Monday, February 11, 2008

The Lost Community Podcast - Episode 35

Join hosts David A. Dein and Steve "The Goog" Guglich as they unpack and digest the brand new LOST mobisode So It Begins as well as unpack the brand new episode Confirmed Dead. This episode comes to you live from the brand new "David A. Dein Studio" in beautiful New Jersey. Have a question or comment e-mail the show at or call 206-202-3512.

Download Now (right-click, save as)


maven said...


FYI: Ausiello at has a list of all shows and how many their status with possibly adding episodes. He says Lost could add 6 new ones.

Tess315 said...

I was looking at that last night. Looks hopeful.
Also if you didn't see it from the last post.
Thanks for your comment.
That lady kind of ticked me off. Just me I guess.

Capcom said...

From previous thread:

I agree with your thoughts on that Sayidsgirl. :-) And it does really annoy me when articles questioning the validity of LOST (written by peeps who most likely don't know much about LOST) always have to have a form of "lost, losing, loser, etc." in the title puns. How original at this point....not.

Brianne said...


Going to listen to the Podcast now!

Erich said...

Ah, well. 6 episodes is better than none. And now...

Iiiiiii'm OFF to hear the podcast/ The Wonderful Podcast of Lost...

memphish said...

Yeah Brianne! You made it back on the site.

Damon told Kristen at E! we'll know by the end of the week. I really, really, really hope they come up with a way to do 8 more. Who wants to buy a 12 episode or 14 episode DVD set? 16 was going to be bad enough.

Capcom said...

What I don't understand Memphish is why there would be such specific thinking at the networks in terms of a "season" in this situation. Networks have been breaking all the old season duration codes as we knew them for the past decade now. They are always knocking around shows at the last minute, or starting shows' seasons in various places in the year, whenever they feel like it. And in light of the strike interruption, what's the big deal about going a little bit overtime into Repeat-Summerville to make up for the slack? I guess that I'm missing something.

Tess315 said...

I agree. If there able to make 6 more episodes within the "regular" season. It shouldn't take that much more time to do the last two episodes. I don't mind watching Lost into June or July. But maybe it would comprimise the writing schedule of next season. I don't know?

Capcom said...

Maybe they should employ Peter Jackson to film all the remaining eps at the same time, a-la Lord Of The Rings. :o)

maven said...

I do remember the good, ole days when you knew when a TV series started and ended and the summer loomed with throwaways and lots of reruns. Now there are new seasons all the time, and so many more channels on TV what with cable emerging as an alternative or addition to networks. I believe that schedules are not set in stone, but possibility our cast might have other commitments for their careers (like doing movies in the "off-season"), and they can only work until a certain date and must move on. Sure, we think 2 more episodes won't hurt anyone, but I'm sure previous commitments might be a factor.

Capcom said...

True Maven, about their hiatus work. We don't want anyone else to go the way of Richard!!!

lost2010 said...

I hope they stay divided up for a while now that I've gotten used to the idea. I'm interested to see how the Locks versus the Keys plays out. And how Hurley ends up switching sides. . .

Scoutpost said...

Bringing over Sayid'sGirl's argument from the previous post... I agree that the lady who wrote that article was over simplifying.

The thing is, the people going with Locke don't have a lot to lose, if you look at it simplistically- if you were one of the general survivors and not privvy to all the info we and the main group have. I mean if the F4 and the freighter peeps are really dangerous like Ben says, then going with Locke looks like a good choice (plus you get a hot shower). If the rescuers are honest to goodness good people, there to rescue them, then they would make follow up attempts to get to the Locke group and give them a second chance for being rescued. I doubt any real rescue team would give up on anyone who wanted to leave. So except for the danger that may lie in the jungle between them and Otherville, I would think that going with Locke would be a safe and maybe smart decision.

Tess315 said...

I don't know why my spelling is so bad anymore. I use to get straight A's when I was a kid. Of course that was a long time ago. lol
"there" should be their and "comprimise" should be compromise.

Scoutpost said...

As far as new episodes, of course we all hope they could crank out all 8, but you know at least we get more than the 8 we have. I mean that's REALLY good news. We could've lost those 8 episodes all together, but at least now, if we lose any storylines, we'll be losing less. I'm just so glad the strike ended soon enough for them to do something about it. I really hope they can do 6. I could be really happy with 6. :)

Tess315 said...

That's a good point. If the F4's are good they would more than likely follow Jack to the barracks to get the others. Maybe not Locke thought. :)
And there's nothing wrong with being safe and "survivin'" as Sawyer says.

lost2010 said...

I still think I'd go with Locke. At least he seems to try to keep his group together. (Although the smiling in the rain and talking to ghosts bit would have shaken my confidence). Jack has yet again taken off into the jungle with Kate while sending the rest of his followers to the beach. Good thing they didn't all listen to him.

Dennis said...

Sorry for another long post...

DiggityDirge said... I forgot to ask. Did anyone see the cut out scene that was on GMA today? I'm sure it was nothing.

I watched the Friday and Saturday GMA, and I didn't see anything...

Lost 2010 said... Dennis - You must keep excellent notes.

I copy and paste people's comments into notepad as I read through the comments. Then, when I'm all caught up, I'll respond to the ones that haven't been addressed yet.

Lost 2010 said... There are all sorts of reasons where I can see them sending Hurley back even if he does take up a bit more room than say, Kate.

Which brings up an interesting possibility. Since they were running low on fuel, but took Hurley anyway, maybe the helicopter runs out of fuels and crashes on the way back. That could explain why they can't go back for any more people.

memphish said... I really like Vozzek's opening about our LOSTies becoming the Others. In fact it's scary that it's both so obvious and so not.

There are obviously HUGE difference between 815 survivors who accidentally landed on the island, and the F4 who came to the island intentionally.

ib4uc said... Sorry if this was mentioned earlier (I didn't see it) but I was looking at and noticed that they have a Sawyer Nickname Generator.

It was mentioned in the Podcast thread. I listed all the nicknames, and how they are generated in my post at 2/06/2008 09:54:00 AM

LostIt said... OMG, how do you folks find the time to post all this stuff. It took me all night to catch up!

Teamwork :)

LostIt said... Also, are there any screen shots of the newspaper Charlotte was looking at? There MUST be a date in there somewhere! The enhanced TTLG said that according to the count on the tape that Danielle had recorded, the Losties had been on the island for 91 days. This was when they pulled the tape at the tower.

Here is the screenshot of the newspaper. The date is not legible.

memphish said... Also whether or not they made deliveries to the Swan, they would have to know it existed because half the food has the Swan logo. You can see it here from the beer in the van that fateful day.

That doesn't really fit in with what we know about The Swan. They received a shipment by parachute in "Lockdown". Obviously this means that their supplies weren't being provided by someone on the island (since Dharma are all dead). Plus, the whole lock down protocol, with the contamination suits, etc, doesn't fit in with a "workman" delivering beer.

I think the beer is made for the "swan" station, but they also get it in the barracks as well.

Sayid'sgirl said... the reason each character would make their choice... Rose has always been close to Jack and maybe she sees Jack's attempted murder just as stress.

The problem with Rose going with Jack is that she said previously that she wanted to stay on the island (because she has the cancer and she thinks the island has healed her).

Brianne said...

Thanks, Memphish! I'm glad to be able to post again!

I think all-in-all, I'll be happy with anything more than the current 8 episodes!

Carol Dunstan said...

the thing with the supply drop is I don't think Dharma is really opperating off the island either. They've lost Hanso funding ages ago, maybe they've picked up funding from elsewhere but at what point do they give up on the island when they have lost control of it and don't seem to have any contact with it. I would think instead of sending supplies with the assumption that everything is AOK in the Swan I'd be sending replacements for Kelvin and Radzinsky. Anyway, I tend to think the drop is some automated on-island system... those giant hamsters have to do something when it's not their shift to power everything ;)

Here's something else to ponder... I've come across a few people in the last week saying that they're losing interst due to the lack of answers. Now, I know this is nothing new and you can't please everybody all the time... but what questions do you want answered? What answers do you think the casual viewer wants? What answers do you think we'll get?

