the statue

1. long hair
2. something on the head (not a brick)
3. the statue is holding something in each hand
4. looks like "Vulcan" ears
5. no shirt/top, etc
6. skirt-style bottom

oh and FOUR TOES on each foot!!


peace, love and purgatory

Anonymous said...

I nominate Hugo for "Man of Heart"

peace, love and purgatory

Anonymous said...

I think the statue is the God of the Afterlife, Osiris!!!

It fits. Look at the statue from last night, he's holding two things, much teh way Osiris was depicted.

I could be wrong, but with the "skirt", sandals and the Egyptian cross all seen on the show, why not?

peace, love and PURGATORY!!!

Twinkle said...

Ah! That's sweet. Right now Hugo is Man of Guitar Case.

Doc Jensen picked "Sawliet."

Doc Jensen said: BTW: I got nothing for you on why ''James LaFleur.'' Creole? One of my blind spots. Maybe next week.

I have no idea why he said it was Creole instead of French, but my first thought was that he chose it because of the Orchid since La Fleur means flower.

Anonymous said...

I think the statue is the God of the Afterlife, Osiris!!!

It fits. Look at the statue from last night, he's holding two things, much teh way Osiris was depicted.

I could be wrong, but with the "skirt", sandals and the Egyptian cross all seen on the show, why not?

peace, love and PURGATORY!!!

Capcom said...

Most of the Egytian gods are depicted holding two things; an ankh and usually a staff or something that represents what they are a god of.

Our staute has a giant Reese's peanutbutter cup on his/her head. :o)

Tess315 said...

The statue is holding an Ankh in each hand.

Twinkle said...

I thought Osiris too. But Anubis is more likely.

Tess315 said...

I'm saying a he because of the short skirt. And I mean really short skirt. Usually they're to the knee.

The goddess usually have long dresses.

Twinkle said...

Chucklez, you'd like it to be Anubis too because he was the protector of the dead and in charge of bringing them to the afterlife, according to Wikipedia.

Anonymous said...

thank you Sayid's girl!!!

i knew it was holding an Ankh in ONE hand, couldn't tell in the other.


It's Egyptian, by THAT and the skirt.

Now, what's with the peanut-butter cup hat??

(crossing fingers for Osiris --- i.e. God of the Afterlife)!!!

peace, love and purgatory

Anonymous said...

Twinkle: That's true. I'll take either one.

Actually, let's go with Osiris.

And let Smokey be Anubis!!!

peace, love and purgatory

2costa said...

sawyer said creole instead of french because he obviously an American hillbilly, what are creole if not American hillbilly's of french descent. I agree there was a nod to the orchid or something in there too. I like how most dharma go by there first name and sawyer goes by his fake last name, just shows he always more comfortable in his fake persona then his real skin, sawyer literally means wood worker or sawer, like jesus and i guess horace with his shack as well as eko and his church

Twinkle said...

Could also be Seth the Destroyer?

Twinkle said...

Smokey is Cerberus!

Tess315 said...

I've read that Horus is being considered as a possiblity.
But he doesn't have "vulcan" ears.

Twinkle said...

Lookee, lookee!

Osiris' son Horus was conceived by Isis with Osiris' corpse, or in some versions, only with pieces of his corpse. Horus naturally became the enemy of Set, and many myths describe their conflicts from Wikipedia.

Anonymous said...

I think we've got something here. And in any of these cases, what are we dealing with??

DEATH..........hmmmm.......need I even say it??

peace, love and you know what

Anonymous said...

And in a lot of photos of Anubis, he had FOUR TOES!!

p, l and p

Tess315 said...

I'm sorry 2costa but Creole aren't American hillbillys of French descent.

Louisiana Creole refers to people of various racial backgrounds who are descended from the colonial French/Spanish settlers, African Americans, and Native Americans from the time before the Louisiana territory became a possession of the United States through the Louisiana Purchase(1803). Unlike many other ethnic groups in the United States who are immigrants, Creoles are a group that evolved in North America and descended from native-born peoples

Twinkle said...

The four sons of Horus are jackal, baboon, falcon and human headed gods.

Anonymous said...


Don't know how to hyperlink it. just copy and paste.

Ellen said...

Thank you Sayid'sgirl! Notice my last name on my profile? You are absolutely right about "creole"...

Capcom said...

I agree that it's most likely a male because of the short skirt, Sayidsgirl.

Because of my art history experience, the way TPTB depicted the statue it almost looks a bit pre-Egyptian, or early Egyptian. So I was looking up possiblities and found:

"The Sumerian afterlife involved a descent into a gloomy netherworld to spend eternity in a wretched existence as a Gidim (ghost)."

That sure sounds like life on the island with all the dead people! I don't actually think that's it tho. :o)

Tess315 said...

You're welcome ellen.

Capcom said...

I agree about the Creole thing also, 2costa. He's from the South, so it makes some sense that he might be familiar with it.

Ellen said...

Oh yes, wanted to thank you guys for all the research you're doing! Great job...!

Tess315 said...

I agree Sawyer went with Creole because he's from the South.
Any con needs familiarity you have to be comfortable with it.

Twinkle said...

Set(h) is Osiris's older brother (possibly. He killed Osiris and dismembered him because he was jealous of his happiness with his wife Isis. Isis put Osiris back together and conceived Horus according to some myths. Horus and Set became enemies.

The Set animal has no real life counterpart but resembles part jackal, part aardvark, and park donkey.

Twinkle said...

Even the Creole's know their names come from French. Oh well!

Twinkle said...

Seth was the god of the desert, and necessary chaos.

Anonymous said...

well.....gonna' jump off now. Been good discussing this.

Here's to hoping it's an Egyptian god of something to do with death or the dead or afterlife!!! hahaha

talk to you all later.

peace, love and purgatory

Tess315 said...

See ya later Chucklez.

Twinkle said...

Hmmm... Horus is the Hawk. There have been bird hieroglyphics in several places throughout lost. None of the hieroglyphics resemble Seth's name.

Twinkle said...

Of course it is, Chucklez! You've been right all along. "Peace, love, and purgatory" is the DI motto!

2costa said...

i knew that sayid's girl i was jk
by over simplifying. I said American because Louisiana is part of America atm. All that wiki stuff boiled down to hillbilly descendants of the french and Spanish. I would be much more likely to believe sawyer was creole then the son of french immigrants.

for the record richard does not and has never worn guyliner and or manscara

lost2010 said...

Hmm, I always thought Sawyer was the Man of Action

Tess315 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tess315 said...

He certainly is this season.

Carol Dunstan said...

I mentioned on the previous page that it was holding an ankh in each hand, and that it was male based on the skirt, but yes it is unusually short. Maybe the Egyptians flirted with the miniskirt for a while? Fashion is truly cyclical. Based on normal depictions it shouldn't be Osiris (his body was bound like a mummy) or Anubis (ears). To me the ears are most like a lions or cow/bull. Lions would have 4 toes. But given there is no obvious answer I'm still leaning towards it not supposed to be any god in particular... if it is supposed to have more meaning I'm sure that will come down the track. I just don't think we have enough to go on at the moment.

Or maybe I'm just telling myself that because I don't have time to dive right into it at the moment? So if I deny any reason to it I don't feel so bad about not investigating it further

Twinkle said...

I agree, Carol, but I'm having fun. I don't think we have enough to go on and I think there's a fifty-fifty chance it's not any god in particular.

The cat god is a godess so it's not that. And the bull god doesn't quite look that way. Some Egyptian skirts were shorter with a longer part in the center of the front. This one looks quite short.

Twinkle said...

The Lost Video podcast is tasty! All about our quadrangle!

Capcom said...

I agree Carol. I was wondering if it might be one of the animal-faced ones too. Or, just a human ruler rather than a god. Whatever it is, it may turn out not to be exactly historic, like you say. :-)

Twinkle said...

It's Richard's true form. ;-) Someone destroys the statue and sets him free.

Carol Dunstan said...

LOL Twinkle!

2costa said...

ya i was mixing up Cajun with creole even though they are not mutually exclusive, sorry sayid's girl

Carol Dunstan said...

ah yes, haven't looked at the Narmer Palette in a while. Since that is very early in the Egyptian civilisation (as we know it) that lends a little more creedence to it being a mix of cultures/eveolving cultures (or at least even older than first impression). The more I think about it the more I want it to be Richard though, stone wasn't eternal afterall so he's had to do it the hard way via flesh

memphish said...

Stinking Blogger ate my post. Guess I'll copy this time just in case.

Creole are the city folk, cajun the rural. I'm from this part of the world and I know and my sister lives in Baton Rouge. They can't be hillbillies because there are no hills in Louisiana.