Personally, I love the trickle of information. And while I have various theories about the island, I'm happy to go where the writers take me. Of course I may see things differently at the end, but for now I am happy

Tess315 said...

dennis said:
The problem with Rose going with Jack is that she said previously that she wanted to stay on the island (because she has the cancer and she thinks the island has healed her).

True. And Bernard asked her about that. But I think at this point she would rather take her chances with Jack and the F4 and her cancer than with Locke whom she thinks is crazy.
She had reconciled herself with death before the crash.

Scoutpost said...

Carol- I just think that there are those of us who love puzzles and solving mysteries, so we like the tease and are willing to stay with LOST for the journey that it takes us on. Then there are those, who like my husband, just want to be entertained for an hour and be done with it. LOST gets really interesting the deeper you dig, but if you're just watching the surface story about people stranded on an island, then I guess it gets old.

What I don't understand is- don't the casual viewers realize that as soon as we get the answers, that there will be no more show? Are they just wanting the show to end? Do they not realize that the show is about the mystery, not the answers? I guess not.

Dennis said...

Carol Dunstan said... the thing with the supply drop is I don't think Dharma is really opperating off the island either. They've lost Hanso funding ages ago, maybe they've picked up funding from elsewhere but at what point do they give up on the island when they have lost control of it and don't seem to have any contact with it. I would think instead of sending supplies with the assumption that everything is AOK in the Swan I'd be sending replacements for Kelvin and Radzinsky. Anyway, I tend to think the drop is some automated on-island system... those giant hamsters have to do something when it's not their shift to power everything ;)

This was discussed during The Lost Experience, but the Sri lanka video said that "regular medicine and food drops will be made in perpetuity." If there is no outside source, where did the food drop come in "Lockdown" come from? Ben? Maybe Dharma is no more, and the food came from whoever the Freighter is working for... Widmore, or ...?

Carol Dunstan said... I would think instead of sending supplies with the assumption that everything is AOK in the Swan I'd be sending replacements for Kelvin and Radzinsky.

Well, up until recently, the button was still being pushed, so everything was AOK, if button pushing was the prime objective (Think about the polar bear cage - push a button, get food). Now that Lock blew up the Swan, entered 77, then blew up the Flame, the people sending the food know that something is wrong, and maybe that is why they sent the boat, to get answers from Ben.

lost2010 said...

It has just occurred to me as I rewatched that Hurley has never met Abbadon. Don't know why I didn't realize that before. I've been thinking Abbadon himself made a deal with Jack and Co., but if that were so, Hurley would have known who he was. . .

Erich said...

Steve raises an interesting idea in the podcast (I'm about half an hour in): that the Maxwell Group needed to shut Frank up about the 815 cover up.

What if the F4 (maybe even Naomi) were sent to the island to get Ben not because they're the best for the job, but because all four (or five) of them know something, and it's expected they'll either be killed during the mission or stranded on the island.

And heck, if they manage to capture Ben, all the better. They can always be killed later.

Dennis said...

David and Goog,

THANK YOU! for putting the spoiler warnings back in the podcast :)

Capcom said...

Remember about the supply drops that TPTB said (in a podcast, or on a commentary, etc.) that the food drops are not necessarily coming from of-island sources. Which leads one to think that they are maybe popping up from an island porthole, or something like that. Maybe from a giant underground bazooka gun that blows out the food pod and then it parchutes down. :o) Heehee.

Ange said...

Maybe from a giant underground bazooka gun that blows out the food pod and then it parchutes down. :o) Heehee.

CAPCOM! You just made me have to go spit out the water I had in my mouth. LOL that caught me off guard and has given me the giggles. I think tonight's dinner is going to be from a bazooka food pod!

Off to listen to the podcast now.

Jennifer said...

I have it on pretty good authority that the pics on Doc Arzt's site that you were discussing were of another movie shoot in the area. It's probably not LOST.

maven said...

Erich said: What if the F4 (maybe even Naomi) were sent to the island to get Ben not because they're the best for the job, but because all four (or five) of them know something, and it's expected they'll either be killed during the mission or stranded on the island.
Maybe that's why Abbaddon asks Hurley if THEY are still alive...meaning the Freighter 4.

As for Rose going with Jack. I was surprised initially, because she didn't even want Bernard to spell out SOS with rocks. I think she really thinks Locke is crazy and doesn't trust him or his motives. She was happy for the reprieve she got, and was able to spend more time with Bernard, but she's ready to get off now.

Yes, David and Goog: Thanks for the spoiler warning (gave me plenty of time to mute).

The Dharma Food Drops have been speculated about since we first saw them. Dennis is right that TLE gave us some insight that it's a pre-set arrangement. Whatever company is doing it, has been paid for perpetuity and continues to do it.

I find it so frustrating with the casual viewers of LOST...including my husband. I finally get him interested in watching it with me, and he walks out of the room when it's over, and I only have you guys to obsess with (thank goodness)! I'm glad that he and some of my friends watch it at their level...but we all know our level is so much more rewarding!

DiggityDirge said...

thanks guys for the info on the GMA scene. I have two commercials during last weeks epi on my tivo that say to watch for an important scene cut from the final epi on GMA. It even quotes a time. I swear!

Anyway, the scenes are never important so maybe they changed their minds. Thankgs again for checking.

maven said...

It will be interesting to see what happens with the Thursday 9pm time slot. "Grey's Anatomy" is slated to probably have 4-7 new episodes ready for April/May. How's that gonna work with "Lost" doing so well in that slot now?

Capcom said...

Sorry Ange! :-D You made me laff too, while trying to chew and swallow dangerously sharp tortilla chips!

memphish said...

Erich said:What if the F4 (maybe even Naomi) were sent to the island to get Ben not because they're the best for the job, but because all four (or five) of them know something, and it's expected they'll either be killed during the mission or stranded on the island.

I was thinking along these lines too before I rewatched the episode, but Abaddon tells Naomi her mission is to get these 4 people on the Island and off the Island without any of them being killed all while saying "there are no 815 survivors." Abaddon must have something else to hold over their heads to keep them quiet on their return. I talked a little about this over at my blog today. I think there's more to the mission than just Ben or else you only needed to send Naomi, or Naomi and Frank in.

ular97 said...

My hubby watches about half of Lost with me, sometimes all of it. He is a little confused about how I can find it so detailed and the need to analyze it. It is a weekly series to him. He also goes with me to the book store for books and the Lost Magazine, but he isn't sure why I am compelled to get to the store before they sell all the magazines. He is just glad it keeps me occupied for the most part and he can watch his Prison Break and "man" stuff, if he keeps quiet about Lost I keep quiet about the stuff he likes. Especially about Ghost Whisperer, which i despise. LOL

ular97 said...

Pooh, guess I double clicked that, accidentally. How do I delete one?

ular97 said...

It's gone, did I do that or did someone else fix it for me? LOL

ular97 said...

Darn I thought it was gone, but it wasn't. HELP!!

memphish said...

ular -- you should be able to click a little trash can on your own posts and select to delete them.

Unknown said...

Click the little trash can icon on the one you want gone.

Tess315 said...

I read somewhere and I'm not sure where. Maybe the bu-ray extra stuff at wiki. That Damon/Catlton had said that just because the food drop had a parachute on doesn't necessarily mean it was dropped.
Not sure what that means.

Capcom said...

Right, that's what I meant Sayidsgirl, thanks!

Joseph Finchum said...

Just wanted to pop in and say a few things.

Hanso as of the time of the TV show does still exist, dave and goog mention it a few times as being defunked, but The first ARG has the, Iguess you could say, the downfall of Hanso. Rachel goes there, and so does The guy from "Bad Twin."

So the Maxwell Group is indeed out there, but they have not taken over, or taken over for The Hanso Foundation.

The picture on the screen of the pilot was indeed a still of Greg Grunberg... with a mustashe.

ular97 said...

Back, was gone a few min. Okay...the trash can...the only one I see is in my kitchen. I have an orange square with g in it, a message, and a date and time stamp on the bottom.

ular97 said...

Take that back. I refreshed and my little trash can came up. Thanx

Ellen said...

Hi Everyone!
Getting slowly back into the land of the living here...and caught up on comments! You guys are so your ideas!I'll probably have more to say later, gotta make dinner right now! BBL...

Melissa_Lossa said...

OMG... it's 6 p.m., I'm still trapped at work.... just took a brain break to catch up on some comments - you guys are crazy!

Quick question - I wanted to listen to last week's podcast, but I didn't because people were complaining about spoilers. Those of you who listened, after seeing last week's episode, is it safe to listen now, or are there spoilers about later stuff as well?

I'm trying to be good and spolier free this season!

Back to work....

memphish said...

Melissa_Lossa, this week the podcast has clear spoiler warnings with instructions on how much to skip, so listen freely.

Good job putting the podcast together guys, but I think I disagree with almost every thing you said. I agree with Joseph that first Hanso still exists in the 2004 world of the Island. Second, the Find815 show gave us Maxwell, part of Widmore, but nothing on the show has indicated Abaddon and Naomi are part of Maxwell or Hanso.

Ange said...

I haven't listened to the Podcast yet because iTunes synced the wrong one, but I'll get to it. kinda following the discussion about Widmore/Hanso etc. Ded reminded me of Bad Twin. Of course I tool notes when I read that and they guys used them to make the Bad Twin pdf thing, but here's what Bad Twin had to say on Hanso:

References to The Hanso Foundation:
•It is on the 42 floor of the Widmore Building.
•The men and women seen there had neat, short hair and they wore white or mint-green lab coats
•There is a plaque that Artisan is directed to when he asks what they do there it says, “The Hanso Foundation stands at the vanguard of social and scientific research for the advancement of the human race. For forty years, the foundation has offered grants to worthy experiments designed to further the evolution of the human race and provide technological solutions to the most pressing problems of our time. The Hanso Foundation: a commitment to encourage excellence in science and technology and furthering the cause of human development.”
•Later, through conversation between Cliff and Arthur Widmore we find out that Mittlewerk is on the board of Widmore, and that Alvar was once too.
•The only ally that Cliff has on the Widmore board is a man named Mittlewerk from The Hanso Group. Other members thought Mittlewerk was, “…dangerous-ambitious and brilliantly two-faced, a man of action on an agenda of his own.”

It seems plausible for Widmore to have taken over the whole show, and have someone from Hanso on their board. Heck my cell service is Cingular, says so on all my bills, but ATT runs that ballgame. I dunno, I'm not saying that Hanso doesn't exist, but it could certainly be that they are not in full 100% control anymore.

maven said...

Ange: Love it that you still have your Bad Twin notes! LOL

Totally agree with you that Hanso is still active in the 2004 world. If we are to believe TLE, Mittelwerk had taken over Hanso and wrestled control from Alvar and started using THF for nefarious things with his own agenda. With him being on the Widmore Board and even with Hanso being in a Widmore Building, that would add more credence to Widmore being the big player here.

maven said...

FYI: Next Lost Fantasy League is up.

I'm 1359 and hubby 1252 (I'm closing in on him! LOL)

memphish said...

I fell to 2237! ;p Only 1 of my characters was even in the episode. But my time is coming. Surely, my time is coming soon.

Melissa_Lossa said...

memphish - I know how you feel! I dropped to #2320. One of these days, my team's going to make me proud. One of these days...

Dennis said...

Sayid'sgirl said... I read somewhere and I'm not sure where. Maybe the bu-ray extra stuff at wiki. That Damon/Catlton had said that just because the food drop had a parachute on doesn't necessarily mean it was dropped.
Not sure what that means.

First let me say that really sucks that there is stuff on the blu-ray version that's not on the regular DVDs :(

Thanks for the tip to look on lostpedia. They have a full transcript of Lost - Access: Granted

One thing they confirm - CHRISTIAN SHEPARD IS DEAD! Sorry Dave and Goog.

Carlton Cuse: Jack’s father Christian Shephard is dead but still manages to show up in the show. So but in terms of actually physically corporally in existence though he’s dead.

Melissa_Lossa said...

Here's some news from Damon Lindelof on the new episodes:

Sounds encouraging!

Hey, I tried using the directions here on how to make a link, but it wouldn't accept my html. Any idea what I'm doing wrong? I tried to cut and paste my link where the link was in the sample, but it wouldn't work.

Twinkle said...

maven said:
Maybe that's why Abbaddon asks Hurley if THEY are still alive...meaning the Freighter 4.

I suspect that's what he meant too.

re: Hanso Foundation -
According to the timelines from Lost and TLE, Mittlework would be in charge of the Hanso Foundation island time. And we know he's obsessed with the Valenzetti equation and carrying on the work of Dharma but seemingly with no interest in the island. Instead he's developing the vaccine that will kill 1/3 of the population (which is unveiled in TLE 2 years later). Sooo...the Hanso Foundation still exists but probably is leaving a huge power vacuum, especially in terms of Lost island, for Widmore to step into.

Cool info from Bad Twin, Ange!

Melissa_Lossa said...

Sorry, I should have said that you need to scroll down to the bottom of the article.

Twinkle said...

RE: Access Granted -

TPTB also say that the person in the coffin is definitely someone we've met before.

Dennis said...

Melissa_Lossa said...
Hey, I tried using the directions here on how to make a link, but it wouldn't accept my html. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?


oops. sorry, it's my fault. that should be a </a> (not b) on the end...

maven said...

And I also like the Widmore connection because they've given us a human story to the big corporation with Penny and Desmond. In Find815 we find out that Maxwell is a subsidiary of Widmore. And with all the Widmore product mentions (pregnancy test..which is important to the fertility aspect of the island, and Henry Gale's balloon...landing someone or something on the island), Widmore seems to be playing an integral part of the story.

maven said...

Over at DocArtz, Erasedslate posted an audio clip of what Miles said to the "dead" Naomi..."you've got to see it through". I don't know what it could mean. Maybe that's why he wants her body to remain on the island and not get loaded into the copter. Maybe she still has instructions to give the Team through Miles.

ular97 said...

I listened to the clip and I could not make myself hear the same thing. I thought the last word was Naomi though.

TakesaVillage said...

I don't think "just meat" Naomi is finished yet.When Miles called her that,it reminded me of when our Daughter was little,she thought Paul Young was singing "Every time you go away,you take a piece of meat with you."
I moved up in TLFL to #1280.
Will the new episodes be called the Darltonic 6?

Tess315 said...

I dropped down to 1726 in TLFL.

jess4ua said...

Takes a village- ROFL! Maybe that should be LOST's new theme song.

I am holding back all of my excitement that will let loose when new episodes are confirmed! I am too afraid to believe it, until it happens....don't want to be disappointed.

Sayid's girl said:I read somewhere and I'm not sure where. Maybe the bu-ray extra stuff at wiki. That Damon/Catlton had said that just because the food drop had a parachute on doesn't necessarily mean it was dropped.
That kinda reminds me of the chute at the Pearl Station. The one that went to a pile in the middle of nowhere. Why was Dharma creating so many false images for those folks. I wonder what else we think appears to be true but really isn't.

maven said...

Here's what Carlton Cuse had to say in "Variety" today:

As for "Lost," exec producer Carlton Cuse said he and fellow showrunner Damon Lindelof would meet with ABC brass today to hammer out the plan for the rest of the season. They won't be able to finish the remaining eight segs of the show's planned 16-episode season -- five is a more likely number -- but they will be able to craft a completed storyline for the remainder of this season, Cuse said.

And whatever segs are not produced this season will be picked up down the road in the show's remaining two seasons, Cuse said.