The reason I think Sawyer picked the name and knew about it was his first con we saw was in Louisiana, the one with Jess and her husband, the one he walked away from because of the kid. Confidence Man was the episode. Maybe he even used the alias then.

Egyptologists, do you know when the "enlightened" of Egypt started using Latin? Maybe that would give us a date for Alpert. Love the RA idea BTW. It would be around or after Cleopatra wouldn't it?

Carol Dunstan said...

memphish, good question... I only just read last night that Cleopatra was the only one in her family that learnt Egyptian. The name "Egypt" even comes from latin. At a rough guess I'd say it was when the dynasties ended and the Ptolemaic rulers took over, but I'll look into it in a bit when I have some time

Twinkle said...

You know how if you look long enough you see the weirdest things that aren't probably even connected?

Well I find no reference to Egypt using Latin as a main language, but it's probably safe to say they knew it as a second language around the time of the Roman empire.

There are very few originally Egyptian words that survive in the English language besides some proper names. The words that have survived are phoenix, ebony, and ivory.

Yesterday I was looking up Adam and Eve of cave fame. Lostpedia reminded me that the only interesting things found on the bodies were two stones, one white and one black.

See what I mean?

Twinkle said...

Ah, well. I looked in Wikipedia and it didn't mention a connection between Egypt and Latin. Coptic it said used the Greek alphabet.

Susan is an Egyptian name that survives in English. We haven't seen a Susan yet, have we?

Ilana means tree in Hebrew and Caesar is unmistakable.

memphish said...

I'm just hoping we don't get a Caesar love triangle. :-p

lost2010 said...

Didn't we think he knew something about boats at some point? Maybe he worked on a boat for a Creole captain named Lafleur. He came up with the name pretty quick after Horace told him that the group had said he was the captain.

Or more likely for Sawyer, he read a book about a Creole boat captain named LaFleur.

lost2010 said...

Or maybe he'd read this quote:

The day you hear someone call me captain will be the day I buy a boat.
Guy Lafleur

Black Swan said...

Great discussions today! I'm getting caught up.

capcom, as requested, a picture of wrench logo on the tank. Sorry it's not very clear; it was moving fast in this scene. The same logo is on Juliet's jumpsuit.

maven said...
I agree with you guys that the numbers might be overwhelming to the smaller group. But also, Richard and company might be biding their time, hoping that these DI people with their technology, might uncover the secret of the time travel that they learn about in 1954. Maybe that's why they wait and eventually do the Purge.

Good call!

memphish said...
As to the truce and Amy and Paul. It looked like the Hostiles were harassing them, not the other way around. So I don't know why someone didn't mention that. Paul was the first to die, right?

That's how I saw it. I'm still wondering why Alpert wanted the bodies?!?

bigdog said..
you think jules and sawyer started a 1977 book club?

ROFL!! Definitely!

lost2010 said...
Hmm, I always thought Sawyer was the Man of Action.

Being a "Man of Heart" and a "Man of Action" can be mutually inclusive. For an interesting take on James of the New Testament and James LaFleur, check out this blog post.
(Capcom, this is the new version of the blog that used to be "Sawyer's Lost World" which you may recognize since I've seen that you have commented there before.) If you go to the annotations tab of this blog, there is more relating to the Bible, Buddhism, and even ancient Huna religion and philosophy as it relates to Lost.

Anonymous said...

I hate to say it but, I loved Sawyer and Juliet as a couple it seemed they had more depth than Kate and Sawyer.

memphish said...

Morning LoCos. Hatchling23 raised an interesting idea on his blog. In 1974, the when LaFleur's people first arrive at, Locke would have been about 18. Let's assume because of his preemie status he got a little behind in school. So he'd still be in high school listening to Geronimo Jackson. So was it after Alpert's encounter with James that he tried to get Locke to come to Mittelos science camp?

memphish said...

A lot of people are getting nervous that the Purge will wipe out our 815ers now that they're Dharma. I'm betting that won't be the case, that instead their leaving will be the thing that allows the Hostiles to conduct the Purge. So maybe if they don't leave this time the Purge will be avoided.

I'm also working on updating my timeline. You can check it out on my blog.

Black Swan said...