"We're going to try to make as many as we can and do a good job of finishing out this season," he said. "We'll have to compress some of the storytelling we planned for this season, and that may not be a bad thing. Damon and I feel like we know how we can finish it off and still make it a really, really great story."

Sounds like they're trying to do the best they can and still tell a great story.

Fun Box Boards said...

Found a deleted scene: HERE

NOTE: This is NOT a spoiler... Enjoy!

Zort70 said...

Thanks for the link, I don't think it adds anything - which is probably why it's a deleted scene !

By the way why was Juliet digging ?

Zort70 said...

Who was she trying to bury ?

memphish said...

That was the clip they showed on Kimmel I think. I hope she's not trying to bury 10 Others right in the middle of the LOSTies camp. Ethan Memorial Park is over to the left as you face the camp if Hurley is to be believed.

Zort70 said...

I'm just listening to the Devils Advocate podacst and about 20 minutes in we get an extra bit of a Lost Community Podcast !

Zort70 said...

the Devils Advocate Podcast even :-)

maven said...

This quote from Variety makes me think that we're only getting 5 more episodes this season and the remaining 3 are going to be compressed into the the total will now be 45 instead of 48?
"45" isn't a LOST number! LOL

The goal for Cuse and co-showrunner Damon Lindelof is to produce five more episodes this season, a tall order given the time constraints and the scope of storytelling and production on "Lost." Even with five additional hours, Cuse and Lindelof will be three episodes short of the premapped fourth season.

"We will have to condense some stories," Cuse said.

Melissa_Lossa said...

What I've gotten from the news so far is that they're going to shorten this season's story to fit in just five more episodes. Then they'll tack the remaining three episodes onto the next two seasons.

So, we should still get the same amount of episodes, we just won't have three even 16 episode seasons. I hope so, anyway!

Passafist said...

Actually Zort I mulled over adding the two conversations we had about Lost on THE DEVIL'S ADVOCATE to tha back end of the podcast. But I decided against it. Would that content be worth adding to the lost community feed? Let me know I"ll produce a Bonus episode of the TLC with that conversation only. WORD UP!

Melissa_Lossa said...

David, I love your new avatar. :)

Amused2bHere said...

All caught up. Whew!

Now, off to make dinner and listen to the podcast.

It's good to have David and Steve back!

Capcom said...

Hi all. Thanks for the links as usual. I think that the Juliet out-take is interesting...kinda goes with what Frank said to her. I love how she jabs away at Sawyer's hypocrasy when it surfaces. :-) Atta-girl.

memphish said...

Evangeline Lilly is scheduled to be on Letterman tonight.

Unknown said...

maven: Sure it is! 15 x 3

But I can't figure this out. The season would have ended on May 15th if we had gotten all 16, uninterrupted.

Would it really screw things up that badly if they worked in even one or two off-weeks and extended the season to the first week of June, and then gave us all 8 episodes?

Unknown said...

Man, that's twice now I've posted under a different account. At least this time it was still my name.

Capcom said...

That's what I don't understand Kyle...why the worry from the network about going over a bit at the end of the season? Everything is discombobulated from the strike now anyway, so who cares? Like Maven and I were thinging, since when do the networks follow season parameters anymore anyway, they are always changing things up at the last minute.

maven said...

I still think maybe the cast and even some behind the scenes people may have previous commitments based on when the 16 episodes were originally supposed to be finished. They might have hiatus deals to makes movies or work on other projects. It's the only thing I can think of why they can't do all 8.

Capcom said...

That's right, I forgot that you mentioned that. :-)

Amused2bHere said...

I don't believe (until told otherwise) that the actors or crew had other commitments lined up. There was a strike, and no one knew when it would end so how could they have other commitments for the summer?

There's no good reason for not producing 8 more episodes. It's not like the workers would complain about a longer work season, especially if it means having more residuals to get from possible reruns (download, streams, etc).

Is it Thursday yet?

Unknown said...

amused, just because the strike was on didn't mean that previously-completed work couldn't be produced (if I understand correctly). But I agree that it's unlikely that a majority of LOST actors would have made acting commitments for the hiatus when everything was still up in the air.

maven said...

A lot of times these hiatus deals are made way in advance, even before the strike got more and more possible. Usually, cast and crew are given beginning and ending dates, and they make their plans accordingly. I'm not saying this is the reason that doing the remaining 8 seems to be a problem...just a possibility. (I used to work in TV production -- quite a while ago -- so I know shooting schedules are done way in advance to line everyone and everything up.)

maven said...

This Just In: The WGA has voted to lift "the restraining order" by 92.5%! THE STRIKE IS OVER! The writers still have to vote to ratify the contract...but, THE STRIKE IS OVER! Everyone can get back to work.

maven said...

This is from Ausiello at

Welcome back!
Carlton Cuse: It's good to be back. It'll be even better tomorrow when the writers all start rolling in and we start getting to work... pending the vote, of course.

What came out of your meeting with ABC today?
Cuse: Damon [Lindelof] and I are going to try and make five more episodes before the end of May, which is ambitious. But, we've found ourselves in situation where we had eight episodes of story planned, and we're going to try to fit that into five hours of the show. Even though it's going to be very hard to execute, we felt like any less would be doing a disservice to the story we had planned. We really want to give the fans the best possible experience and ending that we can to Season 4.

Any chance that the first of the five episodes will air the week after that last pre-strike episode— thus eliminating any scheduling gap?
Cuse: No, there's probably going to be four weeks between the airing of the first batch of episodes and our new episodes.

What will happen to the three "lost" episodes? Will they roll over into next season's 16, or will they vanish forever?
Cuse: Damon and I remain committed to producing the 40 additional hours of the show that we promised. We haven't figured out exactly when we'll put those other three on, but we're not eliminating them from the show. You will get those three episodes downstream.

I know it's early, but have you decided what will have to get cut from this season's arc in order to accelerate things? Are we going to lose some flashbacks and/or flash-forwards?
Cuse: All those conversations will take place tomorrow when we actually start talking about story.

Is it possible that some guest actors you were planning to use before the strike may no longer be available now? Like, for example, Andrea Roth?
Cuse: Yeah, there are a lot of issues that have to get sorted out. We're also in the middle of pilot season... We're kind of figuring out what has happened to all of our actors who have gone on to do other things. Literally, there are cobwebs on the couches in the writers' room. Call me in a couple of days and I should have more answers for you.

OK, last question: Have you come up with a code word for this season's top-secret cliffhanger?
Cuse: [Laughs] Not yet. That's a very good point. We'll have to get on that. If you have any ideas, Mike, let us know.

maven said...

So there are some problems with actors scheduling contributing to the 5 episodes estimate! I guess I was on the right tract about that! (patting myself on the back)

maven said...

My fifth comment in a row! Where is everyone? LOL

Black Swan said...

Hi maven (if you're still here)!

Great news about the end of the strike! If they're in pilot season, it sure could screw things up with casting.

Scoutpost said...

Yeah the strike is over!!! Well look on the bright side...All the Heroes fans aren't getting any new Heroes episodes because their shows require so much f/x and cgi that they could only complete about 1 episode before they'd have to stop.

I guess we'll just have to be thankful for 5, I just hope it doesn't compromise the story too much. I guess nothing's written in stone yet. And just what other things have the actors gone on to? There was nothing to work on during the strike- what, are they delivering pizzas or signing on for DWTS? We know Jorge Garcia hasn't been doing anything that would prevent him from coming back ASAP.
eh well....

And I know I'm a little slow on the uptake, but it just dawned on me today that the next episode of LOST is on Valentines Day. My husband asked me if I wanted to go out to eat...I said no, LOST is coming that terrible?!!!:(

Amused2bHere said...

Scoutpost, it's not terrible, it just shows you have your priorities

Amused2bHere said...

{pats Maven on the back too} I stand corrected, although I still don't see how the plans they made for after the season can't be moved around. Doesn't everyone have the same problem of unfinished work from this seasonus interruptus? One would think that the general view would be to scrub pilot season in favor of finishing the current crop o'stuff. (Didn't NBC or somebody already scrub pilot season?)

Oh well. At least we get more Lost, and Darlton promised the total number would not change, just maybe not an even 16-16-16 split like was planned.

Now, let's see when Chuck is coming back...

Apex Zombie said...

Holy crap, the most infuriating thing about that whole podcast...

memphish said...

All right Book Clubbers we really missed this one. Miles is the name of the boy in Turn of the Screw! Thanks to Aimee in Little Rock from the TLI podcast and her reading of Lostpedia for that one.

Melissa_Lossa said...

scoutpost - Mr. Mel and I are getting take out for dinner on Thursday. He said that he knew that the best Valentine's Day present he could get me was the ability to watch a couple of Lost episodes (I'll probably re-watch last week's right before this week's). What a guy!

Melissa_Lossa said...

memphish - I didn't even think of that! :) Interesting, especially because Miles may or may not have been killed by a ghost in Turn of the Screw. Let's hope Miles was always real nice to Naomi on that boat!

Dennis said...

memphish said... Evangeline Lilly is scheduled to be on Letterman tonight.

I watched this....Evangeline talked about what she did during the strike, and her ugly eye infection. :P The only mention of Lost was when Dave asked if they are ever going to find the Hatch, and Evangeline answered "Dave, when are you going to start watching my show?".

Lost was mentioned in the Top 10 list :

Top Ten Things Abraham Lincoln Would Say If He Were Alive Today
1. Seriously, what the hell is happening on 'Lost'?

ular97 said...

Of course Honest Abe would want you to give him an honest update too! Bet his least favorite people would be "wow" most of them, they all tend to tell fibs when you think about it, some just bigger ones than others.

Capcom said...

Yeah, Evi on Dave was kind of disappointing on Dave's part. You could tell at one point that she was getting a little unnerved by the fact he actually turned away from her while she was talking, trying to read something on his desk for a long time. And here he's got one of the more articulate young actresses on his show who doesn't act like a bubbley bimbo, and he can't even pay attention. I think that he likes it better when actresses like Diane Keaton are on who just incessantly giggle at everything he says. :-( Poor Evi.

Although, I have to say that it would have been nice to see her in something other than the usual Island attire, she looks so pretty when she's dressed up. :-)

memphish said...

Well if you didn't like Evi on Dave, then don't waste your time with her on Regis and Kelly today. I hadn't watched Regis and Kelly in a long time, and it was painful even when I skipped the baby stuff and most of Colin Farrel. She retells the Japan stuff from Letterman and they showed a clip from the upcoming episode which in my effort to remain spoiler-free I didn't watch.

memphish said...

Send Lost E-Valentines.

Capcom said...

I liked Evi on Dave, I just didn't like Dave on Dave. :-) Actually, I never like Dave. Yeah, when actors do the talkshow-row run within days, they usually go over the same things.

Capcom said...

BTW, should we be making bets on whether or not Locke is going to blow up Otherville? If he thinks that the F4s are coming there, he may do just that.

memphish said...

If I were on Team Locke at this point, I'd start negotiating with Charlotte. You want Ben; fine we'll give you Ben if a) you leave immediately and never come back (Locke's position); b) you peacefully take the rest of us with you (probably everyone else's position).

memphish said...

CBS has announced that Cane (featuring Dr.Richard "Eyeliner" Alpert) is remaining on hiatus. That could be good news.

Tess315 said...

memphish said:
CBS has announced that Cane (featuring Dr.Richard "Eyeliner" Alpert) is remaining on hiatus. That could be good news.

Thanks, I was wondering if they would pick back up after the strike.

I think Evi is pretty too. But to be honest I think she looks better without all the eye makeup and blush.

maven said...

Morning all: It must be so frustrating for the cast who go on these talk and late-night shows to promote LOST and they have to talk about anything but! I don't think these hosts even watch it (obviously Dave doesn't.

Good news about Cane going on hiatus. (The kiss of death.) Now we'll get those Temple scenes!

And, Memphish, you make a great point about Locke's Team wanting to turn Ben over to the F4 (do they know yet how many other Freighties are on the island?). I don't know if they would have any strength in negotiating other than turning him over willingly. Right now it's just her against the Locke Team. I guess Ben would argue that if they do that, it's just a matter of appeasement, and the boat people eventually will get everyone else!

Capcom said...

I agree Sayidsgirl, she is more pretty natural. But if I were working on a show where I wore nothing but grungy khakis and tank tops, I probably wouldn't wear khakis and tank tops on talkshows. :-) Mostly to sell myself as more than just castaway fodder material, as an actor.

Tess315 said...

You've got a point there. She is an actress after all.

Ellen said...

Hi everyone!
Memphish-thanks for the link to the LOST valentines! How very cool...

I watched Evie on Dave and on Regis. I was very disappointed. I don't think any of them watch the show, and that is such a shame. It's very difficult for me to understand how they can effectively interview anyone unless they at least watch or something! I'm not a big Oprah fan, but at least she'll read a book or watch a film before she interviews someone so that she knows what to ask or comment on.
Guess that's why her show is so popular. I don't care too much for the avenue she's traveling now, so I don't watch anymore (the secret and all that...). Anyway, the clip on Regis was not "all that" either, so you didn't miss anything by not watching it, Memphish.

I just have one more thing to say, that valentine with Sayid is soooo awesome! (I sent it to myself!!!*giggle*) I just couldn't resist!
I'll be lurking, hope you guys have a wonderful day.

Tess315 said...

ellen said:
I just have one more thing to say, that valentine with Sayid is soooo awesome! (I sent it to myself!!!*giggle*) I just couldn't resist!

OK Now I'm going to have to go look at them. :)

Ellen said...

Sayid's Girl! I knew that would spark your interest!! :D

maven said...

Thanks for the LOST valentine link, Memphish. Sent "Jack" to hubby!

Dennis said...

Ellen said... I watched Evie on Dave and on Regis. I was very disappointed. I don't think any of them watch the show, and that is such a shame. It's very difficult for me to understand how they can effectively interview anyone unless they at least watch or something!

I really like Letterman and watch it most nights. He does much better with movie stars, since he generally watches their movies before he interviews them. I guess it just different for TV shows, especially when they are on another network. Or, he could be just joking around with Evie.

BTW, Jimmy Kimmel, who is on ABC, does watch Lost, and will have Rebecca Mader (Charlotte Lewis) on tonight.

maven said...

Here's an update on the rest of the season and beyond by Ausiello at

The writers' strike may end up being the best thing that ever happened to Lost.

ABC is said to be finalizing a post-strike spring schedule that not only hands Lost its best available time slot, but promises to further strengthen the network's stronghold on Thursday night.

According to multiple sources, ABC plans on airing this season's final five* Lost episodes on Thursdays at 10 pm/ET beginning in late April, where it will follow all-new episodes of Grey's freakin' Anatomy! Throw in fresh installments of Ugly Betty at 8 pm and you've got yourself the most formidable one-two-three punch since the early days of CBS' Survivor/CSI/Without a Trace smashup. Creatively speaking, I'd go so far as to say this rivals NBC's storied Must-See-TV juggernaut back in the '90s.

And I haven't even gotten to the best part.

The best part is that I'm hearing that ABC is strongly considering keeping this dream lineup intact this fall... and beyond.

I don't know about you, but this almost makes up for ABC's mishandling of [insert any number of show titles here].

* This just in: I'm now hearing that Lost's final arc may consist of six episodes, not five. No, Team Darlton isn't making an extra episode this season. Rather, the final installment of the current run (aka Episode 8) will likely be held to kick off the final batch of five. According to my spies, Episode 7 makes for a better, more logical, break. Discuss....

Source: TV Guide

Black Swan said...

There certainly has been a wealth of info here today.