Memphish, I like the idea that Hatchling23 has about Alpert's visit to Locke when he was in highschool! And I checked out your blog.. excellent work!! I don't think the purge will wipe out our Losties, either! I agree that they may be the ones who let them avoid a purge altogether OR if you remember, Ben told Locke that he was ONE of the smart ones who avoided ending up in "that ditch".. saying he's wasn't the only Dharma to survive!

Black Swan said...

And forgot to add, memphish.. I love your new avi!

Tess315 said...

memphish said:
Hatchling23 raised an interesting idea on his blog. In 1974, the when LaFleur's people first arrive at, Locke would have been about 18. Let's assume because of his preemie status he got a little behind in school. So he'd still be in high school listening to Geronimo Jackson. So was it after Alpert's encounter with James that he tried to get Locke to come to Mittelos science camp?

I was just talking about that with my sister last night. Except we decided that Locke seemed to be 16 or 17 when they wanted to recruit him. Which would have made it'70 or '71.

Which would make Richard recaction to Sawyer much more interesting.
Here's a guy who knows about a man who'w suppose to be our next leader and I've tried to recruit twice already.

What do you think was going through Richard's head at that point. I think I would have let the truce stay in place at that point too.

As far as the bodies are concerned. I think he wanted his people's because he wanted them buried at home with their families.
I think Sawyer gave him Paul. Because as Richard said they needed justice.
They believe in and eye for an eye according to Alex. She was sure Juliet would be put to death. Then Jack intervened and saved her.

So having Paul's body would serve that purpose. IMO

Tess315 said...

Well as usual that had alot of typos. :)

Capcom said...

Guy Lafleur!! Aw, that brings back my hockey-fan-days memories! :o)

Tx Blacky for the pic and the website direction, I'll check that out! Yes, I really like Sawyer's blog, I think the person is Italian (?) and doesn't speak english well, but does a very good job of getting the point across in the posts regardless.

Capcom said...

Or that is to say, the Sawyer's blog person doesn't speak english perfectly, but does it very well, considering.

memphish said...

Maybe they need to bury people to prevent their bodies from disappearing in case of time skipping. Just thinking about Charlotte, and Frogurt.

As for the Hostiles, they buried them so that the Hostiles wouldn't know they'd broken the truce, but I still don't understand why it was apparently ok that they had killed Paul. I also don't understand why they buried them as opposed to carrying them back to their area.

How do you think Richard got through the fence? Earplugs or something more interesting like a tunnel?

Capcom said...

I'm thinking that maybe they "got" to kill Paul and intentionally Amy, because they weren't supposed to be in that area of the island according to the truce, and they tresspassed. It seems as if Amy tries to make an excuse for why the were there while she's babbling in fear. So it could be the old "line in the sand" thing of Tom's.

Capcom said...

And I would guess the hinted-at tunnel system is how the Hostiles get around the fence.

memphish said...

Do you think no other woman gave birth or even got pregnant in the years between 1974-77? Maybe someone (Juliet) "suggested" that they go off Island for birthing. That's what Amy was supposed to do. But that still leaves the conception problem. No Other woman made it past the 2nd trimester and Amy clearly did.

Tess315 said...

capcom said:
I'm thinking that maybe they "got" to kill Paul and intentionally Amy, because they weren't supposed to be in that area of the island according to the truce, and they tresspassed. It seems as if Amy tries to make an excuse for why the were there while she's babbling in fear. So it could be the old "line in the sand" thing of Tom's.

I agree capcom. I think Amy wanted the hostiles bodies buried so Richard wouldn't know they had been killed. Horace asked Sawyer how well did you bury those bodies. Sawyer replies it depends on how hard he looks.

Paul's body was given to Richard as justice for the killings. An eye for an eye. Richard's people wouldn't know he didn't kill him.

memphish said...

I'm listening to Lost Unlocked and they come to the same sort of conclusion that Amy and Paul being where they are broke the truce. After all Amy never tries to argue they didn't break the truce.

Capcom said...

I don't have a clue what to think about the pregnancies, Memphish. In fact I was kind of annoyed that TPTB gave us yet another inconsistency, or twisted aspect, to insert concering that subject. :-( The only thing that I would guess is that maybe they did have trouble at the end stage or birthing, and went off island to prevent that. Then, somehow the trouble began to creep up earlier into the pregnancy and the troubles came much earlier. ???

Ditto, Saysigirl.

Capcom said...

Right Memphish, she says something about them just wanting to be in the "park" (according to the captions). Maybe she really said "part" and the captions got it messed up, as in this part of the island.

Black Swan said...

Capcom, he's actually German (and I agree does very well considering).

Yeah, it sounds like the old 'line in the sand thing' of Tom's. And I like the idea of the Hostiles using Tunnels to get where they want.

memphish said...
Maybe they need to bury people to prevent their bodies from disappearing in case of time skipping.


I think other women gave birth and got pregnant on the Island. They just don't have an ob-gyn.

maven said...


I think the off-island birthing edict is most likely because the DI doesn't have the facilities for delivery, especially if there are complications. They probably have an off-island Hanso Hospital that takes care of deliveries and more complicated medical procedures.

Capcom and Sayid'sgirl: I also agree that the "line" has been drawn just like Mr. Friendly told Jack & Co. This is their island, stay on your side of the line and we'll leave you alone. Don't know why they didn't do that when the Army came there in 1954....maybe the Army just kept crossing the line. And I do believe Richard & Co. are waiting for the DI to harness the island's properties and/or find the FDW and then they strike.

Capcom said...

Tx Blacky! I wonder why I thought he was Italian? I think he had an Italian blog link on the previous version, and I just assumed. :-o

That could be also, about no OB-GYN.

Tess315 said...

Black swan said:
I think other women gave birth and got pregnant on the Island. They just don't have an ob-gyn.

You're probably right. Like Sawyer said to Juliet, maybe what ever happened to cause that hasn't happened yet.
But it seems awful stupid not to have an ob/gyn on staff and just ship their women off to give birth.

2costa said...

charlottes body disappearing back to its proper time seems to debunk bernard and rose dieing in a past flash and being adam and eve. otherwise the bodys would not be old.

i think julliette was getting confused,the others are the ones with scarred up uterus, not dharma people, prolly just because of the confusing barracks. Perhaps a side effect of being on the island so long?

interesting that a lot of the major flash points seem to come on day's babys are born on the island, they flashed to aaron being born, jack appeared in 1977 when amy was giving birth. The flash points also seem to come on days where people died a lot, rousseaus people, boone, ect or birth and death on the same day

Black Swan said...

maven, I agree 'Richard & Co. are waiting for the DI to harness the island's properties and/or find the FDW and then they strike.'

And it's interesting also with the other things we have seen of the DI, there are like two levels; those who know what's really going on and those who don't, those who use the medical hatch and those who don't, those who do silly experiments with time-traveling bunnies and those who know about the FDW..

Capcom, yeah I couldn't figure out the 'accent' at first either (he's a friend of mine on myspace).

Sayid'sgirl, I agree that maybe what ever happened to cause the pregnancy problem hasn't happened yet.

Tess315 said...

I'm going to have to quit following links. lol

Melissa_Lossa said...

Random thoughts/comments:

My husband wondered if the Creole thing was a wink to the fact that Josh Holloway was widely rumored to be playing Gambit in the upcoming X-Men/Wolverine movie (he reportedly was offered the part and turned it down because he didn't want to be typecast). Gambit is a conman/card player of Creole descent.

Although the Staff is a medical hatch, I always thought it was weird that it was so far away from Othertown. Makes sense that they would have something closer for emergencies.

Remember that Kate, Sayid and Locke just climbed over the fence when they were trying to rescue Jack. So I don't know that it's TOO mysterious that Richard would have no problem.

Black Swan said...

Melissa_lossa, that's interesting about the Creole thing and Josh H.

I think the medical hatch is something on a need-to-know basis and reserved for funky medical experiments.. lol!

And, yeah.. that sonic fence only seems to really work on Smokey!

Sayid'sgirl, what do you mean you've gotta quit following links?

Black Swan said...

On a side note, melissa, How about this great weather we're getting!!! Talk about spring fever!! LOL

Melissa_Lossa said...

I love it! And so does my puppy - I think we've both been suffering from some severe cabin fever!

Poor Mr. Mel has been sick all week, so he hasn't been able to enjoy it. :(

Capcom said...

BTW, welcome to the pond Reformed Skater, the Sawliet water is lovely! :-D

Black Swan said...

Yes, welcome to the pond, Reformed Skater!

But I wouldn't count my chickens (or is it swans?) before their hatched! LOL!