Memphish, for the valentine's link. I think I'll send a Kate to hubby (but Juliet's is the funniest)

Melissa, for the great idea of how to spend Valentine's (already went out to the fancy dinner)

Memphish, for the info that "Cane" is remaining on hiatus. We need Richard Alpert and the temple!!!!!!

ellen, for the idea of sending those valentines to myself (hey, why not?)

dennis, for letting us know Charlotte will be on Kimmel tonight.. (setting the tivo)

maven, for the update from Ausiello at I had heard somewhere that there was a big cliffhanger at the end of ep8 that would leave fans crazy if we had to wait too long for ep9

Black Swan said...

amused2bhere said...
Now, let's see when Chuck is coming back...

I heard Chuck won't come back til next fall

Black Swan said...

I saw Evie on Dave and was disappointed that they didn't talk Lost at all! She flirted with him like crazy, IMO. He didn't seem all that interested. Must be the swimsuit cover model was on his mind....

Capcom said...

Oh man, I really got into Chuck, he was supposed to be back in January. :-(

Capcom said...

I thought that he was kind of disrespectful to her, Codysmom. He really didn't seem interested, like you say.

memphish said...

David Letterman's interviews of LOST characters have also been strange because he's never watched the show. I much prefer Kimmel interviews when it comes to LOST. And Ellen. She watches the show too. Michael Emerson is supposed to be on The View tomorrow as well.

Dennis said...

BTW, Here are a couple of more Lost apperances for your Tivo:

Michael Emerson - The View - Thursday 11:00 AM
Evangeline Lilly - Craig Ferguson - Thursday 12:35 AM

maven said... I don't know about you, but this almost makes up for ABC's mishandling of [insert any number of show titles here].

Daybreak, Journeyman, Six Degrees, What About Brian ...

Great news about the LOST schedule! Thanks!

Black Swan said...

capcom, I'm a Chuck fan, too. There are so few "comedies" on TV that make me laugh anymore or that I will even watch. The only other one I can think of that's new is "Carpoolers"

memphish, I think you're right about watching the Lost stars on shows where the host actually watches the show. I will definitely watch The View tomorrow!!

Black Swan said...

Thanks, dennis! (Tivo is set) I happen to like Craig Ferguson. I wonder if he watches Lost?

Melissa_Lossa said...

LOL - I don't know, the idea of Michael Emerson on the View cracks me up. He almost always looks like he's plotting who he's going to kill and/or ruin next. Yikes!

Black Swan said...

BTW, not to brag, but at dark ufo's fantasy league... I'm 333...yay! up 24 points from last week!

Black Swan said...

Hey, ml... you guys keeping warm on the west side? We're freezing AND sick of snowstorms coming in right at rush hour.....

memphish said...

Since I don't watch any other TV show obsessively and don't tune into interview shows when their "stars" are on and don't watch these interview shows in the first place, it's hard in my own mind to figure out what I really want to see in these interviews. I think it's frustrating to watch them often because what I really want to see is either a)Insiders grilled for answers sort of like the OLP or ComicCon panel or b)in depth discussions on minutia like the ones we get into here. And of course I never get either of those things on these shows because the vast majority of their audiences don't care. They just want to see what Evangeline Lilly is wearing.

Melissa_Lossa said...

codysmom - holy cow! It is just ridiculous here. We easily have two feet of snow in our yard. And you're not kidding about the storms swooping in at rush hour. I only live a mile or two from work, and it took me close to 30 minutes to get home last night!

Are you building igloos yet? :)

maven said...

I think most of the people who watch these interview/talk shows just want to get some personal story from the actors. They want to know what they had for breakfast...LOL We all know that they're not going to reveal any big info regarding LOST. It is kinda fun to see them "cleaned up", though!

maven said...

ML and Codysmom: Sorry to hear about your weather's 80 degrees here in LA! :) On the other hand you get to see LOST 3 hours before me! :(

Black Swan said...

LOL, melissa... I don't build igloos... just lots of shovelling ... it's my only "winter sport":) And, yes, it's getting ridiculous! Hubby is 35 miles from work and takes him 2 hours or more during these storms. Wow, 30 minutes for a couple miles???

maven, you remind me of my son who lives in Alisa Viejo... he loves to send me a picture from his phone depicting the dashboard of his car showing the temp... I, in turn, send him a picture of our snow drifts:) We'll be out there April 1st for a visit... hope the great weather holds til then!

ular97 said...

It is sunny, 70 deg. and I get Lost the same time as the east does. LOL I am south San Antonio area.

Melissa_Lossa said...

All right, all right - I've had just about enough of the warm weather stories. :)

I'll have to take a photo of my house for you all to see - it's quite a sight!

codysmom - my mom has the same problem. She works in Novi, about 40 minutes from home, usually. It's been taking her 2 - 3 hours some days over the last couple of weeks.

Capcom said...

Yay, Codysmom, Go Chuck!!! A little nerdy, a little spy-ey, and a lot funny. :-)

I agree Memphish about the interviewers. If I was one, I would try to get to know the person outside of the character. That's why what Evi was wearing was noticable to me, I guess. I wondered how she would dress as herself to get an idea of her own personality outside the show...and she ended up coming onstage dressed like Kate! :-D

Capcom said...

It's been snowing lightly here in Knox, Melissa, if that makes ya feel any better.

ular97 said...

I have lived in cold area's, shoveled snow and all the things that goes with it. (I even lived near the divide in Colorado and New Mex. both) Honestly, I miss snow and different seasons sometimes. Summer type weather for 10-11 months a year can get very boring, especially when winter is not but a half a dozen days or so that actually get to freezing. I have not had on my down coat or a heavy jacket for 4 or 5 yrs.

ular97 said...

You know, I sort of get the impression Evi can spruce up really nice for red carpet affairs. However, I somehow think she is more of a jeans/shorts and tee type female if left to her own preference's.
I was a little disappointed that she dropped my favorite hobbit when he was no longer on the show though.

Black Swan said...

Yes, enough weather stories... suffice it to say these two simple words

double fleece

capcom, that's a perfect description of Chuck:)

And, just between us girls (sorry, dennis), Evie doesn't have the ears for a tight up-do....

But, I digress...
Speaking of Lost, I've been reading an interesting thread here

(Hope that worked!)

Capcom said...

That's a good point over there on Lost-TV, Codysmom. Hmmmmmmm.

Amused2bHere said...

No Chuck until the Fall? Aw rats!

At least we'll have Richard Alpert to cheer us up...

Tess315 said...

I haven't gotten as far in the post as you but shortcake (post 8)said they felt the FB seemed more like FF. I'd have to agree. I had the same feeling.

maven said...

Codysmom; Your link to Lost-TV blew my mind with hofner36's theory (Post #274). A lot of it makes so much sense it scares me! LOL

Black Swan said...

maven, yes.. some interesting stuff there. I'm still reading...

maven said...

I just tried reading through all of those posts on that thread and I now have the biggest headache! LOL The only theory that really blew me away was Post 274.

Ellen said...

Maven-just read that post. WOW! That was very insightful. Wonder of these posters "know" someone, or are they just really intuitive?
I never thought about the significance of the pic frames, nor would I have ever put that together the way they did. Truly mindblowing...

BTW-blogger is goofing up again for me. I have to go all the way up to the top of this thread to post....bummer. Wonder why? Anyone know?


Black Swan said...

amused2bhere said...

At least we'll have Richard Alpert to cheer us up...

Yes!! I hope so! If he shows up this season, I'll change my avi

Sayid'sgirl said...
I haven't gotten as far in the post as you but shortcake (post 8)said they felt the FB seemed more like FF. I'd have to agree. I had the same feeling.

Really? I guess I didn't because they all show the news stories of Finding 815 as a "current" thing... meaning about 2 months (or a little more) after it disappeared:

Miles hears it on the radio
Charlotte see it in the tunisian newspaper
Frank and Dan see it on TV

Or maybe I'm letting my assumptions made from playing get to me.

maven said...