Melissa, I'm glad you and your puppy are able to enjoy it (sorry to hear about your hubby! Don't catch it! Lysol everything and open all the windows! LOL)

Melissa_Lossa said...

Oh, I've already had it!

memphish said...

We've definitely caught Widmore in his lie about 30+ peaceful Island years given that they had to negotiate a truce with the DI in 1974 or earlier.

But what if that 30 years isn't the 30 years preceding the Purge? What if it's the first 30 years of Widmore's life? That would be roughly 1937-the early 70s when DI arrived. Widmore was vague about who tricked him into leaving referring to "him." What if it wasn't Ben, but was Alpert or someone else, Jacob, Christian maybe.

If Widmore left the Island in the 70s that would make Penny more likely to be appropriately aged and born off the Island. If it turns out Penny grew up on the Island and failed to mention it all this time I'm going to be pretty ticked, unless we get about a week-long scene of Penny in Room 23.

Tess315 said...

Black Swan
I went to Sawyer/La Fleur Lost's page and he has the next episode title on his home page.

No big deal. It acutally makes since. It just seems the harder I try to keep away from titles the more I see them. lol

lost2010 said...

I don't get why they would wait until 2 weeks before the baby's due to send the women off island if it's because of birthing facilities. Both of my children were born before that point in the pregnancy. But I really think the point was to let us know that at one time women could deliver safely on the island so I'm not going to put too fine a point on it.

I have personally, never trusted Penny. Ahem. She knows more than she's telling or she's a complete idiot. No one would put up with Desmond's insane 'I'll call you in 4 years' gambit otherwise.

Tess315 said...

Black Swan Melissa
You guys having good weather too?
We have mid 70 temps that's suppose to last all weekend. But with a chance of showers.

Tess315 said...

lost2010 said:
I have personally, never trusted Penny. Ahem. She knows more than she's telling or she's a complete idiot. No one would put up with Desmond's insane 'I'll call you in 4 years' gambit otherwise.

LOL That's where you and I differ. You enjoy Sawyer's relationships.
I enjoy Desmond and Penny's. Which I find more believeable.
Their love seems more real and enduring.

If Kate hadn't left the island Sawyer (and Jack) would still be jumping through her hoops.

But I guess that' why you like him with Julilet. :)

lost2010 said...

I really like him with Juliet. I have never been a tremendous Kate fan. :)

Capcom said...

I like James and Juliet AND Des and Pen! :-D

And I prefer Jack with Kate so that she will leave James alone. :-p

lost2010 said...

Default-jaters. LOL

And for the record, I like Desmond and Penny together, okay. And I really hope Ben didn't kill her. It would be hard to forgive Ben for that one. It took me a whole week to forgive him for killing Locke. ;)

Black Swan said...

Sayid'sgirl, I'm sorry you got spoiled!! I never thought of an episode title being there.

I love Suliet (lol, we all have our own words)! Kate will have to do a lot of redeaming in my eyes before she can end up with anybody!!

lost2010 said...

I read somewhere that since everyone Sayid loves dies, maybe we should be rooting for Kate to hook up with Sayid. But, I wouldn't wish that on Sayid, Sayidsgirl, don't worry.

Anonymous said...

2costa: I was not the only one who mentioned the mascara. So did Sawyer.

Anyway.....he may NOT wear any for real, but his eye lashes are so dark and thick that it appears that he does.

THAT was the point. sheesh.

peace, love and purgatory

Tess315 said...

lol Bite your tongue! Although I could be wrong I don't think Sayid would put up with her crap. At least not for to long. :)

Anonymous said...

Josh is NOT playing Gambit in Wolverine, btw. Just FYI.

That was a rumor from like a year and a half ago.

But weird thing.....I actually knew a guy named LeFleur in the Marine Corps....AND we were stationed in Kaneohe Bay, Hawai'i!!! Weird. His name was Troy, though.

peace, love and purgatory

lost2010 said...

Sayid did date, uh, Shannon. . . .LOL

Anonymous said...

In any case, I definitely see the statue as an Egyptian figure. And whether it's a "real" god or one made up for the island, I'm curious as to WHY it was erected in the first place.....and by whom. Hmmm.......

Who knows? I'm still sticking to the island having something to do with purgatory. Not the entire show being about it, but a purgatory-like state on the island. You have to choose damnation or salvation and you cannot move on until "work is done". or something to that effect.

peace, love and purgatory

Tess315 said...

Don't remind me. I hated that relationship at first. But she started to grow on me.
She just needed someone to love and believe in her like everyone else.

lost2010 said...

Oh, someone somewhere (I forgot to keep track of where exactly) posted that the god with the reeses cup on it's head might be Sekhmet or something like that. And they posted a picture of a statue of this Sekhmet with a reeses cup looking thing on it's head. Apparently, he was supposed to have destroyed Pharoahs's enemies with arrows of fire.

I made a note and then forgot to look him up.

Tess315 said...

That sounds pretty cool lost2010. I'll have to see if I can find that.

Amused2bHere said...

LOL you guys are too funny! Gee I wonder if Darlton had a much fun with the shipping combinations for Sawyer/Juliet as we are.

Jamliet, anyone?

well, 2 cents from me:
--seeing a full statue was great! At least now we know there was a full figure there, like the Colossus of Rhodes.

--if Sayid hooked up with Kate (Sate?) I'd betcha that he'd be the one to kill her himself! But I dont think the writers are going to go there.

--Where they probably wil go is to have Sawyer now all confused about his love for Kate and for Juliet. Bleh. C'mon James, who's had your back all this time? Who stayed with you when you asked her to? Show some appreciation, boy!

sorry to hear of the flu hitting your house, Melissa. I hope your hubby feels better soon.

Melissa_Lossa said...

Sayid's Girl - 70s sounds like heaven! It's been 50s-60s here. Just warm enough to leave your coat unzipped or go outside in just a sweatshirt. It's supposed to rain all weekend here, too. What a bummer!

When it rains, my backyard (and I use the term "yard" loosely) turns into a giant mud lake for the dog to play in. Yuck!

Tess315 said...

I'm going to enjoy it while it lasts. It's suppose to get back into the 50's next week.
Which is better than 15 with 20 mile an hour winds.

Oh come on you know those little beagles love to run in the muck.

I have one too she's 9 years old. That rabbit chasing gene is still strong. lol

maven said...

You guys are so funny with all the Sawyer/Juliet names! I have never been much into the ships, but I really believed this one!

memphish said...

I rewatched this afternoon. I wonder why Sawyer is the only one who has his last name instead of his first name on his jumper. And I wonder why the ladies are less frequent wearers of the jumpsuit, other than of course the logistics of going to the bathroom. We never see Amy in a jumpsuit, but I have to assume her role in DI was significant for her to stay on Island after Paul died. Similarly Heather didn't have a suit.

I also wonder if the scene of Sawyer going to dinner with Juliet and then the scene that follows with him waiting on Horace to wake up are out of order because he's wearing normal clothes at dinner, and then is back in the jumpsuit at Horace's.

Yeah, nothing of much consequence. Still I really liked the episode, at least until the end where Kate and Sawyer's reaction to her just makes me angry. Where's Smokey when you need him?

maven said...

I was also wondering how Sawyer and gang buried those two hostiles with no shovels or digging implements? And the graves had to be pretty shallow and stuck out like a sore thumb in that grassy area. Good cover-up!

Amused2bHere said... that profile pic!!!

BarbaraJay said...

Twinkle, I thought the same thing about kidnapping DI women to make Hostile babies.

I had the feeling that Sawyer was wanting to be domestic with Kate but then she, well, of course, Kate ran away. I think he's loving his new life with Juliet. (Even though I still don't trust her.)

I really like all of the Egyptian connections. Who could have brought this culture to the island?

Beverly said...

Just a few thoughts...

Maybe Paul was a hostile who "defected" and when to live with Amy with the DI and that is why he was weraing the Ankh and why Richard wanted his body. Nah, probably not.

Maybe the park where it looked like they were picnicing is above where they buried Jughead and that's why no-on was supposed to be there?

I was browsing around looking up the defintion of Dharma (my husband is reading the Dalai Lama's book and it had a different definition than what I remember reading about). I ran across this link to a book about Dharma. Here's a description:

"Drawing upon the Kabbalist and Buddhist Dharma traditions embraced by Shulman, The Instruction Manual for Receiving God consists of 108 "seed passages", each a brief insight into divine mysteries of life, death, and wonder."

I thought the fact that it had the number 108 in it was interesting.

Capcom said...

Very interesting Lostit! And coincidentally, I recently found some information on the nubmer 108 in Far Eastern life and lore that I posted a bit from on my Lost Science blog:

There was a ton of instances of the use of 108 in the article that I found, I was amazed!