Ellen: The way the camera lingered over those pictures on the wall, not once, but twice...leads credence to it being of more importance to the story than just a prop error. (And, unless they shot that scene in more than one day...why would the prop master change the frames from wood to medal and nobody notice that?)

Have no idea why blogger is buggy for you. Where's Dennis? He'd know!

I agree with Codysmom that the FBs are FBs of the F4. They were all finding out about finding of the freckage in different ways. They would have had to be recruited by Abbaddon/Naomi pretty quick, though. From the time of the freckage being found (approx. early to mid-Dec?) to getting on the freighter and getting to the island, not much time would have gone by.

picsel said...

Heya guys, just got back from blackpool with my mates, thanks for all the happy birthday wishes etc from you all

I know this sounds really lazy but i dont want to have to read all of the comments because i only just watched the episode, are there any main theories we have about the 4 people and why they were chosen, i thought maybe they were all connected tothe island in someway to begin with seeing as Dan was crying, but then i thought maybe they have all been chosen because they each have a unique way to tune with the island ie. The Freighties boss is trying to control and see who connects with the island best.

The other thing i saw storyline wise was when Jack pulled the whole Others tactic of "we have you surrounded" i thought that was just absolutely amazing, pure brilliance, but also signified two things to me, first how much the castaways have become accustomed to the island now and how they know how to do things, and this kind of links into the other thing i noticed.. "The Losties" are now "The Others" to the Freighties. To the freighties these survivors are everything The Others were to the Losties. They were unexpected, they know the island better and are playing dirty but doing it for the right reasons. I thought this was really interesting any other thoughts?

picsel said...

To the earlier discussion about more episodes and why they might not be able to make more episodes before June July i agree maybe they could make more, but with Matthew Fox and i think Naveen Andrews might be in a film too having other commitments and other castmembers im sure it would just be difficult, not thinking about all the work Bad Robot is going to have over the next year or so..

JJ abrams is directing the new Star Trek film, which is coming out in December so alot of his time will be on that film too, which im sur eis a huge drawback to the LOST thing

picsel said...

Sorry for the triple post but something just sprang to mind, after all of the religious tie-ins we have had throughout LOST i just remembered that CS Lewis (the Author not Charlotte from the show) based all of his books upon the bible and religion. Probably nothing, but trying to figure out what importance CS Lewis has to LOST and that is one thing that i thought of.

maven said...

Picsel: Hope you had a good time with your mates!

You seem to be on the right track in your thoughts about the episode. Most of us think that the Freighter 4 (F4) are there for a reason...either to connect to the island or help explain some of the unanswered questions, or they might have been there before. And we did have discussions about the Losties becoming like the Others...they seem to consider the F4 as the Others viewed them! Giving Charlotte the same middle name and initials as CS Lewis was no coincidence. The writers name their characters for a reason.

Anonymous said...

what's daniel's last name??

not danielle. daniel. geek-boy. anyone? anyone????

picsel said...

Maven: Yeah thats what i thought, i guess you should add every single CS Lewis book to the next TLC Book Club list lol

Chucklez3: Daniel Faradae or Faraday i dont know how to spell it

Anonymous said...


Tess315 said...

codysmom said:
(reguarding the F4's FB being FB or FF)
Really? I guess I didn't because they all show the news stories of Finding 815 as a "current" thing... meaning about 2 months (or a little more) after it disappeared:

Yeah but when is current?
I don't know why I got that feeling. It just seemed out of sync to me. I could be wrong.

Melissa_Lossa said...

Chucklez's question about Dan's last name reminded me - has anyone talked about Faraday cages yet?

Here's the excerpt from wiki:

A Faraday cage or Faraday shield is an enclosure formed by conducting material, or by a mesh of such material. Such an enclosure blocks out external static electrical fields. Faraday cages are named after physicist Michael Faraday, who built one in 1836.

An external static electrical field will cause the electrical charges within the conducting material to redistribute themselves so as to cancel the field's effects in the cage's interior. This effect is used, for example, to protect electronic equipment from lightning strikes and other electrostatic discharges.

To a large degree, Faraday cages also shield the interior from external electromagnetic radiation if the conductor is thick enough and any holes are significantly smaller than the radiation's wavelength. For example, certain test procedures of electronic components or systems that require an environment devoid of electromagnetic interference may be conducted within a so-called screen room. These screen rooms are essentially labs or work areas that are completely enclosed by one or more layers of fine metal mesh or perforated sheet metal. The metal layers are connected to earth ground to dissipate any electric currents generated from the external electromagnetic fields, and thus block a large amount of the electromagnetic interference.

Passafist said...

Hey guys,

Here's a little Valentine Treat!

The following is a bonus episode of The Lost Community Podcast that includes excerpts of Episode 32 and 33 of The Devil's Advocate Podcast in which we discussed Lost! Have a question or comment e-mail the show at or call 206-202-3512 .

Zort70 said...

Thanks for the bonus podcast, I was cooking when I was listening to the DA so I'm going to listen again in case I missed something.

Zort70 said...

I know there are a few Torchwood fans out there so I though I'd let you know that the new series has an ARG to go with it. Torchwood ARG. *** It is a companion for the second series so may contain spoilers. ***

It is quite basic compared to what we have been used to with the Lost ARG's.

However I think someone in the BBC had been playing TLE as it has a few familiar elements, the main character is called Natalie Blake !

Tess315 said...

Happy LOST day!!
Happy Valentines Day!!

memphish said...

Doc Jensen's preview. I'm not going to read it until tomorrow because I'm already inadvertently spoiled on a couple of episode items, (small, but still,) and I don't want any others.

Aimless22 said...

Phew, that's a lot of comments!
I know I'm a week behind ya'll down under here but my pick for Ben's mole is Regina on the phone who will turn out to be his lil' ole' girlfriend Annie!

Yeah yeah yeah???

ular97 said...

I don't have a clue who the mole is, but I think it will be a female and probably one we know, since tptb love to do the unexpected. I think female because Ben seems to surround himself with males to do his obvious bidding, but he manipulates people with females, if he isn't doing it himself.

maven said...

Happy Valentine's Day to My Lost Family and all their Loves Ones!

I'm staying away from Doc Jensen, too. I'm so scared of any slight spoiler!

maven said...

This is from Kristin at EOnline:

The last episode of the current pod (episode seven) will air Mar. 13. Then the show will be off the air for six weeks and return Apr. 24 at 9 p.m.

(That Apr. 24 episode will be the already-completed episode eight, which was filmed prestrike, but which apparently works much better as a minipremiere than it does as a minifinale.)

Anyhoo, the following week, on Thurs., May 1, a little show called Grey's Anatomy returns to its usual 9 p.m. time slot, so Lost will move to 10 p.m., where it will stay for the rest of the season.

"Yippee" just doesn't do it justice, does it?

To find out what this all means for the season-four story, I checked in with my personal Jesus, Damon Lindelof, who explains how his writing team plans to squish the eight episodes of plot they had planned into only five more episodes.

"We are going to execute our full story plan for season four," D.L. says. "This simply requires a shift from high-octane storytelling to superhigh-octane storytelling. It requires no cramming, only a slightly heavier foot on the gas, hold on to your hats. Those of you waiting for the long-anticipated Jin and Hurley Ping-Pong tournament, however, will be very disappointed."

Black Swan said...

Happy Valentine's Day!!!
Better yet, Happy Lost Day!!

Oooooo, Doc Jensen.. I want to read it, but don't want to be spoiled.. I guess I'll wait, too.

maven, interesting how they're going to leave out anything unneccessary to squeeze it all in this year... "hold onto your hats".. ha ha

bigdog said...

happy valentines day! hope everyone has understanding loved ones. As Codysmom said it is Lost Day as well.

Capcom said...

Happpy V-Day everyone!