Barbarajay, even though we don't know enough about Juliet still, I think I'd trust Juliet more than I'd trust Kate, any day. :-)

Beverly said...

I can't shake the feeling that the final scene of the series will be Daniel watching the reports of Oceanic 815 being found and not remembering why it made him so upset.

Beverly said...

Capcom, I never realized that 108 showed up in so many places. TPTB really did their homework when it comes to symbolism.

Capcom said...

That's for sure! They are just all over the place with this story, and not just in a superficial way either! No wonder they wanted to end it soon, it must be a very difficult and complicated piece of work to be engaged in. :-o

2costa said...

i think whoever said it earlier about the two security guys not being in the pearl, were right. They were watching Horace from the surveillance room in the barracks, if they were in the pearl they would have had to pass Horace to get to lafluer. there were way less screens where they were as opposed to the pearl. plus it was surveillance cameras of the perimeter they were watching, not cameras in the hatches. It reminded me of the the room in the hydra that had monitors that jack watched kate and sawyer knocking boots on, but was a little bigger then that room

i think they put whatever familiar name you go by on your jump suit, and i thought it was funny that he went by lafleur just as he went by sawyer instead of tom or james. I also think it was a nod to the fact that sawyer is always more comfortable in someone else's skin then his own. He went by sawyer long after his name was revealed as james ford. He would rather be Lafleur then his god given name james, plus it's a subtle way to gain more clout around people that all go by their first names. "we better call james" just doesnt pack the same punch

yoshi said...

omg maybe i haven' paid attention to Sawyer lately but he seems extremely hot in this episode - maybe extra sensitive is the trait that has been shown. and i had to watch the end twice. there was something so moving and heart wrenching about it.

yoshi said...

omg maybe i haven' paid attention to Sawyer lately but he seems extremely hot in this episode - maybe extra sensitive is the trait that has been shown. and i had to watch the end twice. there was something so moving and heart wrenching about it.

Amused2bHere said...

I really feel bad for Sawyer. I hope he would be loyal to Juliet, and not jump right back into Kate's clutches, but I dont' think TPTB will let things go that way. Of course they want all the soap opera drama of the love triangle...blech. I really feel bad for Sawyer and Juliet.

too much drama for this mama!

Capcom said...

"Blech" is indeed the word for it Amused, IMO, if that's what we're up against. :-p

memphish said...

Hey guys. A couple of things. 1) I read in 1 place and haven't heard this again that Amy and Horace's baby is Cesar. He was born by Caesarian after all and seems to know something about the Island and possibly Dharma. Any thoughts? And 2) I know this is one of those things I'm hanging onto, but the pop-ups said that Olivia was Horace Goodspeed's wife. This is from the Cabin Fever enhanced transcript: We saw Horace in Ben's Season 3 backstory
in "The Man Behind the Curtain."
Horace and his wife helped Roger and Emily Linus
when Emily went into early labor with Ben.

maven said...

I'm not sure about Cesar being baby Goodspeed, especially with the Latin coloring and thick accent. Would he have been taken off island and raised by a Latin American family? I kind of doubt this one. The only thing going with this theory is the right age maybe.

And I also always assumed and got the total impression that Horace and Olivia where Mr & Mrs. I saw that Darlton said they were just friends in a podcast. If they were married in Portland when Ben was born, and Olivia was still around when Ben was a teen, there might have been a divorce sometime in there.

Zort70 said...

Hi all,

Great episode, shame about the wait until the next one.

This, and probably the next few, are the one's I was spoiled about by the Sky 1 programme before the new series started. However it didn't spoil my enjoyment of it as I was really looking forward to it.

Did anyone else think that Sawyers explanation of what had happened to them sounded like the plot of Find815.

The Egyptian connection, does anyone think the statue and/or Richard could be Sutek (The Destroyer), Sutek was defeated by Horus and imprisoned. Perhaps Sutek was banished to the island and cannot escape, but he can influence others (!) to do his bidding. Ben / Widmore may be on either the Sutek or Horus side of the battle.

If that is the case it sounds a little like the plot of a Doctor Who story (Pyramids of Mars).

By the way my HD box was delivered on Thursday and it had a fault, but they replaced it on Sunday and I watched the episode in HD for the first time. Have to say it looked good.

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