OMGOMGOMG!!!!! The first bold quote from Damon in Doc's article is what I have been waiting for since DAY-1 on this show. I can't wait!!! Yowza. Man. I am happy, if he is being serious and not just teasing, as in it could be someone dreaming it and not the real thing. Can't wait for the screencaps! Obviously I can hardly contain myself, sorry. :-D It's not a spoilery thing about what will happen tonight, but I still don't want to mention what it is, just in case.

Emerson was fun on The View this a.m.

Capcom said...

Also, on page two of Doc's article he goes into C.S Lewis connections, also mentioning Turn of the Screw. This made me think of Lewis' book The Screwtape Letters, in which the Devil employs one of his minions in skillfully controlling (and hopefully destroying) a particular human subject's life and soul, which in turn makes it like LOST where our protagonists seem to be urged along by some behind-the-scenes (or behind-the-material world) controlling force(s). just a thought. :-)

Black Swan said...

I totally enjoyed Emerson on the View today, too. He really is a funny guy. I liked his story about the couple he kept bumping into...

Dennis said...

maven said... Have no idea why blogger is buggy for you. Where's Dennis? He'd know!

Beats me. If you are reading the comments at this URL:

the comment window should be at the bottom. If you take off the &isPopup=true at the end, it will format differently with the comment window at the top

Is that what you are seeing? Or are you having some other problem?

picsel said... JJ abrams is directing the new Star Trek film, which is coming out in December

FYI, Star Trek was moved back to March 09

Ellen said...

Thanks Dennis! This is great, now I can post better.
Don't know why it went buggy on me there?!!!
I just finished watching the last 8 episodes from S3. I just love LOST. My husband thinks I'm obsessed, hmmm, ya think? *big grin*

Melissa_Lossa said...

Hey, zort - you'll have to let me know how that Torchwood ARG plays out. BBC UK is being all snobby, and not letting this lowly Yank on the site. ;)

Oh, and for those of you who are 24 fans, season 7 has been postponed until January 2009. Bummer.

Tess315 said...

I had that same problem over at Oceanic Conspiracies. It would start out at the top like Dennis' second example. Then I would refresh and it would be at the bottom. And it would go back to the top. It didn't always do that though. But that was before (I think it was Ange) Changed it to show comments like this blog.

memphish said...

Happy Valentines and Lost Day everyone.

I finished reading Kiddo the 3rd book of the Wrinkle in Time series last night. Here's a brief run-down of A Swiftly Tilting Planet.

The jist is that Charles Wallace, the youngest and most special Murray child, travels through time and enters the consciousness of people living in those times past in order to change a Might Have Been thereby stopping the destruction of the planet.

As the book opens a South American dictator has threatened to launch nuclear weapons at the US within 24 hours thus setting off a Cold War era escalation which would kill most everyone on the planet. With the help of a unicorn Charles Wallace travels on the wind through time, though not space, everything takes place in the one location of the star-gazing rock. Each time Charles travels through time he "goes within" a person, a young boy/man in that location. He and the person he is within act as one being but each time Charles Wallace learns more about the "Might Have Been" a place in history where you could choose x or y, and he can also exert influence the person and his actions in order to change a Might Have Been. By the end of the book Charles is able to ensure that a certain marriage does take place and another does not take place with the end result being that the man who had threatened nuclear destruction is now a different man, a peacemaker. Additionally by the end of the book, the rest of Charles' family doesn't even remember that there was a nuclear threat at all. That's how changing that one Might Have Been in the course of the one night of the novel plays out in the rest of the world's consciousness. Only Charles Wallace, his sister Meg and Meg's mother-in-law know the truth. Things even go so far as to change a letter that is in their possession between the first and second time they read it.

So needless to say you can see some possibly LOST parallels given time travel that doesn't put your current self on the scene, but puts you within someone else (possibly even within yourself in Desmond's case, but with more knowledge than he would otherwise have.) The changing letter also reminded me of the changing pictures in Mrs. Gardner's house that we were looking at yesterday. It's also the case that only the "very special" can perceive these changes perhaps like Ben and Walt.

I was a little skeptical of this book when we first started it, but I by 50 pages in I really started to enjoy it and could definitely recommend it.

Melissa_Lossa said...

Oh, and happy valentine's day, you crazy kids!

If you're not too spoiler-conscious, there's an interview with Jorge Garcia on

The first five questions are completely spoiler-free, and the rest of them contain extremely mild info.

Dennis said...

Thanks ML!

BTW, Has anyone listened to the "Bonus" podcast yet? Does it have any unmarked spoilers?

ular97 said...

It took me a while to get into Wrinkle in Time, but you think the rest of the books in the set are worth the read as well?

2costa said...

seems like they will tack on the missing three episodes onto subsequent seasons so maybe 17 next season and 18 in the final season...this is what darlton had to say about it, but the kristen thing is more recent...
What will happen to the three "lost" episodes? Will they roll over into next season's 16, or will they vanish forever?
Cuse: Damon and I remain committed to producing the 40 additional hours of the show that we promised. We haven't figured out exactly when we'll put those other three on, but we're not eliminating them from the show. You will get those three episodes downstream.

I know it's early, but have you decided what will have to get cut from this season's arc in order to accelerate things? Are we going to lose some flashbacks and/or flash-forwards?
Cuse: All those conversations will take place tomorrow when we actually start talking about story.

2costa said...

The good news is that form what i hear Cane is history so maybe richard will be back this season, they sort of left him leading the other woman to the temple up in the air...

TakesaVillage said...

Happy Lost Valentines Day.Lots of good news to go around.Thanks for the schedule update Maven.This season may be the wildest of them all so far. I prefer 9 o'clock,but 10 wasn't so bad last year.I kind of got used to it.
Maybe Miles'frame changing Ghost got on his Mom's last nerve by always changing stuff around.Some folks like things just so.

Melissa_Lossa said...

ular - I read at least one more book in the Wrinkle in Time "saga" years and years ago, and as I remember, I liked it at least as much as the first one.

LOL - does that help you at all? ;)

memphish said...

Ular, if you didn't enjoy A Wrinkle in Time I'd say don't bother with the rest. They follow the same characters and are pretty similar in terms of interacting with supernatural characters to resolve crises. If I weren't reading them out loud to my son, I probably wouldn't have continued with them.

ular97 said...

Okay, Memphish...I will forget them. Wrinkle was okay, since it got a Lost Point across, but I had rather read Lost Magazine, which I have every copy so far. LOL I have enjoyed all the books in Lost so far, just some more than others. How old is you son? I found Wrinkle somewhat confusing to read, and I am antique.

ular97 said...

There was a big shooting at Illinois Universtity. They showed somthing about it on TV. I think they said 18 died? I missed a lot of it, so I am not sure

maven said...

I didn't particularly enjoy "Wrinkle" either...definitely not enough to read more of the series. I think any piece of literature can be tied into LOST if we try hard enough. LOL

ular97 said...

I totally agree Maven. That is what I think about theories too...I hear one and (if) I understand it, I think it is perfect until I hear the next one and it is the right one. The untils go on and on! LOL

maven said...

Ular: I'm reading that 15 are injured. Shooter is dead.

maven said...

Is there something going on wit Blogger today? Now it seems that their putting only comment 1 - 200 on one page and 201 + on another?

ular97 said...

Oh no, there is a big grassland fire going just a few miles east of me. It is burning a house, one already burned along with some barns and a car. Couple weeks ago, my friend was in the midst of a grass fire. It burned their 38 ft. fifth wheel, a semi trailer, and a shed. I was within 3 ft. of their home. We have high winds and very dry weather lately.

ular97 said...

hmmm...I didn't go to the next page and it took me to a new post/page.

maven said...

It's like they're building in a lag alleviation post. You can go to newer or newest and older or oldest? Never seen this before.

Dennis: Explain! LOL

maven said...

Seems like the LOST curse continues:

Bai Ling (aka Achara) was arrested for shoplifting.

ular97 said...

I have seen it on other blogs, but not here. I like it though.

Dennis said...